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Guys who play girl characters


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It's been mentioned before; but I have to chime in as well. I play male characters when it comes to a physical melee role due to the fact that even the "buffest" of women in vanilla Skyrim have barely a smattering of muscles... even when using a mod that makes it look like they do. I play women as stealthers and mages. Men get the beefy roles. I'm not sexist, no matter what people insist on labeling me, I just use my brain and experience from real life.


I used to lift weights and was very athletic. I know, from experience, how much muscle mass a person needs to do certain things, and what they'll look like when they have the muscle required for the job. Even female Orcs (who walk like they have giant "lats") don't have much in the way of muscles. There's no real mass. Sure, if the light is just right, they look like they might have some, but it's not enough for me to believe that my character can actually swing a two-handed hammer and do the damage she supposedly does, as often as she does. My brain says; "Well, the game engine says she's killing her tenth giant spider in a row with that 40-pound mallet," while my eyes say "Are you ignoring us again? Look at her. She walks like a prissy runway model and has arms like pipe cleaners. No way dude. Now that Nord over there, he looks like he could use a tree-trunk for a weapon. You should be hitting stuff with him." Also, seeing as how I love playing stealth characters over hammer wielders (or even mages), I usually end up playing female characters and creeping my way through the game.


So, that's my two cents. :thumbsup:

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Some people simply do not "connect" with their character in a game in an RP sense. They are separate entities. It is just their chosen avatar of destruction. Some guys will play men because they "identify". Ok, good for you. But not everyone needs to identify with their character in such a way. Whenever I use a female character, it's mostly because I like being given the choice. For years, games almost always forced you to use male characters. I personally enjoy watching a chick tear s*** up. It's different from the conventional norm that's been shoved down the throat of the collective masses for years in games and movies. No one should really feel like they have to defend their choice of characters in a video game.


Agreed on all points.


And since you mentioned it, Lara may have been the first female character I've played.

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Cuz there nerds and its the only woman they could ever control :P


So, you like to dominate and "control" the women in your life hm? Perhaps your own issues should take precedence over your judgments of others. I realize you were probably half-joking when you wrote that, but it's simply to illustrate that both sides of this debate can easily twist the words of the other side to make them look like sociopaths.

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Every time these goofy "LOLOL U R WEIRD IF JOO PLAY FEMALE CHARS" type of arguments surface, which they inevitably do, I always ask the question: By that rationale, does this mean that any dude who has ever played Tomb Raider is a desperate weirdo? If someone is playing Marvel vs Capcom and a guy picks, say, Chun Li and Jill, does this invariably mean he has creepy gender confusion issues? Seriously. Listen to how f***ing silly all of that sounds. All the Dr. Phils really need to chill with the non-sensical psycho-analysis. It's not nearly that complicated.


Some people simply do not "connect" with their character in a game in an RP sense. They are separate entities. It is just their chosen avatar of destruction. Some guys will play men because they "identify". Ok, good for you. But not everyone needs to identify with their character in such a way. Whenever I use a female character, it's mostly because I like being given the choice. For years, games almost always forced you to use male characters. I personally enjoy watching a chick tear s*** up. It's different from the conventional norm that's been shoved down the throat of the collective masses for years in games and movies. No one should really feel like they have to defend their choice of characters in a video game.

This is the most sensible post!

to sum up...

It's ok if you are a man playing a woman, you are not gay or weird.

It's ok if you are a man playing a man equally you are not gay or weird.

It's also ok to be gay and weird if you want to be and if you are its ok to play either sex, apart from argonian as this just doesn't work anatomically and is therfore forbidden!



it's just a thing you have called "personal choice"....

nb: not applicable to argonians. :no:

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Cuz there nerds and its the only woman they could ever control :P


So, you like to dominate and "control" the women in your life hm? Perhaps your own issues should take precedence over your judgments of others. I realize you were probably half-joking when you wrote that, but it's simply to illustrate that both sides of this debate can easily twist the words of the other side to make them look like sociopaths.


Or....you could take it at face value and focus on the fact it was a comment about...a game...with characters...that you control....with a keyboard, you took something that was ment as a general comment ment in jest and turned it into a personal response, well done you.

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Or....you could take it at face value and focus on the fact it was a comment about...a game...with characters...that you control....with a keyboard, you took something that was ment as a general comment ment in jest and turned it into a personal response, well done you.




You've managed to trick us again with your devious plots and plans, this round is yours Moriarty :no:

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If you have to play as a girl because you're too tempted to stare at a man's ass all game, maybe there's a bigger problem involved...

You have a problem with my desire to avoid gazing upon the derriere of a muscular man in metal? Why, I never... stared at the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz... or paused the screen when that silly girl Dorthy was obligingly oiling up my hunky metal man. Sure, he might have been stiff, but all good men are. :woot:


Wait, what were we talking about again? Never mind, I have to go watch a movie about, ah, a tornado in Kansas... :tongue:

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Could you explain to me a bit of whats behind your wanting to play as a female character?


I have no urge what so ever to play as a female and am kind of interested in seeing what drives people to do so...?


i just like to look at a sexy gal. i've played as woman characters in nearly every rpg ive played except BG2. i think i just got into it because i played Tomb Raider so much. i liked looking a Laura's butt ... among other things ... and carried on into Titan Quest, Oblivion, Fallout, Dragon Age, Mass Effect ... etc. And i found that other guys do this too. the only time it's a bit off the wall is when some NPC comes on to you ... :rolleyes:

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