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Skyrim isn't dumbed down. Purists are.


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I like the environment, I thought it was going to get old fast but it hasn't. That said reaching places on top of mountains can be a pain in the rear end, oh what wouldn't I give for levitation.

Um...climbing mountains isn't easy. I it were we'd say "skyrim's dumbed down Cus it's too easy to climb".

(I'm on iPod forgive he retarded autocorrect. )


Not blaming you in particular but: that's the modern gamer. Complain no matter what. If it's black complain it's not white,big it's white complain it's not black.

Edited by Goliath978
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I like the environment, I thought it was going to get old fast but it hasn't. That said reaching places on top of mountains can be a pain in the rear end, oh what wouldn't I give for levitation.

Um...climbing mountains isn't easy. I it were we'd say "skyrim's dumbed down Cus it's too easy to climb".

(I'm on iPod forgive he retarded autocorrect. )


Not blaming you in particular but: that's the modern gamer. Complain no matter what. If it's black complain it's not white,big it's white complain it's not black.


Of course mountains are hard to climb, that doesn't mean that finding your way up there isn't a pain from time to time. It's a shame they completely removed levitation, I would have preferred it if they'd kept it but come up with some kind of magical barrier near towns that stopped players flying into the low res exterior versions of towns.

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I like the environment, I thought it was going to get old fast but it hasn't. That said reaching places on top of mountains can be a pain in the rear end, oh what wouldn't I give for levitation.

Um...climbing mountains isn't easy. I it were we'd say "skyrim's dumbed down Cus it's too easy to climb".

(I'm on iPod forgive he retarded autocorrect. )


Not blaming you in particular but: that's the modern gamer. Complain no matter what. If it's black complain it's not white,big it's white complain it's not black.


Of course mountains are hard to climb, that doesn't mean that finding your way up there isn't a pain from time to time. It's a shame they completely removed levitation, I would have preferred it if they'd kept it but come up with some kind of magical barrier near towns that stopped players flying into the low res exterior versions of towns.

They already have those. Invisible walls.

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I like the environment, I thought it was going to get old fast but it hasn't. That said reaching places on top of mountains can be a pain in the rear end, oh what wouldn't I give for levitation.

Um...climbing mountains isn't easy. I it were we'd say "skyrim's dumbed down Cus it's too easy to climb".

(I'm on iPod forgive he retarded autocorrect. )


Not blaming you in particular but: that's the modern gamer. Complain no matter what. If it's black complain it's not white,big it's white complain it's not black.


Of course mountains are hard to climb, that doesn't mean that finding your way up there isn't a pain from time to time. It's a shame they completely removed levitation, I would have preferred it if they'd kept it but come up with some kind of magical barrier near towns that stopped players flying into the low res exterior versions of towns.

They already have those. Invisible walls.


What I mean is an explanation as to why the player can't levitate around towns other than no one is allowed to levitate any more, as an explanation for the sudden lack of levitation in Oblivion that was about as lame as it gets.

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I like the environment, I thought it was going to get old fast but it hasn't. That said reaching places on top of mountains can be a pain in the rear end, oh what wouldn't I give for levitation.

Um...climbing mountains isn't easy. I it were we'd say "skyrim's dumbed down Cus it's too easy to climb".

(I'm on iPod forgive he retarded autocorrect. )


Not blaming you in particular but: that's the modern gamer. Complain no matter what. If it's black complain it's not white,big it's white complain it's not black.


Of course mountains are hard to climb, that doesn't mean that finding your way up there isn't a pain from time to time. It's a shame they completely removed levitation, I would have preferred it if they'd kept it but come up with some kind of magical barrier near towns that stopped players flying into the low res exterior versions of towns.

They already have those. Invisible walls.


What I mean is an explanation as to why the player can't levitate around towns other than no one is allowed to levitate any more, as an explanation for sudden lack of levitation in Oblivion that was about as lame as it gets.

While they're at it, they might as well explain why See Living has a duration equal to however long the player is casting it, rather than a set length the way it used to be in Oblivion. In the dark, its sometimes the only way I can actually acquire targets.

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Let's talk about a few things removed from the game, and some issues people are having with the current game. Just using some input of mine and reasoning.


Levitation: This would require a non-zoned city, which would be more demanding on the game. If you pay attention to their dungeon/fort design, you'll also note that the maker of these places made them with the idea in mind they'd have to take a certain trail, or go into a building to get a key to go up. This means dungeon variation is hurt. If it meant worse dungeons, I'd say no to it. Variation keeps things interesting, at the cost of floating around so you don't have to go up that trail that's half a minute away.


Something somewhat related would be teleportation, the ability to cast a ball somewhere, and then either instantly move there, or make another portal for yourself to go through that one to go the other one. Might be some way to meet in the middle.


Telekinesis: I'll welcome it back, but it just kind of looked cool. Using the precision to throw inanimate objects for combat seems difficult and unlikely. Picking those items up and bringing them to you to throw accurately is coming up in Bioshock Infinite or something. Just wait for that.


