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Guys who play girl characters


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Probably the first game I was serious about was Diablo 2, (played it for like 3 years), where you weren't able to choose gender, and I have never been much for roleplaying.


For some reason I tend to make female mages/healers and male melee types. Also in MMO's I usually try to roll rare race/gender/class combinations.

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Hmm, I rightly don't know why most of my characters this far have turned out female... I remember it being the other way around in Oblivion. It just sort of happened.


The whole "What would you rather spend time staring at"-thing is moot on me, since I won't have a problem with either type of butt bobbing around and because I almost exclusively play in first person. And then, there's the defying the stereotype-element I love so much.

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I am a man that wishes he was a women. It's true. No sarcasm.


There is just something about them that entrances me. I admit I play as both sexes in game when I create new characters, but I usually prefer women. As they say "live another life in another world." My melee chars. are usually male while the chicks are mages and I've always preferred magic. IRL I'm pretty effeminate for a guy any way. The thing is even though I wish I was a girl, I'm not the least bit gay! Why? Because I'm attracted to girls. (but want to be one.)


And there is no way in oblivion that I will I dress up in real life like a girl or get sex change surgery. Not only do I realize I'll never actually be a girl even with those changes, but could you understand the ridicule?


All in all I know that it is psychologically wrong of me. ( Yes it is wrong) but ya know... It's me. I have a masculine side too though that developed later in my life. after the desire to be a girl. Confused yet? :)


I'm not looking for support or anything. All I want is to be treated the same ya know?... and I promise you wont see my rear end in a bikini.

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I am a man that wishes he was a women. It's true. No sarcasm.


There is just something about them that entrances me. I admit I play as both sexes in game when I create new characters, but I usually prefer women. As they say "live another life in another world." My melee chars. are usually male while the chicks are mages and I've always preferred magic. IRL I'm pretty effeminate for a guy any way. The thing is even though I wish I was a girl, I'm not the least bit gay! Why? Because I'm attracted to girls. (but want to be one.)


And there is no way in oblivion that I will I dress up in real life like a girl or get sex change surgery. Not only do I realize I'll never actually be a girl even with those changes, but could you understand the ridicule?


All in all I know that it is psychologically wrong of me. ( Yes it is wrong) but ya know... It's me. I have a masculine side too though that developed later in my life. after the desire to be a girl. Confused yet? :)


I'm not looking for support or anything. All I want is to be treated the same ya know?... and I promise you wont see my rear end in a bikini.

There is nothing wrong with that...problem is people have many complexes build from the society ideals and take things personally, as long as you dont hurt anyone with it, its your choice and noone's buisness to tell you otherwise.

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All in all I know that it is psychologically wrong of me. ( Yes it is wrong) but ya know... It's me. I have a masculine side too though that developed later in my life. after the desire to be a girl. Confused yet? :)



There's nothing wring with you. There's something wrong with parts of society if they were to ridicule you.

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Am I the only one that likes to flip flop the gender "roles" in rpgs? My warriors/healers are female and archers/mages are male when I play a lot of the time, I mean why pair them the way games have been doing it for years when we couldn't choose?


Ultimately I just try to make an interesting character, hard to play one for hours if it's a boring concept.


So far...


-Female "true nord" dualwield axes/lightarmor/smithing

-Male argonian "thug" sneak/pickpocket/alchemy

-Female darkelf "firemage" destruction/enchant/conjuration


The "true nord" was my first and most played character so far, since the game "gently guides" you into the role so easily.

Edited by darkblayd
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What the above posters say.


I kind of understand you tho, not that i wanna be a chick but i wonder what my life would be like, i'm a 5.8 australian, irish, canadian Mother Canadian Australian father Irish australian (Yes i hit the trifecta of drunk countries, whoopie), built like a tank with ahem, extra padding. (Fat you jerks!),


Seems like some of the chicks i know in my life have it easier, not getting into as many fights or putting up with some *censored*er up in your face giving you crap, but then again i could be oblivious to the stuff they go through or etc etc a lot a variables.


Then theres also the fact being a stumpy ass funny sounding guy tends to make you think what it'd be like to be anyone else.

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It is a single player game who cares if you play a male or female.Now If your talking about playing and passing yourself off as a female in a MMO like Warcraft or Rift... ect ect

Then I might look at ya kina of funny.(It was easy to spot those ones they were the ones that never talked in Vent ya know, The I dont own a headset people ;D )

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