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Editing Alistair's soundset in DA:O


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Hey everyone, I've gotten the bug where at 100 approval Alistair would call male warden's 'my love' and so on. I've managed to find his dlg fils under core soundsets in the toolkit, but i can't edit or export it. I can't seem to make any changes to it. I'm not really good with the toolkit, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this bug or at least access Alistair's soundset file (not his main dialogue file). I was thinking maybe I could set a condition so that he would only give his love soundsets when the ALISTAIR_MADE_LOVE flag was true or something like that.


Anyway, any help with sorting out this bug would be greatly appreciated. I've looked for mods that would fix it, but I haven't found any. If one exists, that'll be really good too.

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