Lack of Magic Fun: There's not much to the magic characters in this game, and let's face it, there shouldn't be. There's the College (which makes sense to be there), Necromancers, Thalmor, and the Voice. Next to that, we'll be hanging out for some DLC as far as larger side quests in magic go. Skyrim isn't a magical place. It's home to people who don't trust or like magic. Personally, while I think there -was- too little for magic user's to do, I don't think it should have been more or an equal amount of magical quests compared to Melee-character quests. Again, that's not to say there didn't need to be more, as there should be.


If you haven't done the College of Winterhold quest in full, this might ruin some things for you.


I think more to do with the Psijic Order should have been a given.



I liked perk trees, I love my conjuration, and I, unlike most ES fans anymore, welcome change and trying out new things. It's like the ES I know with some new furniture, and frankly, I like it a lot. It could have done better, but to say it's dumbed-down as compared to approached differently seems a little off.

Edited by dwellufool
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I like the environment, I thought it was going to get old fast but it hasn't. That said reaching places on top of mountains can be a pain in the rear end, oh what wouldn't I give for levitation.



What I think we need Jim, is to be able to call on our friendly dragons, (either Parth or the other feller), for a lift up the cliffs.


Is Saden Storm (chap that did the dragon mount for Oblivion) still active on the forums ?

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Levitation would be highly overuseable and easymode. Easy transport, easy escape from fights, easy and too accessible. Unless there were a lot of limitations.

It'd end up going either one of two ways: either Levitation only works while cast, like See Life, whereby running out of Magicka would end the effect, or it'd have a set duration, probably one where, without significant Magicka regen, it'd be impossible to completely recuperate the Magicka used to cast the spell. Either way, it's not "easymode", as you put it. It essentially limits itself.

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Let's talk about a few things removed from the game, and some issues people are having with the current game. Just using some input of mine and reasoning.


Levitation: This would require a non-zoned city, which would be more demanding on the game. If you pay attention to their dungeon/fort design, you'll also note that the maker of these places made them with the idea in mind they'd have to take a certain trail, or go into a building to get a key to go up. This means dungeon variation is hurt. If it meant worse dungeons, I'd say no to it. Variation keeps things interesting, at the cost of floating around so you don't have to go up that trail that's half a minute away.


Something somewhat related would be teleportation, the ability to cast a ball somewhere, and then either instantly move there, or make another portal for yourself to go through that one to go the other one. Might be some way to meet in the middle.


No it would not require a non zoned city - that was already done in Tribunal. Is the fact that you can't levitate in cities because it's against the law any more of an immersion breaker as the fact that you can't climb over the walls of a city? If it is, then add anti levitation fields to each town. A magical rune pillar that prevents levitation from working. Or better yet, just add a bunch of zone transferal triggers like they have with cave entrances atop the walls. Fly over them and blam you are in a load screen and on your way to the world map. As a bonus you could climb over the walls.


While the dungeons are cool looking they are all rails. (Well there have been few with minor variation to be honest - but still most of them are pure rails) each with a handy secret doorway or such that leads you right next to the entrance after finishing the boss monster in the last room. So while they are pretty, they are also pretty silly and I for one would like to have more complex dungeons. that rewarded careful and imaginative exploration. Levitation added to the mix would mean you could have far more complicated and interesting dungeons. And if you can bypass some monsters or get behind them via levitation then that's just good tactical playing and should be rewarded. In fact, I have cleared several dungeons in Skyrim from back to front, since I like to climb on the mountains and find myself often coming down to a fort or a such. Hasn't diminished my fun at all, and as an added bonus I've had fun using the premade traps like boulder chutes on the inhabitants of the dungeon.


In Morrowind, where I could indeed levitate, I was playing a mostly warrior type character. I got an amulet of levitation as reward for a mission in Tel Vos. So obviously the thing to do was to hike to the ghost fence and levitate over it. Didn't even know about Ghost Gate at that point and wasn't really ready to tackle the horrors of Red Mountain at that point, but tackle them I did. Had real fun skulking and sneaking my way across Red Mountain, Stopping at the edge of the crater to wonder at the sights. Delved into a Dwemer ruin I found, met a really scary bloke and after an epic battle recovered the amulet of Heartrime from him and continued my journey. (For those who do not know this, it's a powerful artifact and the guy who had it is one of the bosses you are supposed to kill towards the end of the main quest) After having crossed the red mountain I used the amulet again to hop over the Ghost Fence and came down from the mountains to a nice little town called Mar Gaan. The sudden calm and tranquility was really unsettling. I went to a local inn and sat on chair for while jsut thinking about what had transpired. That adventure is still on of the best I've ever had in any game ever. And it was all made possible by clever use of Levitation to do things that I really wasn't supposed to be doing.


And Morrowind did have teleportation too. Dropping it off, because it makes some plot lines difficult to enforce on the player, is just lazy design on the part of the developers.

Edited by hymhym
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