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Guys who play girl characters


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I think one person said it best a few pages ago. You are god! If you want your characters to run around butt naked that's fine, you can find a mod for that, if you want 'lore' friendly you can find mods for that. To me it means zilch what someone else thinks when I play a female character. If I want to dress her in bikini armor, again, what someone else thinks means nothing to me. I bought the game and I can customize it however I want because in that game, I am god!
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I think one person said it best a few pages ago. You are god! If you want your characters to run around butt naked that's fine, you can find a mod for that, if you want 'lore' friendly you can find mods for that. To me it means zilch what someone else thinks when I play a female character. If I want to dress her in bikini armor, again, what someone else thinks means nothing to me. I bought the game and I can customize it however I want because in that game, I am god!


In this I can agree totally. I am just worried about what happens, when this type of player will be entering TES online. Until now, TES was for us all our very privately owned TES game, and then there should be a more lore-aligned game play, and I really fear that this will not turn out like it is planned. If most (and I just assume that those are most) players are used to this high-school-girl like appearance (and possibly behavior), then TES online would not be a place, where I want to be at. I really hope for a lore-friendly game play together with role players, and not just horny teens.

Edited by Ragosch
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Speaking of which, my hubby and I have a theory on people who choose to turn these games into porn fests...a lot of people do comment on sex mod threads..."Go watch some porn instead"....and so I got to thinking about what's going on there and yakked with hubby....When a person watches pornography they are simply viewing, no interaction possible, they are watching another persons story....but with these games, they are in control of the story and the circumstances, no matter how bizarre or far out there it has become their own story, the one they direct, they are more involved and that's what's appealing to them.....That's our theory anyway.... :happy:


I am currently attempting to learn how to mod armor...want to mod the male light armor as I am not that content with either the vanilla or current reveal mods out there for males...I would like something that would more so fall somewhere in between the two...when I finally make that happen (I know very little about computers, me and technology...tech-no-logic.... :happy: ...) I actually wouldn't mind hearing your honest opinion on it given your views.


You mention 'rape' also....though I am of course very opposed to it in RL, in the game I would not be actually opposed....The why?....Realism in the kind of world Skyrim depicts....Bandit's are not nice (those I would see as the most common instigators) and I would imagine they would take full advantage over a subjugated other (victim)....No, I would not like my Dovahkin raped, he would much rather die than be subjected to such, I am just looking at this from a realism perspective....slavery also (Mistwatch already touches slightly on that)....as I also see room in the game for some of the more basic sex toys, realistically speaking....As for the monster sex, women with penis's, manga, my little ponies, modern clothing, guns, cars, etc....they don't fit and a very 'lore', 'realism' unfriendly....The world of magic feels right and it fits...manga, ponies, etc...are for the lovers of extreme fantasy, not for me.


Back on topic....I have been very surprised myself that playing the opposite gender in games seems to be such an issue to so many people (actually I am guessing just a very vocal few)...I would not have guessed it if I hadn't seen such threads...I am late to the gaming world, am in my early forties and have only been gaming for the last four years....so still playing catch up on the culture.


I agree with you and your hubby about the control theory. It is certainly odd and taboo by most people's standards but fairly harmless I would say. Everyone has little quirks oddities about them that never see the light of day nor affect their outward appearance. Who knows your dentist may be a perv for in game donkey shows and Japanese cartoon porn. :biggrin:


As for modding armor, I only understand the basics of using modeling software like blender or nifscope but starting out with already existing armors from mods or the vanilla game and just tweaking those is the best place to start. I tried to make an armor from scratch and it did not go well. Sites like this are a great place to start ( http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 ). It may seem daunting at first but it is just a learning curve and it isn't something anyone will get over night. There are also many different programs and styles of modding so browse around at different tutorials as flexibility makes a great modder. As for style or design, well that is more subjective from person to person but if you want something revealing that is still accurate to the lore of the game I think something along the lines of Conan the Barbarian would prob fit but that is really gonna be a personal taste thing.


As far as rape goes I have played games and watched programs that already had rape in them whether it was implied or actually shown from Witcher 2 to Game of Thrones or Sons of Anarchy. It never really bothered me since I could make the disconnect that it wasn't real and it served the purpose of a plot device. I agree it would fit in with Skyrim especially with bandits, corrupt guards, etc. It would also serve as a great motivator to get you going after those bandits because as is they just seem like Hamburglars with fur armor. They are almost comical rather than twisted and evil people. If it was something that was already in the game I would prob be cool with it but putting that in the game myself would just feel weird. I also doubt there are any mods with that sort of content that just apply to said baddies in a realistic slave trader kinda way. Most adult mods with that 'theme' if you will turn everyone from the Jarl of Whiterun to his kids into nypho free for all horn dogs.


