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  1. For me this game would be unplayable without mods. So yes thanks all.
  2. Nevada skyes can make it very dark but there are settings to change it.
  3. I know what you mean starting over sucks. I when back to a save I had just after the main quest. Used the showracemenu code to make a new character and pretended to start from there. The only prob is these dam dragons keep poping up everywhere like cliffracers on steroids. lol
  4. The only shouts I found where projected out at things and not at myself but I never found them all.
  5. The prob with things like that is the amount of time and dedication you need. You would need a team to get it finished in a good amount of time and the team isnt getting payed to do it so theres not much incentive to keep at it. So one guy ends up trying to do it all and it never gets dun or they come out with a new game and then theres no point finishing. a lot of good Morrowind mods died that way.
  6. Dont no if theres a limit but I no you can delete them in the load menu.
  7. I Think a mount would be cool and its lore friendly. I dont play mages and I would think it would take some kind of spell to transform. One of my favorite games was called Drakan the hole game was about you and your Dragon mount fighting together.
  8. I had this prob with Oblivion. The game was set at a different resolution then my monitors. and would crash every time. If its mods then you may have to reinstall the game make shore to delete the game folder or the prob could come back. most mods are texture replacers so far so there is nothing to turn off or on yet.
  9. On windows 7 they go in. C:/ Users / whatever your name is / Downloads
  10. Much better and it blends better with the banks dosent look like its going through the ground as much that bothered me when I saw it.
  11. All of what you just sed would work in Toronto as well. Im for Canada.
  12. For me I can sign in read the chat but as soon as I post I get booted out and have to sign in again but my posts are there. It has never worked right for me . What the hell Im not much of a chater anyway.
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