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Guys who play girl characters


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Skyrim is a CRPG, a computer roleplaying game. Playing more diverse characters is what makes these games fun. I'm currently playing a muscular Nord warrior but there is no reason why I can't play a cute red headed Breton Mage in my next run.


There is nothing kinky about playing a character of the opposite gender. Sometimes you may simply want a character that looks good to you. I know girls who prefer playing guys for this reason.

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Personally I play females about 50% of the time. My thinking is usually, If I can't make myself I'd rather have a character with a different personality, and It's easier to keep my personality and a female character's personality separate then a male's. When ever I do make male characters I have to have their personality pretty well defined in my mind or else I'll start implementing it myself.
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I often play a female character because I like to roleplay and write out a story for my characters. I have pages upon pages of Oblivion and now Skyrim character stories. Sometimes, a particular situation works better with a female than a male character. For example, the only time I've ever heard of a guy lamenting that he was going to be married against his will (a common enough story) was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and in that case the guy had a good reason to be upset =P
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Does this mean that there is something wrong with GUYS playing Tomb Raider?

You have to play as a female in those games.


I play female characters sometimes, just because I can!


FYI... it's just pixels.


So defensive. No one said anything remotely implying it was wrong.

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Because I spend so much time playing that I'd rather look at female backside rather than male. :rolleyes:
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I think it's far more disturbing to see someone's avatar being a someone they find attractive(females do it too)... Never did understand that...


I don't play as female characters as it would only be fooling myself. If I want to stare at a lovely female I'll simply date one I find attractive. Guys if you're busy looking at fake T&A it's not going to get you real T&A lol. Same goes for whatever your sexual preferences are.

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