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Tutorial - Adding objects in cells for Skyrim


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If you want to delete and item in either groups (persitent or temporary) do you delete the entry or is it something else? im making a small mod here and there is some items i don't want to replace, but just remove.
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Alright so I have read this often and I've come to the point when editting the data file to change the actual location of the object and I was wondering if the 4 bytes are considered a float or what? Also I have tried swapping a Archery Target with a Mannequin and instead of the target changing into the Mannequin they both just disappeared.
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Would this make it any easier?: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:SkyEdit


Was that directed at me as well?

I tried it, but editing cells in that program was something i had a hard time doing, the only way i could see cells was if i used "file structure.." but nothing could be done there.

The program is in alpha so i do not expect much yet, but edit weapons/armor seems abit more easy in this one though :)

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It seems that either no one has the answer to my previous question or didn't see it.


Q. When editing the data of the ACHR and REFR within the groups of a Cell are the 4 bytes considered a float or Uint?


A. ?



I made a test with TESsnip with an existing mannequin :

Pos x = -573,13

Pos y = -925,11

Pos z = -280.04


When opening the consol a typing the commands to kwon what is it position.


So I found it in TESsnip and edited DATA field .

When i put my cursor at the beginning of the line, the 4 bytes are considered as float value.

You can see it on the down left of the window.

Edited by koryushin
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I must say, learning to convert hexadecimal to decimals and visa versa can be a pain, do anyone have a good guide for this? hexadecimal seems intereseting and valuable for modding, yes yes construction will replace the methood we are currently using, but i still want to know how it works. I have been trying to position objects in the world (not just replacing them) and getting the positions x,y,z converted to hex is something i find a little difficult. Replacing objects is a lot easier, but i find this kind of modding fun, doing things the difficult way can often teach you the depth of how it works instead of just scratching the first layers. Im also an network and computer techncian so hex is not a bad bonus knowledge to have.
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I must say, learning to convert hexadecimal to decimals and visa versa can be a pain, do anyone have a good guide for this? hexadecimal seems intereseting and valuable for modding, yes yes construction will replace the methood we are currently using, but i still want to know how it works. I have been trying to position objects in the world (not just replacing them) and getting the positions x,y,z converted to hex is something i find a little difficult. Replacing objects is a lot easier, but i find this kind of modding fun, doing things the difficult way can often teach you the depth of how it works instead of just scratching the first layers. Im also an network and computer techncian so hex is not a bad bonus knowledge to have.


The most basic thing you need to know is what hex value means in decimal terms. The difference is how the value is used, e.g. int vs float in this case.


Here is the basic translation and is easy to understand:

Dec: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Hex: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f


So beyond a single byte, (h)16=(d)10, 17=11, 18=12, and so on. You can work the progression with the last pair hex ff = 255 dec. Honestly, its a pain in the ass to convert dec<>hex manually, a lot of calculator apps available everywhere do the conversion faster than you can enter the value. Windows Calc works just fine, and comes with Windows all the way back to the dark ages.

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Thank you for the reply! Yes the basic translation is something i understand, my problem appears when the position numbers goes into the hundreds and thousands.

For example im trying to convert these positions and angles : x: 310.00 y: 50.00 z: 27 angle: x: 0.00 y: 0.00 z: 45.00

the hex numbers converters give me is something like: pos X: 136 Y: 32 Z: 21

angle X: 0 Y:0 Z: 2D


It just does not sound right to me, i even checked the DATA of the old object that was placed near and the hex strong had a lot more than this, this is why i need to learn this so i can do it right, because im failing at some point here.

Now this got me thinking, so im currently reading up on all Hexadecimal guides i can find trying to understand what im doing wrong, i also checked other items around the cell with getpos and getangle to check up with their data files, but im starting to think that the positioning data is not cell related but something else, either that or im doing this horribly wrong! Im thankful for any help i can get on this matter, im do not expect people to go into depth about this, i need to learn most of this on my own and im working on it. Thanks again!

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