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"wah, wah- I want money" post on Gamasutra


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A IP at most is worth 5% maaaybe 10% if its huge like star wars. I don't see any valid reason why beth would be able to claim more.

The IP itself may be only 'worth' 5-10% (where are you getting those numbers?), but Bethesda also creates the tools and assets we need to modify the game. And they also code the very system into the game that allows for relatively easy modification. So while I would love to see a ratio greater than 25/75, I'm not altogether certain that Bethesda will see it that way. At most I imagine it would be a 50/50 split, but honestly that's just me daydreaming.


I have to take a 'break' from this.


I just got a call from a very long time friend that got the news he has cancer and is given a short time to live.


On a personal note:


I grew up enjoying good debates and even heated ones. But as my Jr. High Coach stated.


"When the debate is over, it is over. Do not take it personally or emotionally. It was a debate for the fun and enjoyment of the debate and LEARNING from others."


I have enjoyed the give and take and understand that - I do not take this personally. I did enjoy very much learning and reading the other side.


Thanks! ... Jj ...

Spend all the time you can with your friend. And know that there is always hope. I know several people who had very serious (Stage IV) cancers and are still here today because of successful treatment.



Thanks - I just got off the phone with him - We've known each other for going on 45+ years. We been through "Thick and Thin" together .. a common phrase we have used with each other. We both know of people like you stated, who are still alive .... so ya, there is always hope.

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Odd that inzanity didn't provide a link to the blog, don't you think? It argues AGAINST paid modding, heh.

No, it actually doesn't.


Regardless, zanity is just posting more conspiracy laden drivel from an anti-choice standpoint.


Reneer already posted the correct link, thanks. The only blog that came up in my search was the one I linked to.


inzanity, yep, no surprise there:


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A IP at most is worth 5% maaaybe 10% if its huge like star wars. I don't see any valid reason why beth would be able to claim more.

The IP itself may be only 'worth' 5-10% (where are you getting those numbers?), but Bethesda also creates the tools and assets we need to modify the game. And they also code the very system into the game that allows for relatively easy modification. So while I would love to see a ratio greater than 25/75, I'm not altogether certain that Bethesda will see it that way. At most I imagine it would be a 50/50 split, but honestly that's just me daydreaming.


I have to take a 'break' from this.


I just got a call from a very long time friend that got the news he has cancer and is given a short time to live.


On a personal note:


I grew up enjoying good debates and even heated ones. But as my Jr. High Coach stated.


"When the debate is over, it is over. Do not take it personally or emotionally. It was a debate for the fun and enjoyment of the debate and LEARNING from others."


I have enjoyed the give and take and understand that - I do not take this personally. I did enjoy very much learning and reading the other side.


Thanks! ... Jj ...

Spend all the time you can with your friend. And know that there is always hope. I know several people who had very serious (Stage IV) cancers and are still here today because of successful treatment.



Thanks - I just got off the phone with him - We've known each other for going on 45+ years. We been through "Thick and Thin" together .. a common phrase we have used with each other. We both know of people like you stated, who are still alive .... so ya, there is always hope.


Really sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully he'll beat the odds. Cancer just sucks. I can't think of anybody who hasn't lost family or friends to some form of it. Again I wish your friend the best.

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There are far more 'apple to apple' comparisons if you choose to look.


I get checks from a game company where we are able to submit models and textures only, that are approved by their art staff, and then sold in their marketplace. These are cosmetic items only, not gameplay changing stuff. And their art devs ensure that they 'fit within the genre'.


Not the perfect comparison to modding, but similar enough.


Company 60% Artist 40%. Very generous and the highest payout I would expect to see.


The company provides a captive audience of millions. There is simply no way an individual or team (no matter how awesome the quality is) can match what a company like Bethesda brings to the table for the mod author.


Their cut is deserved, and brings millions of potential buyers to your product.


This stuff is already being done, people are already making tons of money, people have long been enjoying their 'virtual pixel items'.


You guys seem behind the curve. Bethesda is seeing this happening and realizing there is a right way to do it, even if they blew the first attempt.


They will do it. Just a matter of when.

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You guys seem behind the curve. Bethesda is seeing this happening and realizing there is a right way to do it, even if they blew the first attempt.

I for one am certainly not "behind the curve". And I doubt anyone else here is either. Was the e-book publishing the best analogy for paid mods? Certainly not. I chose it, however, because e-book publishing as an analogy to paid mods generally avoids a lot of irrelevant banter that comes up when you mention a functioning virtual user-run economy where the users create all the products like the one in, say, Second Life.

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Ah. I see. So you're arguing that because Bethesda doesn't have those pre-production costs that mod authors should get a higher percentage. Got it. My counter to that is simple: Mod authors are using Bethesda's IP. Without the use / license of that IP, mod authors would have nothing to mod.


Furthermore, we don't know what services Bethesda will offer mod authors who do chose to sell their work. They could, theoretically, offer the same kind of services that, say, Amazon does with their publishing services.

Reneer man...... In business you are supposed to argue for a LARGER cut for yourself. Not scramble to find reasons that you should get a smaller cut lol. It actually is rather weird seeing some people do this.

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Reneer man...... In business you are supposed to argue for a LARGER cut for yourself. Not scramble to find reasons that you should get a smaller cut lol. It actually is rather weird seeing some people do this.

I'm only arguing the point that a 25/75 split is reasonable. I'd love for a 50/50 split, but that's a pipe dream, especially when dealing with a company like Bethesda / Zenimax. I'd rather a 25/75 split than nothing at all. And if people keep pressing Bethesda / Zenimax for a higher percentage they just might toss the whole idea permanently.

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Reneer I'm not talking about e-book publishing. Why would you think that? Bolded for reading comprehension.



There are far more 'apple to apple' comparisons if you choose to look.


I get checks from a game company where we are able to submit models and textures only, that are approved by their art staff, and then sold in their marketplace. These are cosmetic items only, not gameplay changing stuff. And their art devs ensure that they 'fit within the genre'.

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Reneer I'm not talking about e-book publishing. Why would you think that? Bolded for reading comprehension.

You will notice that I didn't quote that part of your post. I quoted the part where you wrote "You guys seem behind the curve", not the part of your post where you talk about how you are financially compensated for your work developing assets as a third party.


If I had wanted to reference that part of your post, I would have done so by quoting it. Selective quotation of your post is not a lack of reading comprehension.

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Yeah, I guess I'm the one lacking in reading comprehension.


If you were aware of these examples that are better comparisons why would you have mentioned e-books at all? And why when a better example/comparison is provided would you return to talking about e-books?


I'm not sure what 'the irrelevant banter' revolving around a 'virtual economy' is.


If we've found a 'better' comparison then the 'banter' would seem, to me, to be 'more' relevant.


The point I was trying to make is, this has already been talked to death, figured out by game companies, and monetized years ago.


Nobody is getting a 50 - 50 cut. I use the better comparison and their 60 - 40 cut as a real world example of, what I feel, is the largest cut anyone could expect from a large corporate company.


The tenor of the discussion just leads me to believe some folks aren't aware of game companies selling third party assets in their games for years (that are NOT Second Life).

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