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Guys who play girl characters


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That's my f.. prob. but still can explain it.

1.Because I can. The game let me do it.

2.Because I want.

I'm not gay not even care if guys like you think so,In Oblivion I played like male,In FO3 I played male too.But in New Vegas played like female and in this game too.What's your prob if guys doi it so,do you dislike women at some point of seeing too weird guys playing as one?Jeez get a live!

What the hell are You going on about? And i didn't understand a word you said.

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The whole comment that if you play girls your gay strikes me as funny. If one thinks about it, if you play as a girl your watching a girl run around on your screen, but if you play a guy then your watching a guy run around your screen. :rolleyes:
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The whole concern about whether doing something "makes" you gay, (and the accompanying implication that gay men are men who want to be women), and the implied conclusion that being gay is some awful thing is absurd. It would be like a thread talking about whether people who play Redguards wish they were or really are people of color, (or alternately people who play Nords are secretly Caucasian) with the implication that there is something wrong with that. People are what they are, everyone is unique and yet we all have more in common than we have differences.
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Could you explain to me a bit of whats behind your wanting to play as a female character?


I have no urge what so ever to play as a female and am kind of interested in seeing what drives people to do so...?


I sometimes play a female character for the same reason I play a Khajit or other character different from my species or gender -- it's a fantasy game where you're inventing a persona and directing their adventure. When I play a Khajit, I don't imagine that I'm a cat man, just as I don't have fantasies of being a girl by playing a female character. When I play a female character I do go through some effort to make sure she's attractive though -- funner to imagine a hot amazon thief on an adventure than some plain jane.

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i think i've said this earlier (like maybe 40 or so pages ago)

when i started out with RPGs about half my characters were female; however, that means that half were male too. playing D&D my first & favorite character was female (my father suggested it would help me understand roleplaying a bit better, to play as the opposite gender... i was 4 if you're wondering)


the same was true of morrowind the ratio was about 1 to 1 for me, but i did notice the trend that female characters had the best looking armor mods, and they were usually higher quality than their male counterparts. now when oblivion came around i noticed the male/female ratio was skewed quite a bit on my computer. something like 30 to 1... advantage women, i think. (i've played the hell out of oblivion lol)

the ratio seems a tad more even with skyrim, i guess it's more like 4 to 1 now. (mostly cause skyrim has a lot of nice male or even male-only armor mods... shocking)


now the idea floating around that men who are gay wish to be women? that's just stupidity talking. i'm not even using the word ignorance; that would imply there was room for improvement... from what i understand being gay is not the same as transgender. now don't get me wrong, i'm sure some are, they may or may not even realize it. but you've missed the bigger question: why should any of it concern me at all? why am i even bothering to write this reply? :wallbash:


oddly enough, i do like playing female characters. i'm not into having my female characters run around in bikini mail. i do like taking women out on dates. i'm not into guys at least as far as i'm aware of. (not that there's anything wrong with that, just fyi, you know) i don't wish i was born into a female body, i happen to be fairly happy with the male one i was born with. nor do i wear women's clothing... well, there was this one time i was really drunk & i fell asleep at a friends house & my "friends" stripped me to my skivvies and dumped me into the tub in my friend's apartment wearing his girlfriend's slinky outfit. good thing there were no photos or people would have had to die.


---edit typos... it's late, and i'm tired


---edit again--- ok, i might not have said all of that before. just the guts of it. err, more or less.

Edited by Invisible Man
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What I don't get is human players playing as non humans. You humans must really hate yourselves. In real life I'm a orc so I play orcs. If I'm going to play a game for 200 hours I want to look at a orc not some hairless ape.


only 200 hours? what kind of orc are you?

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well ... the reason why some of the guys play as a female character in skyrim : i say in my opinion it's because male char has an awful sound when shouting but female char has a better shouting sound .. yea.. ! surly and obviously it's not the main reason but still it is a reason .

and they are more mods and ... i don't know good stuffs for making them more realistic then male chars ( i don't go through to the other reasons since everyone has said about that other reason ....


as other posts said we are playing games that most of them are not real and happen in the dream world ( none of them will happen in our world except for war games ) so why not it's good for a change and once in a while put the reality aside and play what we want and it includes playing as none human characters , right ?


but as a girl i play female characters to show females can be a her too ( we can do anything ) :thumbsup:

Edited by Misakichun
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