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Guys who play girl characters


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Oh, well i thought you were talking about me because you QUOTED me?


Oh, yeah. Sorry for that. It was just that one line calling for a reply. It wasn't aimed at your overall contributions, but the argument. I had another poster in mind when writing it.


But, so I obviously did notice you after all.

Edited by abaris
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Oh, yeah. Sorry for that. It was just that one line calling for a reply. It wasn't aimed at your overall contributions, but the argument. I had another poster in mind when writing it.

Okay, never mind then. I hope I didn't step on anyones toes either. :psyduck:


But, so I obviously did notice you after all.

I'm not sure if this is something positive or negative...

Edited by Kyuubi no Youko
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I'm not sure if this is something positive or negative...


Neither, since I really didn't dive into your overall arguments. I was just too busy being angry at someone, whom I wouldn't name, since I'm basically a polite person, riding the high horse in almost each and every thread.

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First play through I always use a male toon. Normally modeled after my ugly mug if possible and I play it the same way like it was me. After that I use toons that I really can't identify with so next time through I can do it differently. Does it have anything to do with role playing? sort of . Do I pretend I'm a chick when I play a female toon? No. Just makes it easier to make choices in game that I wouldn't normally do because I'm not relating to the toon. Honestly this is kind of a mind warp question because I never actually thought of an answer to this question even though I've seen it 1000's of times on the internet.
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I'm a girl who plays as a guy character. Not exactly what you're asking about, but still.


I don't know. All of my favorite characters from books and stories tend to be guys, and I model characters after whomever I like. And the female sounds (getting hit, power attacks, etc) sound horrible in Elder Scrolls games.


Or maybe I just like playing as my own fantasies. :P But I'm really not into all of those 'beautification' mods or what have it. I don't want to stare at a video game character's junk.

Wow! I would find this really hard to do. I am a girl and have always played a female character in virtually all games where there is a choice, RPGs tend to bring out my girly side (playing with dolls and all that) and I like the outfits and decorating my home etc, however thinking about this it also must bring out another side of me as I like to have a powerful feeling character, and although I usually play my first character as a good girl, I usually do a second character who is a naughty one. :biggrin: With her I will usually be a sneaky thief type and join DB and Thieves guild. Can't say as yet which one I enjoy the most ... hmm.


As for guys playing as girls, when I first played WoW I used to find it really odd that guys played female characters but in a short time realised that its just the way some men are. It certainly doesn't make them gay or weird in anyway, (not that there is anything wrong in being either gay or weird in my book!) but just that "men will be men" and they like to look at women. I had so many normal heterosexual friends who played female characters and I asked one of them why and they said (as many others have said on this thread) that they like to look at a female ass over a male one, kind of understandable really. Although I think it is different for most female players as although I am not a lesbian I prefer to look at a female character too.

I think it is horses for courses as some might say.


What I did find a little harder to open my mind too was two female characters, RPing lesbians, being played by men, cybering each other. This blew my mind!

Having said this though I agree with what others have said in earlier posts how stupid it is that we get all prudish over mild sex in games yet accept willingly some of the extreme violence and gore. I am open to most boundries being smashed in games but strongly think in all cases the line has to be drawn where children are concerned. Its just not right. I do not want to see mods that involve violence or abuse to children. Its just too depraved ... a step too far, and yes even if they do have annoying voices!

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I am open to most boundries being smashed in games but strongly think in all cases the line has to be drawn where children are concerned. Its just not right. I do not want to see mods that involve violence or abuse to children. Its just too depraved ... a step too far, and yes even if they do have annoying voices!


I wouldn't want to see abuse of anyone. I tend to draw the line where violence and sex come together.

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I am open to most boundries being smashed in games but strongly think in all cases the line has to be drawn where children are concerned. Its just not right. I do not want to see mods that involve violence or abuse to children. Its just too depraved ... a step too far, and yes even if they do have annoying voices!


I wouldn't want to see abuse of anyone. I tend to draw the line where violence and sex come together.

yeah sorry I didn't make that point very clear, I also find this very disturbing. I know some games include this kind of thing, although I haven't played them. What I was trying to express (badly) is that I think there is a limit to what should be including in games and developers need to be careful not to step over the line and special care must be taken where children are concerned.

I am open to new boundries being smashed in the way that I think its fine to include normal sexual content, and same sex relationships etc... in adult games of course!


I don't know if you have heard about it but there is this really horrible game where the player goes around killing all these cute looking teddy bears, its set in a childs world and its really sick, it got panned in reviews for being depraved, thank fully! but this is the thing I can't stand and worries me.

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Could you explain to me a bit of whats behind your wanting to play as a female character?


I have no urge what so ever to play as a female and am kind of interested in seeing what drives people to do so...?


Cuz there nerds and its the only woman they could ever control :P

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Every time these goofy "LOLOL U R WEIRD IF JOO PLAY FEMALE CHARS" type of arguments surface, which they inevitably do, I always ask the question: By that rationale, does this mean that any dude who has ever played Tomb Raider is a desperate weirdo? If someone is playing Marvel vs Capcom and a guy picks, say, Chun Li and Jill, does this invariably mean he has creepy gender confusion issues? Seriously. Listen to how f***ing silly all of that sounds. All the Dr. Phils really need to chill with the non-sensical psycho-analysis. It's not nearly that complicated.


Some people simply do not "connect" with their character in a game in an RP sense. They are separate entities. It is just their chosen avatar of destruction. Some guys will play men because they "identify". Ok, good for you. But not everyone needs to identify with their character in such a way. Whenever I use a female character, it's mostly because I like being given the choice. For years, games almost always forced you to use male characters. I personally enjoy watching a chick tear s*** up. It's different from the conventional norm that's been shoved down the throat of the collective masses for years in games and movies. No one should really feel like they have to defend their choice of characters in a video game.

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