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Skyrim isn't dumbed down. Purists are.


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He stopped, will you continue the argument?

Also, no one wins an argument. That's a universal knowledge.

By the way, stop making Pyramids. This is very disturbing.






Edited by DarkGenius
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Well to me personally Skyrim goes way more in the direction of a fantasy Mass Effect. This is necessarily bad but for me I'd like it going more in the direction of Morrowind as I really liked the good "oldschool" single player rpgs with attributes, talents and tons of skills.


The interface isn't that bad in my opinion it feels very intuitive to navigate through to me but a list-style inventory just feels wrong to me.

The other thing is the spell system and to be honest I really think it's being "dumbed down" or "streamlined" but one of the things that always fascinated me was the ability to really create your custom spells.


And of course what I'm really looking forward to is more weapons/armor. As I'm playing a thief-ish elf and a pure mage I'm kinda stuck with getting Nightingale/Shrouded or the Arch Mages for the mage since there isn't much else to go for because of the effects those sets have are unless I start focusing enchanting more on my rogue.


So the tl;dr is that I'd like more Morrowind, less Mass Effect, decent (how I think an rpgs interface should be), more spells and/or custom spells and more (unique) items

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If you don't want people to make wrong assumptions about what you've posted then you should try to be clear about what you're saying. You've criticized Skyrim for having these markers as if they were specific to this game and given that this feature can be found in most games this doesn't prove that Skyrim is dumbed down. You could only expect people to stress this point.


No, I was simply saying what these kinds of games are for me. Having the Compass saying "here is a secret hideout, check it out" hardly makes it a secret hideout anymore. Those who want to know exactly where everything is can use youtube or walkthroughs. The way it is now it's like putting a warning before the creepy sound effects that makes you jump in scary movies. You can not possibly think such a feature is good? Does not matter if every other game on the planet has this feature, it's still a huge dumb-down, and if you have lived a few years you should already know that "everyone else does it" is not a good punchline. I don't like it in any games, and I don't like it in Skyrim.


Can't believe I actually bothered explaining this again, despite saying I wouldn't.... oh well I'm getting old...


I find ironic that you're offended that I brought up other games when you indeed brought up "TES and Fallout" first. If you can bring most Bethesda titles into the discussion I don't think that bringing up other games is in any way inappropriate.


I was offended by your casual belittling way of speaking, and your quick assumptions and faulty conclusions about my views.

When I read unclear posts, I try not to automatically think the poster had the worst intentions in mind when posting, and if I'm still confused I try to enquire to get some clarification before I start jumping to conclusions. I say "try", because I am only human. You should also "try" a little harder, being a "premium member" with 3k posts hardly makes you an all-knowing oracle with a perfect view on how things should be.


Going back over my post you may notice that there is absolutely no personal attack whereas you my friend are on the verge of resorting to namecalling -the "sir" doesn't make your post respectful. There is no need for such unwarranted hostility.


You're assuming again, you're not as smart as you think you are.


On topic:

There is a difference between simplifying and dumbing down. Skyrim have a bit of both, where simplifying is mainly positive because the old (Oblivion, Morrowind) solutions were simply too much. There is also a lack of depth in this game, like its predecessors, where becoming a Guild Master hardly gets you any recognition at all. Being a Werewolf or Vampire is pretty much dull when it easily could have added a lot of depth. I assume I don't have to explain all of this in detail, because readers either have played it and seen it for themselves in game or if they haven't wouldn't want too much spoilers.


Are you denying all of this, Shantih?


And again, I like Skyrim, I just think it could easily been made so much better.

Edited by Sabatasso
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Aaah... do you readers smell it? The "Ego" is smelling around.

Please, can we put an end now? there is something that is missing from in that argument.


Which: Man and Woman are free to speak, Speak Wrong, Speak Right, They'll "s.p.e.a.k" no matter what, them right or wrong.

there are rules of course, for the good of Order and Discipline. It is frigid, imperative. And that's what keeps a gun away from the neck of the rival. Common sense.


For the improvement of human social interactions,

Let's stop this dull good-for-nothing, argument? please.






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@DarkGenius: I appreciate what you're saying but for the record I was just trying to exchange views and explain why I quoted the post in the first place. Never thought this would earn me so much hostility. Never thought that being a Premium Member or a long time poster was such a bad thing either.


Anyone who gets offended and all riled up by what I've posted in this thread is clearly overcompensating or having a really bad day.


Truth is I meant no harm to anyone and I do apologize if I did offend anyone, chill out people, it's just a game.

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What are stats? They help you unlock further weapons and creatures and help you so better efficiency in that field. So yes, some form of gauge is needed or else we'd all be the same skill level.


I don't use the stronger draugr swords. Why? Am I RPing? Nope. Don't even have to think. I just am so into the world hat I'd choose a steel sword anyways, ignoring "stats"


But why numbered stats? It shouldn't be something definate, because then they become more just reaching highest level for the sake of reaching highest level. It ought to be more vague. Not like "10 str level does 11 damage...blah blah"


I think they should take out the level system, make skills progress yes, but move people away from making it a leveling and unlocking game, and more so another world. It'd be a very big change that most people would find hard to adjust to, but a nessicary end.


I don't know what level I am. 20 hrs in and barely even scraped the surface.

Edited by Goliath978
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Don't worry, we are all Human at the End. Mistakes are our motto, our main focus on life, without mistakes life would be easy and dull. Our mistakes teaches us much in life, can't avoid them, it is a brave thing to assume that we aren't perfect, just on the path through learning. There's wisdom in loss.





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Skyrim is not dumbed down. Just because the Devs have chosen to replace a really horrible UI with a minimalist one does not mean that it is any less informative. Same goes for levels and classes. Predefined classes are obsolete, Bethesda has done a good job with their skill system. What good is a world like Skyrim if you can only do it as one predefined class? I think one of the best things in Skyrim is using magic to bring down a Dragon, then charging in with shield and sword and finishing it off with an arrow to the head. Can't do that if predefined classes had their way.
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