Playing as the opposite gender gets most of its flak from the sexers and screenshotters. Yet the people doing the majority of complaining are usually teenagers not really bothered by that stuff as much as they are just cynical little shits that feel like it is their duty to judge others like their opinions are objective fact. (see: 4chan) Maybe I am a hypocrite for saying that as I have my own opinions but I tend to be more flexible and understanding than most people on the internet who are just hardliners unwilling or incapable of accepting another way of thinking. Before I get to ranty I think the other aspect of it is this sort of aura gaming still has of big buff dudes like Duke Nukem and Master Chief going around saving the world with testosterone and chainguns. I still remember the shitstorm when the first Tomb Raider game was released and yet people male and female alike have come to accept Lara Croft as a protagonist over the years. Lastly, You are never too late in taking up a hobby if it is something you love.

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Although I undoubtedly chosed a male for my first play-through, if you're not a khajiit or argonian though you want to be swift and agile, then there're no other characters in Skyrim that live up to that except for females, in my opinion. Essentially, the difference between male and female is the same as any difference between two entities, it just depends on how extensive it is, and all physical differences has some social or charasteristic implications, depending on who is the player. Personally, I do feel wierd playing as a female and it gets a lot of getting used too, but also, due to a biological urge wich is the same as any, except that this one tends to feel a bit more... adjacent.


Enough sugar-coating, it all comes down to made-up excuses and plain old sex!

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I generally play females, because animations for guys generally suck, or the body type is absolutely stupid. In Skyrim, bodies tend to go from anemic vegan weakling to steroided out body builder. There is no real middle ground with an athletic build.


There is a pretty simple reason for this. Guys can make at the very least, sexy looking or sexy moving female characters. Most guys cannot animate males because sexy doesn't wash for that. So instead they look stiff, or look ridiculous.

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I agree with you and your hubby about the control theory. It is certainly odd and taboo by most people's standards but fairly harmless I would say. Everyone has little quirks oddities about them that never see the light of day nor affect their outward appearance. Who knows your dentist may be a perv for in game donkey shows and Japanese cartoon porn. :biggrin:


As for modding armor, I only understand the basics of using modeling software like blender or nifscope but starting out with already existing armors from mods or the vanilla game and just tweaking those is the best place to start. I tried to make an armor from scratch and it did not go well. Sites like this are a great place to start ( http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 ). It may seem daunting at first but it is just a learning curve and it isn't something anyone will get over night. There are also many different programs and styles of modding so browse around at different tutorials as flexibility makes a great modder. As for style or design, well that is more subjective from person to person but if you want something revealing that is still accurate to the lore of the game I think something along the lines of Conan the Barbarian would prob fit but that is really gonna be a personal taste thing.


As far as rape goes I have played games and watched programs that already had rape in them whether it was implied or actually shown from Witcher 2 to Game of Thrones or Sons of Anarchy. It never really bothered me since I could make the disconnect that it wasn't real and it served the purpose of a plot device. I agree it would fit in with Skyrim especially with bandits, corrupt guards, etc. It would also serve as a great motivator to get you going after those bandits because as is they just seem like Hamburglars with fur armor. They are almost comical rather than twisted and evil people. If it was something that was already in the game I would prob be cool with it but putting that in the game myself would just feel weird. I also doubt there are any mods with that sort of content that just apply to said baddies in a realistic slave trader kinda way. Most adult mods with that 'theme' if you will turn everyone from the Jarl of Whiterun to his kids into nypho free for all horn dogs.


Playing as the opposite gender gets most of its flak from the sexers and screenshotters. Yet the people doing the majority of complaining are usually teenagers not really bothered by that stuff as much as they are just cynical little shits that feel like it is their duty to judge others like their opinions are objective fact. (see: 4chan) Maybe I am a hypocrite for saying that as I have my own opinions but I tend to be more flexible and understanding than most people on the internet who are just hardliners unwilling or incapable of accepting another way of thinking. Before I get to ranty I think the other aspect of it is this sort of aura gaming still has of big buff dudes like Duke Nukem and Master Chief going around saving the world with testosterone and chainguns. I still remember the shitstorm when the first Tomb Raider game was released and yet people male and female alike have come to accept Lara Croft as a protagonist over the years. Lastly, You are never too late in taking up a hobby if it is something you love.


