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Guys who play girl characters


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I'm talking about males who create female characters, a completely different and unrelated story to what you said.


I'm talking about those guys whose char is a slutty hentai teenager dressed like a prostitute who goes around f***ing every breathing being.

The sad story of a sad person who turned a game about fantasy epicness into a world where women are all whores and ready to love him at will.

It's not about disney, it's about having a very distorted version of real life, women, and humans in general.


Unless you believe a slutty hentai teenager prostitute is the correct representation of a woman a man should have, my dear 40 y/o female gamer.

In which case don't come crying if any man will treat you as such.

Edited by Falconian
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I'm talking about males who create female characters, a completely different and unrelated story to what you said.


I'm talking about those guys whose char is a slutty hentai teenager dressed like a prostitute who goes around f***ing every breathing being.

The sad story of a sad person who turned a game about fantasy epicness into a world where women are all whores and ready to love him at will.

It's not about disney, it's about having a very distorted version of real life, women, and humans in general.


Unless you believe a slutty hentai teenager prostitute is the correct representation of a woman a man should have, my dear 40 y/o female gamer.


Okay, two distinct parts to your post here....First part (bolded):....Whether I am male or female makes no difference...As a female I play a male Dovah for numerous reasons...one of those reasons being I do much prefer watching something I find visually appealing...the male form...over staring at another woman's *ss for hours of gaming....That is no different to why a male would prefer staring at a female rump rather than another males.


Second part: The Hentai Teenage Prostitutes....to each their own in my opinion....not something that necessarily appeals to me....but whatever floats their boats...I would much prefer people with a preference for that in their personal games to be living out their fantasy in the game rather than try for a RL experience of same type....all in all, it doesn't matter, what's in game stays in game...I am too old and too over it all to worry about such issues....If someone really did assume what they create in game will manifest in the real world, then their in for a nasty shock and wake up call...though I seriously doubt the highest majority make that mistake, they are well aware of the difference, so thus no harm in them playing out their fantasies in a game.

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I am a male and I play female characters in every game with a 3rd person view mode for the same reason many other people have mentioned which is I'd rather look at a female body for hours of ingame time as opposed to a male. The same is likely true for many female gamers who play male characters. My female characters in Skyrim are intentionally physically attractive to me but in realistic ways. Thus I prefer UNP over CBBE for example. Normal healthy women with normal proportions who wear real armor...not watermelon boobs and bikini armor.
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Personally myself I really prefer to play females when I play an ironclad, heavy armor, sword and board/two hander character because I think it's so badass considering that's mostly the opposite of current society that you'd expect. I mean I play in 1st person anyways so no ass to look at, and even if there was she's typically in full iron/plate armor so there's not much to look at. :P
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she's typically in full iron/plate armor so there's not much to look at

Hey, that's not a true spirit! Use your imagination!


I'm in the dont-wanna-see-another-guy's-back camp. I nearly always play in first person, but when i switch to third i prefer to see something that looks pretty to me.

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Personally it's because female characters have a lot more visual flexibility. It's like how women can look just fine in suits or dresses, but a guy can't pull off that dress look while still looking like a guy; the same thing can be said about male and female characters - I'm limited to what the cultural environment I've been brought up in has ingrained into me as "manly" when choosing a male character's appearance, but with female characters I can put them in virtually anything (be it ridiculously revealing or perfectly practical) and my brain will process it as aesthetically pleasing. If I'm going to stare at something for hours on end, I want it to look good. Playing female characters is as much a part of that as using 12k textures and ENBs.


The T&A doesn't hurt either.


This doesn't preclude me from playing male characters, of course, but due to the aforementioned limitations there's far less that can make a male character aesthetically pleasing, so I naturally play them less.

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Being a girl I can only guess here, but I think most guys (playing in third-person mode) prefer to look at a female's backside through hundreds of hours of gameplay rather than some beefy Nord guy's rump.



Thats just it for me I rather watch a girl during my 300h of game play than Nord´s behind but I do play male Argonian now so but when ever I can play female I pick that. Also I think in some way I can get in touch with my feminine side I don´t know why but I love to dress up my female chars in different armors and clothing so see how cute or beautiful I can make her almost like a dress up doll call me wired or homo what ever you wan´t but I love girls so.

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I'm a bloke and I play as a bloke, and I don't watch nobody's butt...unless I'm kicking it, If you want a fantasy young fellas....buy a barbie doll and play with it :whistling: Then again it's people's own business what they do with their characters :smile:
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I think i'll add in my 2 copper coins.


I dont know what any one else posted, but due to the 74 pages of posts, i'm too lazy to read every post. So i'm going to put 2 valid reasons why males choose female characters


1st reason (mine): Is the same as most people i'm assuming in this thread. I'm a male and used to playing games with 3rd person view. I'd rather not look at a male's ass when playing the game, i'd prefer to look at a female. My dad joined in Skyrim too, but he prefers first person view and cant stand third person because he's used to those first person shooter games (DeltaForce/Half-Life/Counterstrike/CoD). Hence why he plays male.


2nd reason (my cousin's): He plays almost all the same games i play. He's used to 3rd person view. I dont think he plays females for the same reason as mine. But i do know that he chooses females because they're usually smaller in size then the average male. And he usually plays pvp oriented games. And there's this... idea floating around... not sure if its true or not (I personally believe its true, but i may be misinformed). Its the idea that smaller people are harder to hit/target in combat and thusforth, he prefers to play females. (females are better then males in this concept).

Edited by MrBojingo
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