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Guys who play girl characters


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Heh... it always amuses me when someone claims the 'I wanna stare at a females rump while I play' excuse. If your staring at your toons rump all the time, why not save your energy, free up your hands, and get some good poon :P


IMO I try to 'play' the toon as I would understand it, and Like most men, I have no clue about women :D



You very likely understand more than you want to admit ...

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For me, it has to do with role playing, not in a sexual sense, but more like literature. When you play a game, your role can become much like that of a writer, more than that of a reader. The importance of the ability to immerse yourself into the mind of another sex shouldn't be underestimated!
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Heh... it always amuses me when someone claims the 'I wanna stare at a females rump while I play' excuse. If your staring at your toons rump all the time, why not save your energy, free up your hands, and get some good poon :P


IMO I try to 'play' the toon as I would understand it, and Like most men, I have no clue about women :D



You very likely understand more than you want to admit ...


Shhh they will hear you.



My point is, that single one excuse I find as a short minded, sexiest attitude, and its sugarcoated 'this' way for the homophobic types who feel that 'looking toward a male image for an extended period of time equals turning gay'


THAT is my point, and sir's reply only fortified what I had just said :D


Play a female in a role play attempt, sure, play a female to enjoy the aesthetics, play her cuz shes smokin hawt, and so many other reasons, but point is, the 'if im gonna stare' comment don't fly, your playing a game, if all your time is spent 'staring' at your characters backside, you need to find a different hobby :P


Any and all games are NOT about staring at yourself, they are about playing the game and 'enjoying' it as best as your able.

Edited by AtmaDarkwolf
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Being a girl I can only guess here, but I think most guys (playing in third-person mode) prefer to look at a female's backside through hundreds of hours of gameplay rather than some beefy Nord guy's rump.


^^ Exactly this. Although the Dark Brotherhood armour is more of a gimp-suit than real armour... :D


Skyrim is the first TES game that I have played a female character, I usually play Argonians, so true to type I made one. However, after playing for a few hours I realised I wanted something different this time, so I created a Redguard dual-wielding female thief, which is almost the exact oposite of what I normally play and am liking it very much (80 hours+). I have another character, about 30 hours in, a male high-elf mage, but am finding the mage quests, plus general mage play to be a bit underwhelming... My partner is playing a heavily armoured Nord warrior type, and admittedly her character looks pretty cool too. It might just be me, but recently many games seem to have a lot more 'love' for their female characters, which is either a bit creepy or 'burn-your-bra' liberating depending on your viewpoint... ;)


Next character though, I'm going back to my classic Argonian Sword and Shield type, male.


n.b. as usual, however, the female has caricatured breasts. Need someway to adjust the size in character creation, preferably smaller, although I envision a dozen mods doing the opposite. :(

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I like strong women. I rail hopelessly against never being able to create a female warrior who actually looks at all strong, instead of a damned Playboy bunny who is inexplicably as mighty as the colossal male beefcake I made the first time round. Not just in this game, but in others; City of Heroes, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Age of Conan....none of them would allow a woman to commit the cardinal sin of having muscle to anything even slightly close to the extent men can/do.


I have no idea why a game like Skyrim can't have four gender options: Male Athletic, Male Strong, Female Athletic and Female Strong. Athletic would have smoother, more toned skin texture and, despite the name, the weight slider would allow a character to be fatter when shoving the weight slider to the right. The latter would have muscled textures and the weight slider would make them beefier. It wouldn't even be a big deal, because Skyrim already allows for armour and clothes models to be scaled already, so why can't women be as big as men? And it works both ways, because currently any Skyrim male has a muscular texture on them, which no doubt makes sod all sense to players who want their character to be a more squishy mage or thief who doesn't look like they might as well crush their enemies with their mighty bare hands.


It also allows for more options when developers are creating the world; they can show simply through physical appearance what you might be able to expect from a character; when a massive, muscular brute comes running out at you, regardless of gender, there can be a reasonable expectation that a warhammer and your face will become intimately involved with each other!


So why do I play women? Because after I've played the usual male me-expy, I like to change it up and have a woman 'against type'. I take it even further and make it a Breton woman too.

Edited by Khorak
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If the character talk I play male , if they are mute , i may play female just because the mod community make the best costume and armor for them, Mass effect i never ever tried to make a female commander Shepard as idk how u can pull the bad ass Shepard with female voice , DA2 didn't made a female hawk either.

Play female Shepard as a renegade, then come back to me and say the voice acting wasn't good or just look up youtube videos of the various cut-scenes with female Shepard. a lot of them are better done than male side. I tended to play male Sheppard when mass effect 1 came out, then I gave the female side a whirl, and holy cow, what a difference. I was really surprised just at the difference in level of voice acting.


Why I tend to play female characters....


- Animated Better. Animators tend to pay more attention to how females move. Can't have the main hot girl of your series looking like she's herp derping. Which in turn usually means the animations in general for females tend to be better and smoother.


