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Forced Password Resets


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Question: why are passwords being stored, even in an encrypted form? Shouldn't you be hashing and salting them instead?

Hashing and salting are a part of encryption. I'm not going to write a primer on how encryption is done. But if you are interested there are descriptions of the various techniques if you google.

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Hi Robin

thank you for looking out for us. I have been a appreciator, player and more recently a maker of mods, assets and most recently a major world add on for Oblvion and also of Morrowind and a bit for Skyrim so your site here is the Ark of All Good Things for us. I am so glad you decided to create this resource and defend it against the evil forces that threaten all of us.


You are much appreciated and I thank you


CrisG9 (Chris G)


Tavern Tales (Oblvion)

Skyholm Lodge (Skyrim)

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In response to post #41201330.

slash0mega wrote: my twitter was hacked, i think the data came from this breach.
don't be lazy peaple, change your passwords ASAP
luckaly my email was allready deferent and the only thing done to my twitter was mass following.

Twitter had a major leaks too, and the password were literaly plain text, so it probably comes from ... Twitter itself. There's a LOT of websites that have been hacked in the past few years.
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That database breach,Is it a DDoS attack ? Inactive mod author maybe in danger,and their mods too.I've seen a nexus user who's reporting about decompression bombs in various mods.Maybe hackers are puting viruses now O.o Edited by hamaBit
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Sometimes it kinda looks as if people become less creative with passwords, use your head.

Even though, practically, every password site tells you "do NOT use a password based on your name!!!"

it can still be done. My personal experience is that these passwords are easier to remember and still works great as long as you have a two (or more) syllable name or a name with a "special" meaning or "special" phonetics (ou, oo, ie).


ex. 1:

My name is Troutman so i may make a password; TroutMan! which is WEAK!!! (+/- a week to crack)

Of course I'm no idiot so I start to play with numbers >:D (T=20, R=18 OU=(15+21)36, T=20)+mAn! all the sudden the "new" password, 20183620mAn! becomes a tad more secure. (+/- 34 thousand years).

Though sins I plan to live till we know world peace, I'll probably need something more secure, something that'll lasts till infinity. So I add a "special" word, something that only makes sense to me, the name of god "Jroin" the new password, Jroin20183620mAn!, even though it does not lasts till infinity it's still good for 93 TRILLION YEARS.


ex. 2:

My name is Zwaardsmit (yes, its dutch => swordsmith) screw you Mr. Troutman I'm going for the "dutch approach" 0==|====>Smit, only 47 MILLION YEARS!? I will not be outdone by you Mr. Fishman, I am Dutch, damn it, I eat fish or breakfast, dinner, supper and in between, raw even. "add the name of god", ja, right Mr. blowhard, I'll add the name of heaven in an as close to traditional spelling as possible (0==|====>Smit)+(Tuveanthe) my new password, Tuveanthe0==|====>Smit, lasts 32 SEPTILLION YEARS!! But just to add insult to injury I'll add that I am number1 and that makes, Tuveanthe0==|====>Smit#1, last 297 OCTILLION YEARS!!!


Mr. Troutman: I am humbled by the nr. 1 sword smith from heaven.

Mr. Zwaardsmit: thank you Fishgod, now fetch me a herring, I'm hungry.



Sorry for this little play, but it had to be done.


Sincerely yours,



Edited by jroin
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