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My character is a level 21 Redguard named Vlad Dracula III who specializes in Long Blade (53), Destruction (48) and Restoration (51). I am the Arch Mage and just joined the Companions. In the main quest, I'm at the point where I need to talk to the Greybeards. I have one house (fully decorated) in WhiteRun and one horse. I use the Grimsever sword and am currently focusing on conjuration skills. Tell about your character.....
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my character is a High Elf named Bhyrindar Tellynnan (i stole this name of a wild elf of eldreth veluutrha in D&D faerun).

im on lvl 37, my best skills: archery 87, sneak 82, enchant 100, smith 100, ilusion 75, conjuration 67, im the leader of companions and im a werewolf, i got the nightigale set and a daedric bow, i enchanted it with paralize and shock damage.


lolol in the main quest im going to get dragon claw! LOLOL!

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Lisa Dargon


level 53

since more than 3 skills are at 100, I'm gonna list them in the order they were maxed:

Enchanting, Destruction, Smithing (but only ever build stuff for lydia), Alteration, Illusion, Summoning...Restoration is at 85 or so, sooo slow to max that.

I take pride in never having used any physical weapon in the whole game, escept for those rare ocassions where you have to, and when I tried the summoned weapons out that one time.

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Name: Donjharr

Race: Khajiit

Level: 36

Top 3 skills: Destruction, Archery, Sneak

Other specialised skills: Enchanting, Smithing, Restoration, One-Handed


Love the Khajiits in this game! They look sick! :D

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Name: Ji'kahr

Race: Khajiit

Level: 21

Skills: One Handed, Sneak, Lockpicking


I had been playing a dark elf and restarted after twenty-some hours :P First character I played in Oblivion was a khajiit and it just didn't feel right to start anywhere else in Skyrim.

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