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Beast Form of... DRAGON!


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I Think a mount would be cool and its lore friendly. I dont play mages and I would think it would take some kind of spell to transform. One of my favorite games was called Drakan the hole game was about you and your Dragon mount fighting together.
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Well I'd like to assure the people here that I have this in mind with my Fallen Greybeard mod that I plan on making. It's going to be a late-game shout with the three levels.


First level would be to grow the scales of a dragon and use it for ten seconds or until cancelled.

Second level would be to grow the mind of a dragon and be able to use other shouts while in this form and lasts for 30 sec or until cancelled.

Third level would be to grow into a full Dova and fly around, etc. this would last 2 hours or until cancelled.


Of course with this, you'll be attacked by everyone except the dragons until a faction-stabilizing quest is done that declares you as still a part of the mortals of Skyrim.

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@Budz It'd be cool if each form were extended, and each their own power so each were once a day. The way to revert to normal form could be a shout that releases your stored draconic energy making you transform, so it's still useful in combat.


This is my idea of the three form dragon char, first form with scales increases armor, health, health regen, stamina and stamina regen. Also boosts speed about 15%. Still have shouts with increased cooldown.

Second form is still similar to yours. Shout time is reduced by 50%, increased magicka and magicka regen. This form actually transforms you into a humanoid dragon, with wings, a tail and claws (not a huge jump for argonians, lol). This removes all armor, but increases your base health and armor a bit. The wings also significantly increase jump height and decrease fall speed to stay away from melee attackers. Non hostile NPCs flee from you and City Guards attack until you transform. (Maybe once per City, so they only freak out the first time)

Third form is full dragon, with shout power increased and cooldown reduced by 80-90%. Shout is main form of combat. Health vastly increased but stamina and magic irrelevant. Same deal with everyone being hostile until a quest is done and you are "recognized".

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