The armor modding....thank you for the link, much appreciated.... :happy: ...I am lucky enough to have a patient armor modder helping me through making heads and tails of it...patience he needs plenty of, I am a recently reformed luddite... :happy: ....but I'm getting there....The extent of reveal and stylizing of the armor...I am aiming for something a little different from the usual seen...a perfect example would be the fur armor replacer I have designed....Bare chested with hanging wolf tails used for modesty coverage in front and back of the groin and backside, separated into two choices for users....full modesty in which the tails just happen to cover any glimpses and revealing which offers the peek-a-boo effect....This will also include armbands and natural bits and bobs hanging off the armbands and belt such as sabre teeth, bird skulls, bear claws, etc...aiming for 'lore/realism' friendly, but also catering to both crowds....thats what I am trying to achieve anyway.


You are right about the rape...I have noticed it often seems to be an all or nothing thing among many mods....maybe it's a difficulty with the scripting, I don't know...but yes, were it to be implemented with every man and his dog, I would be sorely disappointed and would not use it...there would be no context, just a violent sex fest...no thanks....Though a Bandits/corrupt Guards one would catch my interest....as you mentioned, making them truly evil and something very worth hunting down.


Nope, I wouldn't call you a hypocrite....you debate...there's a big difference and much appreciated and thank you by the way....Hubby looks at 4chan, I think I will take another look at what his reading, I'm curious now.....The Duke Nukem, GOW, Conan, etc...genre, yep, I have passed on them myself...I do like the whole testosterone thing myself, but not to that extreme extent....My Dovahkin is a big man, but remains realistically proportioned bodily with realistically proportioned weapons and still vulnerable, is much to my preference....much more Jason Momoa than Arnold per se'....There was sh*t storm over Lara Croft huh...that's interesting....was she the first female game protagonist?

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That being said I love playing females in MMOs when I do play them from time to time. You wouldn't believe the amount of high level gear and hard to get crafting materials you can get just by giggling and typing /dance in the console. :D Lots of horny people on those games.


This is one of the reasons, I never play female characters in MMOs. I want to play the game myself, and not be stuffed with stuff, where I did not put in any effort to acquire those. What is the point of playing a game, when I would get all effortless anyway?



I don't really consider MMOs "games" per say. They are more like social simulators in my opinion. I have yet to find one that has any degree of difficulty attached to it whatsoever with PVP being the obvious exception and even then that pales in comparison to playing a good FPS online with some friends. If you want a hard game against npc mobs then you have to group up in order to do it in raids and that requires investing tons of time into the game otherwise no one will even look at you.


I haven't found an MMO yet that has kept my interest passed the first month in most cases. STOR being the latest casualty. The one game that I actually stuck with for a whole three months, which is a record for me, was Fallen Earth. I also played Neocron for a long time but by the time I discovered it, the community was already on its last legs and had been around for several years. :( Shame because it beat the snot out of all the other ones I tried.


Until they make an MMO where I am not seeing the farmers daughter I just rescued ten minutes ago back in her cage in the troll camp and quest givers that just stand around and do nothing the entire game I will never consider them anything other than a 3D Facebook. Oh and we need more real time combat games instead of the stupid hotbar hit buttons 1-4 and then do it again over and over again. :wallbash:

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I just hope that TES online will not be seen as such - a social simulator, for that there is second life. While I myself would not choose a female character in an MMO, I really don't care if other men are playing females as long as they play their role well. I would treat them as female in game, even I would know they are not. It is their choice of role and I accept that - if they really care to role play it, that is. If it is just to deceive other men to get valuable gear for free, this would really fill me with disgust.
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I am a guy who mostly plays as a female character because all of the mods for Skyrim that improve characters (by adding Armour, adding races, etc) that are well done are usually for only women characters. I have yet to see a custom race for Skyrim that supports male characters AND looks good. And all the Armour looks horrible or it just turns him into a walking block of steel. Until better options for male characters are available, I'll be playing as a female. The focus isn't sexual, it's just practical *shrugs.* I normally play in 1st person anyways. Lolz.
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It depends - For Orcs or Argonians male 100% Not played Khajiit so no thoughts but probs male.


The rest it varies on what character - dark elf, imperial nearly always female. wood elf usually 50/50 depending. Redguard depends agin about 50/50 (either some B.A. style fool pityin' or else weaponmaster-ess!)

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