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"wah, wah- I want money" post on Gamasutra


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Losers hate democracy and discussion forums, since their non-arguments get torn to shreds - and all the shills in the world can't compensate for well considered explanations.


Gamasutra currently hosts a deplorable 'blog' calling for Beth to finish ruining the mod community by re-introducing 'paid' mods- but the form of the 'blog' ha to be one of the most despicable I've ever read- really sinking to new lows.


The author lists the 'pros', praising each one of course. Then lists the 'cons'- which, would you believe, each have the author 'explain' are 'nonsense'. What astonishing 'logic' and 'balance'.


And apparently- if a thing costs money- well its always going to be better than a 'free' thing- because 'reason', I kid you not- the idiot actually advances this as his key 'logic'.


Let's see. If we call the cost of a thing 'x' and say the value of a thing is in some way proportional to 'x' (as this idiot claims), then by definition when x=0, as with free mods, then the mod literally has no value. I'm sure all the modders who have provided their mods for 'free' will be glad to hear this.


And according to this blog, it is Beth's Human Rights to sell mods (AND take the lion's share of the 'profits)- because 'reason', and any damage to the modding community is utterly IRRELEVANT because someone is making a profit somewhere.


That someone is still prepared to argue 'anything in the name of capitalism- to hell with the greater good' shows just how bankrupt the Beth shills really are.


The existence and growth of Nexus in the golden age of community modding PROVES the truth of the free modding movement. That their are mega-rich corporations like Zenimax, already raking in record amounts of cash from business models none of us object to, who will happily TRASH community modding for the sake of a tiny increase in income, should make us all feel sick to the core of our souls.


The best mods by a million mile, like those from 3DNPC (iNPC etc) will never be able to monetise, because they are happy collaborations by so many different people. Yet people who bang out 'trash' mods in hours, using FREE guides and FREE tools and FREE advice think they have a 'right' to bring the House of community modding crashing down because they dream of 'easy' money- like the fools who 'play' the lottery.


This is why we can't have nice things. When decent people come together and create something wonderful, conscience free individuals will smell an opportunity for profit, and with ZERO concern about hurt and harm, will target that community for exploitation until it is sucked dry and dead.

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Zanity, unless you propose to do something constructive to effect positive change, your postings are merely pointless passive-aggressive rants. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy mods. End of story. Meanwhile, I will continue to politely decline PMs from Nexus users asking me how they can donate, as my work is free and I don't accept donations. My latest Nexus-exclusive mod, currently #9 in the Top 25 list, took 375 hours to create. Oops, I just invalidated your non-argument. Sorry.

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Eh personally I have nothing against mod authors being able to charge for their work so long as the following is done


1: The percentage the author gets should be a 50/50 split. They do allot of work after all and don't really have all the tools the devs do.


2: The authors realize that if they make a good mod they don't have to charge allot for it. Even if its a big story with allot of content they could charge just 50 cents for it and if it gets downloaded a million times that's still a quarter million dollars after a 50/50 cut from bethesda.


3: Bethesda needs to hire a full time staff of at least as many people as the nexus has (likely double or more) and give them all the tools needed to police their site.


4: After they have the people to police it they need to be extremely harsh with how they handle harassment, doxxing and theft of modders work. How the official site is being handled now is basically a replica of 4chan. (they need to link steam accounts and if your doxx people or steal modders work not only get your CD key invalidated but your steam account hardware banned)

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Eh personally I have nothing against mod authors being able to charge for their work so long as the following is done


1: The percentage the author gets should be a 50/50 split. They do allot of work after all and don't really have all the tools the devs do.


2: The authors realize that if they make a good mod they don't have to charge allot for it. Even if its a big story with allot of content they could charge just 50 cents for it and if it gets downloaded a million times that's still a quarter million dollars after a 50/50 cut from bethesda.


3: Bethesda needs to hire a full time staff of at least as many people as the nexus has (likely double or more) and give them all the tools needed to police their site.


4: After they have the people to police it they need to be extremely harsh with how they handle harassment, doxxing and theft of modders work. How the official site is being handled now is basically a replica of 4chan. (they need to link steam accounts and if your doxx people or steal modders work not only get your CD key invalidated but your steam account hardware banned)

Do you really think Beth will give you 50/50?More like they'll give you .001% of what they made off of it.

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Odd that inzanity didn't provide a link to the blog, don't you think? It argues AGAINST paid modding, heh.

You actually found the wrong article. He was referring to this one.


Do you really think Beth will give you 50/50?More like they'll give you .001% of what they made off of it.

Considering they were going to give us 25/45/30 (mod authors, Bethesda, Valve, respectively), I'll happily take anything above or equal to 25/75, since Bethesda cut Valve out of the equation. But I imagine the split next time around will be closer to 40/60. 50/50 would be amazing.

Edited by Reneer
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Thanks for the link. I tend to generally agree that, regardless of whether it will be good or bad for the modding community, Bethesda has every right to allow paid modding, and modders have a right to be paid for their work (but I don't agree that modders should "expect" to be paid, it is an option). The blog in question acknowledges that it's up to the modder to decide if they want to sell or provide their mods for free. I have a choice of buying apps for my iPhone from the Apple store, but there are plenty of free apps available. It would be the same situation with mods. However, I mainly use only the free apps and have only bought a couple of low-priced apps that I really needed that weren't available (or lacked desired features) in the free versions.


As for the modders cut of the profits, 25% is incredibly generous when you consider that music artists typically get about 10% or even less than that for CD/music sales and often the big record labels get a substantial cut of everything the artist produces. I doubt that Bethesda would offer a larger cut, more likely they will offer less in the long term.

Edited by steve40
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