- Depends on what type of character I Want to create. I tend to go for how I think this character acts.

Example -


- Female Celtic/Nord Fighter: Archer and great sword. Used Restoration, enchanting and basic magic spells when needed. I use the quick reflexes perk in the blocking tree so that instead of blocking a blow she "dodges" out of danger. Females tend to lose when they put muscle to muscle against a male, so females tend to fight quicker. I also put a lot more points into health and magic than stamina to reflect this. Though I ended up giving her a lot more stamina near the end thru the use of magical enchantments etc. She is also my main character and why I choose nord cause it's skyrim... a good 60% of everything does frost damage. :)


- Female Mage: Will use restoration and destruction magic to lay waste to everything. Tends to use lightning since it goes with the theme that females need to be quick fighters theme.


- Female Rogue: Dual wielding/Archery, same thing as the female nord fighter, tends to move slash, then fall back to avoid getting hit. Wants to use Archery more often to do sneak attack damage.


- Male Nord fighter: War-hammers, great swords, War axes etc. Very upfront and brutal. Tends to just stride into the conflict and bash things as they attack him.


- Male Mage: Tends to use fire than lightning or frost. Incinerates anything that gets in his way.


- Another note, how I play the character also determines the actions I take in game. The male nord could just care about getting the most money, the female mage might be more sympathetic to someone. The female rogue might exhort money from people and back-stab people. The male mage might use logic more often than worry about money. The female nord fighter might only give a crap about a few select people and the rest be damned. etc. It's slightly fun deciding how a character is going to act.


- Tends to be more mods for female, armor and such.


- They tend to play more smoothly and better than males for me. I dunno what is it about male characters but they tend to be "off" some how. Very male characters tend to be off, usually when you don't have the option to be male so it might be that I have nothing to compare it too. I do try out some test characters before I make my decision of what primarily gender.


- Especially in this game, I was able to indulge in my Celtic red head, green eye warrior chick fantasy I wanted to do in Oblivion (had to use mods). Warpaint is epic. I did a nerdgasm when I saw the option in Character Creator. I like the current trend of adding tattoo's, scars, warpaint etc in video games. It's making it easier to create very individualized characters. Female Shepard tended to be one or two hair types with different colors, sometimes one of the modded hair styles. My main Shepard is female with one of the civilian's hair styles instead of one of the defaults.


- More interesting gameplay than males. Unless it's some type of game with romances like mass effect, than I Begrudgingly go with males. Though I do have plenty of female Shepard's dating Asari. Also because mark meer's voice in mass effect sounds like chalk on a board to me. Hale just sounds more into the role.


- voice acting - Sometimes it's literal the voice actor that makes me decide whether to play female or male in games. SWTOR - I'm playing female trooper as my main cause of Jenifer Hale. If the female or male voice doesn't sound right, I'll choose whatever is better. This is pretty much a critical decision here, as a voice can be annoying and I don't want it to ruin the game for me. This is probably very critical tho if there isn't a voice, I do whatever is animated better and looks the best.

Edited by AndrewWaltfeld
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I would be willing to bet anything that all of the homophobes are teenagers. I guess you cannot watch a movie that has a female lead because you cannot understand it. After you date enough women you learn to understand them. lol

yeah they are pretty straight forward and makes some logical sense when you realize that they do not typically use logic, they tend to use feelings and emotions. Otherwise known by guys as "their gut feeling." on what they should do. You just have to try to store the guy's typical logic center away for a minute and think more on "why" they do something rather than what was done. To be honest, I find most homophobes, especially around my college are just insecure with their sexuality. Though they tend to be freshmen etc so they haven't gotten far enough into life they are comfortable with it. Of course there is the rare few who never shake it.


The biggest advice I give them is "Don't give a crap if they like guys or not, just say your straight and be done with it. Homosexual people are normal or screwed up just as normal people. Just like if you say to a girl, no I don't wanna date you, but we can be friends. What happens then? Most likely, you'll be friends and no flirting will happen thereafter." The biggest hurtle I see for homophobic people is getting them into that mindset. Once they truly understand that concept, life is easier for them.


Though a thought provoking question I have now is, does that mean gay guys think more with their feelings than their logic centers?

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The short answer is habit (or tradition or inertia if you prefer).


One of those things that started with a good reason and just continued on after the reason no longer exists (kind of like "three on a match").


In many of the earlier CRPGs gender choice affected your stats, usually giving males higher strength and/or stamina and females higher dexterity and/or speed. Since I prefer stealthier assassin type play I tended to choose female characters for the improved dexterity. I continue to play females because it's what I'm used to choosing.

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I like to play both male and female characters. Why, you ask? Why the hell not?


I'm playing as an orc right now. But oh goodness me, I'm not an orc! However am I to relate to my character?

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