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Khajiit remodding - human cat style (anime like)


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You realize that furry is a subjective term, right? Pretty much anything under the sun can be considered furry so long as it has both human and animal features, including neko characters like the ones this thread wants to replace khajiit. To a lot of people actually, characters with animal ears and tails are furries as well as more animalistic characters.

Under that definition normal humans can be called furries because we have simian characteristics.


My definition of furry is any animal critter that is less than 50% human. Your standard catgirl with ears and tail and no paws or fur anywhere is about 10% furry, while the regular Khajiit are 99% furry; the only human trait they have is that they're bipedal. The Tabaxi are about 65-70% furry. Felicia from Darkstalkers is about 50-60% furry, and she's just short the line where the catgirl look stops being cute and attractive to me.


Personally though, for a gritty fantasy world, I can't understand why anyone would want this:


instead of this:


The former is incredibly out of place, where the latter is not.

You presume that people care whether it's out of place or not. Not everyone is a lore enthusiast.

This is what's so silly about trying to define the word "furry." Absolutely everyone has a different definition of it, ranging from the fans to the characters themselves, and in the end, it's better to simply not care what's furry and what's not because nobody will ever agree.


And yeah, under the definition of some more silly folks, humans definitely fall under "furry"


And just like anime, the term has nothing to do with the quality of the work in which it appears.

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I don't mind this sort of things at all, in fact I love it :wink:


Normally, I wouldn't want to get involves with this but at least let me express something regard anime and the haters.


It's just a different in terms of individual environment and culture where they growing up. As for me and most Easterner who growing up watching anime (and I still keep on watching some good one even today), I did not find anime to be weird or out of place at all. In fact, I find talking animal or big muscular guy even more weird than anime character (no offend intend). Isn't it the same things for your Westerner who growing up watching cartoon and movie and grow fond of it in the progress? If you stump across something that doesn't match or completely alien when comparing to what you used to see in your daily life, it normally make you feel that it does not right does it. It just the different in term of culture and personal preference and nothing else. No doubt, there are plenty of Easterner who enjoy watching your movie or cartoon or anything relate to Western culture and there are also many Westerner who enjoy watching anime and study Eastern culture too.


Now, the point is even if it isn't match with your personal taste, does that mean you need to keep rejecting and bashing other people who actually enjoy something that not native to you? Did Bethesdas made a specific rules that you are not permitted to make and distribute mod related or similar to anime or something that not lore friendly? No, I guess not.


Solution? Grow up and try to be more open minded. The world is vast and everything is not resolve around just you or a few people around you. If you don't like it, simply just ignored it. There are plenty of high quality lore friendly or Westerner style mod for you to choose from. If all else fail, just playing vanilla game, that ways you will never have to see any anime mod that you hated so much.


And since I'm not English native speaker please excuse my language.

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I check back here once a day just to see if someone's actually going to pick up the project. Seems the only "update" I'm getting is a new argument against "anime" from a different person every day. Come on guys, really?


Again, we're not looking for >this kind of mod<. Well, maybe some people are. But I don't think that's what the OP means by "anime like", and it's certainly not what I want.

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i could not check the thread in the last couple days... so

Everything about this hating stuff, sssh haters gonna hate, always. I bet you also like some weird stuff, or something some people might think it´s total absurd.

But ye, anime & manga stuff is not that common in the western hemisphare, or it's mostly stuff for kids. But who isn't kind of childish sometimes ? Remembering silly thinks, doing them again with your own childs or from your relations.

That´s just one side by the way, there are a lot of things anime inhabites (even if it's only in japan/korea the case). Maybe someone remembers the mascot some years ago from japan, a "faked" suzumiya (from suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu & some novels)

Well... i don't want to go all about. Some people like it, deal with it, they mostly don't mind haters or just start laughing ;)



I check back here once a day just to see if someone's actually going to pick up the project. Seems the only "update" I'm getting is a new argument against "anime" from a different person every day. Come on guys, really?


Again, we're not looking for >this kind of mod<. Well, maybe some people are. But I don't think that's what the OP means by "anime like", and it's certainly not what I want.


Maybe, maybe not, it's also a really nice idea if you ask me... it's not that i'm an otaku... i just adore... no scratch that, i like, no i love... well okay <3<3<3 anime stuff. Hm somehow i drifted away gosh



p.s. something i found some minutes ago, which is not anime related/isn't a neko in that case... more like furry, if some might agree with the 50%+- rule etc bleh... who cares



best regards,


Edited by dalira
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  • 2 months later...

@Aarkon: HA! That would be pretty cool.


If someone did make more humanoid-khajiit then it would be awesome if it were a complete hybrid race you could choose from the start. That way you could still be a full khajiit or a half-breed (more human-like). I personally, would like to see a more beastly version of Khajiits, similar to how they appeared in Morrowind. Oh and of course, let's not forget about the Werelions. I would LOVE to see khajiits infected with lycaonthropy transform into werelions instead of a werewolf.

Edited by VincentIcarus
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I think I want the exact opposite, i want more feral bestial Khajiit, and when I say this I dont mean as a replacer I mean more as have the other Khajiit sub-races in.

Khajiit would look much more awesome if they were like this



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