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Guys who play girl characters


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Playing video games is all about being someone you could never possibly be in reality. And of course they're more fun to look at, i don't play games to play as myself, roleplay all the way ;)



I agree with rabcor, and as fars as the armor hiding the fanny on girl characters, It all depends on the armor :) As for the beard stuff, got one of my, own don't need one on my character :D

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..Seriously. Play what you think is fun, that's the extent of that rocket science. What character you choose in a game isn't a reflection of your integrity as a person nor is it somehow degrading for a guy to play a female character. It doesn't need excuses like "well I like looking at butts!" like it'll dissolve your masculinity in a puff of smoke if you just play a woman for the sake of it.


I'm a lady and play ladies because I relate better to ladies and enjoy being a tough badass fantasy lady.

Edited by nuska
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Although I'm a straight guy I usually play as girls, but I think my next character will be a guy to reflect a more ideal form of a guy than me. I'll give him a large stature and heavy armor, sword and shield.


I almost always go back to a girl one way or another. Girls just kick butt. :)

Edited by JesterKing
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Although I'm a straight guy I usually play as girls, but I think my next character will be a guy to reflect a more ideal form of a guy than me. I'll give him a large stature and heavy armor, sword and shield.


I almost always go back to a girl one way or another. Girls just kick butt. :)


I appreciate your appreciation of the inherent butt-kicking quality of girls. However,


Please can we all drop the misconception that gay guys are somehow girlish or are guys who want to be girls? Sexual preference does not have anything to do with gender identification.

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On the one hand, I admit to the ass excuse for some characters. On the other hand, I also find that sometimes it's more fun to roleplay the female character. After all, playing the more typical drunken Nord barbarian is easy if it's male. I can play that kind of character in my sleep, and I do enjoy it, because there's nothing more fun than hitting things with a big sword. But playing the same character as female is an experience outside my comfort zone. It's fun.


On the other hand, I find my male characters tend to fall into the same lines over and over.

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I role play as myself.


It's tempting to make a loli character, but I prefer to be the hero. It makes everything much more personal.


The common assumption that a role play has to be a totally different person than you is an over rated stereotype.


I think most guys that play as chicks want to see a hot chick, and they don't know how to design an NPC in the CK.


That's why Girls of Skyrim was so popular. I'm not saying that this is the only reason, but it is the main one and the answer to the OP.


As for any other reason... Good for you. Why does anyone care?

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A semi-related thought:


Whenever this topic comes up, I can't help but wonder how Tomb Raider ever got as popular as it did. The first couple were incredibly successful. Every gamer I knew played them (all male) and no one seemed to have a problem running around as Lara Croft (in fact quite the opposite). Have attitudes changed that much in the last 20 years?

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I don't get it too.


I guess lots of people here are sexual deviants and enjoy the sights? But i can't play as a female, i just feel so out of character it's ridicilous. I like to roleplay so playing as a female is as anti-climatic as Skimpy armor mods. Just doesn't fit in.


I prefer to play as a mature and serious nord guy that loves the wildlife.

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I have to say that I enjoy the challenge of role playing as a woman. Does it force me to run her as a hyper-emotional, helpless damsel in distress stereotype? Not at all. My female characters are as likely to wade into the fighting as the men, and are just as likely to walk out as the only person alive. And yet, where the male characters I play might not even stop and consider an offer of surrender, my female characters might. It's a subtle difference that makes a big one.


On the other hand, my female characters won't try to talk the Old Orcs out of a good death. They'll offer to give it to them without hesitation because it's both merciful and what the orc wants. My male characters are likely to try and talk them out of it. Do they always succeed? No, but they always try.

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I don't have anything against female warriors. Sure they do exist, but these retarded 18+ ruin the game. Of course it's just a matter of opinion, I'm not gay and I can't stand playing as a female.

Weird or not, playing as a female is just what makes me feel gay.

So whenever I'm looking for mods on Skyrim Nexus and someone is about to enter my room I quickly switch to pornhub, cause it's easier to explain. And it makes me sad that there are a lot of 18+ mods in the Skyrim top 100. A lot.


If you believe female warriors wear school girl clothes, have big jiggly boobs, and run almost naked through the snow, you sir, are f***ed up.


This this this. I've never played a female character in a TES game and I never will. It's fine if you do, but don't turn it into an anime that you have control of.

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