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Most annoying enemy


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In groups?

Necromancers, no contest. One swipe will usually do the trick, but I never seem to find just one. Oh no, it's always a cave full of creature-summoning annoyances. I kill the summon, they retreat and bring up another. Eventually I just start casting spells willy-nilly.

Alone, I'd have to say Xivali. Strong enough to weather several devastating attacks, and able to summon Clannfears.


I actually don't mind the wisps. Hell, I use them to break up groups of enemies. Just run up to the minotaur/ogre/troll/whatever, attack, run to the nearby wisp, and turn invisible.

Hilarity ensues.







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Well, it's not like it's their job to catch criminals or anything... :rolleyes:


Well, I know that for sure. I tell the guard I resist arrest, and he attacks me, and I kill him. Then after I wipe out a group of guards, another guard comes in, and he doesn't understand that I resist arrest, so he talks to me, and I figured it was getting annoying, so using CS, I turned off the guard scripts, so it's pure killing. No stops for talk or any chances to surrender. To me, I figure the pathetic miserable Imperial Legion pigs are encouraging me and my whole army to surrender while in the Imperial city. So, what's the point of all getting arrested when it's a civil war?

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I find Wraiths to be extremely bothersome. They like to back up while you hit and fade through walls, then come back at you with a spell before hitting so blocking the first attack is useless and the follow-up is always hard-hitting. If you’re talking about groups of monsters and not solo, then the groups I have the most trouble with are goblins. At high levels, Goblins are tougher than Deadra. I can’t figure this out, but it’s how the leveling works, and they always come in gang-bang groups.


Most NPCs like Summoners, I have a nifty trick to pull. Yep they are in groups, so here’s what you do. Get the dedric artifact Wabbajack. Ensure they don’t see you and use it on one of the NPCs. It changes the NPC into a random deadra, and about 99% of the time, NPCs are hostile to deadra monsters so they end up wailing and murdering off their own kind. If it runs out, rinse and repeart – problem solved. Sanguine’s Rose (spelling?)

is okay in this regard too as it summons a creature to fight whomever it hits with the spell. These are perhaps two of the most underrated artifacts. Always use them when you are hiding or maximum effect.

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Spider Daedra? They're quite attractive, i think.


Probably either the Will O' the Wisps ore the Land Dreughs.

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Shivering Isles: Flesh Atronachs. They're annoying as hell sometimes. They almost never Stop attacking Unless you Block And since they're Hard hitters At higher levels I Start staggering Like I'm drunk. I especially hate them When paired up With Zealots A.K.A "Flesh atronach Summoning machines." :verymad:





Oblivion: Necromancers. They're annoying Asses. It's always *Summon Creature, Run like *kittie kittie*, Summon creature again, Run like *kittie kittie* some more, Wash, Rinse, repeat.* And At higher levels they pull out their trusty Wraiths to help them during battle. How Wonderful. :pinch:

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For me, It's either bears or spriggans.




Spriggans are only annoying to me because they summon bears and take barely any damage to melee attacks, PLUS they heal. /console kill on sight.


Being full melee is tough...

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