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Guys who play girl characters


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But playing as non-human races feels less gay, don't know why :P
Also I enjoy furries alot (yes, hate me).

Edited by Derok
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I play both, which depends on the backstory and what I am going for. But, to slightly change a quote from Iggy Pop,


I do not think it is shameful to play a woman, because I do not think it is shameful to BE a woman. (original: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/531464_538263246214538_1642553994_n.jpg )

If you have been brought up to believe that the only reason a clearly superior male would ever want to be a woman is because he is 12 and 'horny' then your parents did a horrid job with your upbringing, or you are from the 1950's.

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I'm the only guy that hates girls with crazy unrealistic faces and stupid skimpy armors? I find credible girls much better and sexier. I never played as girl in videogames though, but I'm not gay :P

I just don't enjoy myself playing as a woman.

No,definitely not the only one, but if you look at the available mods, I can see how you would think so. It's surprisingly hard to find something that will give proper armor, but still look feminine. I also don't really get the anime-face fetish, but to each their own.


I'm starting to think that it's a product of the Dominio effect for some people. Take me for example: I'm not a fan of sexualizing all of my female NPCs just for the sake of it,and most of my females maintain their vanilla attributes and appearances. However, I recently downloaded FalmerBane's Arlana the Axe Maiden mod which replaces the Riften Housecarl NPC, Iona, whom I thought looked too similar to Lydia. As you can see from the screenshots, Arlana is strikingly sultry, and so I found myself perplexed when I saw her wearing vanilla and "normal" armor styles - I caught myself wanting to see her in a set of armor which "matched" her attractive demeanor.


Does that mean that I was going to download some skimpy armor set? No, I've still got my opinions, but now I'm merely tempted to find something that matches her figure better. There are a few of the TERA armor sets which aren't completely absurd lore-wise, so perhaps I'll try them out.


But here's my point: when someone takes the leap of making their NPCs more attractive to escape the "ghastly" appearance of the vanilla females, they suddenly want more, they want to exemplify that impulse. So I think that's why we see so many sexualized characters around the site. But that's still a rather limited argument of the entire viewpoint.

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I simply don't get this bastardization of the TES universe with armors/hairs/etc that go completely against everything that makes its atmosphere. But each to their own and good you're having a great time with entertainment you paid for, of course - if people want to make such mods and use them, go for it. Though I cannot see the appeal of dressing characters as, say, schoolgirls with flawless skin and balljointed doll physique and then go play the stories Skyrim has to offer. Aren't there games out there that cater specifically to that kind of taste? Sounds very unfulfilling to pay for a game that is utterly different from what you want, and then have to mod the hell out of it, and then the quests are still completely dissonant with this new "feel" you gave the game.

I do use skin textures to make the characters look "better" - and by that I mean not terribly old, as even the young men looked in their late 40s, and the old ones looked on the brink of death. It's difficult to find such textures that preserve the ragged and dirty feel I want the characters to have, and I completely destroyed the females trying one mod after the other as absolutely all of them made the females look too pristine and young - now any new one comes with deformed eyes for some reason. :confused:

I see the OP was talking specifically about men who play as women, but I want to butt in anyway. I'm female, as my nick suggests, and I always play as male given the option (with only one exception coming to my mind). Not sure why, either. Perhaps I already play too much as a woman in this RealLife game. :biggrin: And while I do use anatomically correct nudes for both male and female, I don't consider Skyrim a source of eyecandy. Characters are nearly always dressed and I don't really care about admiring the physique of pixels - though my Dragonborn is quite a hunk.

As for the revealing clothes... There are a few ingame that are revealing. Like the fur armors that make the men bare chested and showing their flawless biceps against the chilling winds. ;D Now armors that are supposed to be protective and have things like "boob plates" are just so utterly absurd in a practical level, so I find it upsetting when the developers themselves do it.

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I'm too old and over it to give a damn anymore about sensibilities and ideals (43 year old married female)....I play a Male Dovahkin primarily, a tall max weight Nord with complete body...yes, he has a penis....and due to a small handful of Mods (skin, hair, eyebrows, eyes) his my eye candy, he is aged at 32 and looks his age...I also have a Female Dovahkin and 'yes' she looks very young, thus aged at 16, a pretty little thing (Breton)....My Male is very much a Warrior, my Female is terrified of the situation she finds herself in and are both RP'ed and back storied as such.


I do very much like my realism in games though and thus do not tend to use revealing Armors unless they suit a characters persona. I recently played around with another female character, a Daedra worshiping Psychopath (wanted to do the less savory Daedra quests which I normally don't do) and she was dressed to fit the persona....a very revealing Skeleton Armor....my Forsworn are also always topless as it suits their persona. Otherwise I tend to keep Skyrim and my Dovahkins dressed as it suits them.


As an RP and Realism demon...I couldn't enjoy the game without both aspects....I have Mod built a Skyrim to suit. Hunting returns real meat quantity values, consumer-able Water, Milk and Juices exist in my game, Combat AI is smarter and a whole lot more dangerous, Poisons are deadlier, survival and realistic needs are met, Sex exists, etc...Sex Mods serve a greater purpose than porn for 12 years old's people.

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Dudes plays female so they can see them naked and JURK OFF wile playing the game !! GET A GIRLFRIEND NOLIFE !!!

you not playing with a male it makes you feel gay ? so you play female and marry a dude in game does that not make you feel gay ?

I play a dude in game and i am married with Lydia then i have 24 female followers/bodyguards/bitches or what you call them. having sex with 25 girls at once. Lucky Dude ffs. lols

Edited by rogue007
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well i asking others.


Well lucky Skyrim is not multiplayer i don't want some dude in female toon coming up and try to scam me for free items for protending being a girl in real like they do in World of Warcraft. makes me feel sick eww.

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@ Rogue...a 43 year old married female and mother of teens here....you need to grow up....pre-teen is a hard time in life I know, but honestly get over it....Why the hell would you even give free items to someone because they have a female toon?....That's what's weird.

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