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A Bank Mod Needed


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I have a porblem with overweight. so i thought to make a bank mod but i dont know enough creation kit. so im writing here. if i storage my items to my house i have to go house everytime i need something so if there are banks in every cities and some villages i can reach my stuffs from everywhere. i thought about making multiple doors connecting one house that has safety chests. but i dont know how to connect multiple doors to one door.

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Oh, that reminds me of another great mod I use "Vidanis Bag of Holding" www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9085. It allows you carry a magical bag in your inventory that effectively makes items weightless when you put them inside - before I found "Imperial Mail" I used to use it as a makeshift "postal" service ( tbh I still do! ), when I arrive at an inn I place items inside & only access them again when I get to the location that I had "sent" them too :laugh:

It's also useful for "storage" when you are staying in a location that only has respawning or NPC owned containers, you just need the willpower to limit yourself to only accessing the bag when you are in that actual location - which is made easier by the fact that you can drop it & pick it up again later if you wish.

A very useful mod!!!

Edited by ElioraArin
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I know its not what you're looking for, I once too went hunting for a skyrim store that would let me deposit some items for safe keeping.

the lack of demand and everyone just using superrrrbandolier mods it is kind of pointless there probably is not much to it in regards to modding & the creation kit but thats not my area of expertise.


MakeShift containers:


" Haven Bag "

Gauranteed no fuss with this bag its like Haven! - Also. "It's bigger on the inside"


" Summonable Ethereal Chest "

This mod has usage limits and such so if u forgot to drop those 13 ingots in before closing the chest...well you messed up gotta wait a few days before you regain strength to conjure this mighty chest. - great if you play a conjurer of sorts and the limiters make it less op.

Edited by zosimo
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If you use Convenient Horses, you can kinda achieve the same effect by setting your horse's inventory access to "absolute" in the MCM menu along with setting your horse's carry weight to unlimited (by selecting zero in that setting, iirc).

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  • 2 weeks later...

thx for offers guys. i thought that mod goin to reduct loading time. there are some magical items for this but i really mean a room with chests so we can catagories items like alchemy items swords or something like that. beside i thought magical items kinda cheating (my idea) so i think skyrim still needs banks:D but there must be a price for using bank service.

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