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What do you think is your favorite PC game


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Command & Conquer : Red Alert 2


Quite possibly because it was the first game I ever modded. Quite the learning experience there, I must say. No official SDK, so all of the tools were modder made. Building voxels block by block in one of the tools while going through .ini configuration files over 500 pages long to edit every last detail of the game and constantly hitting game engine limits.


The nostalgia alone is making me want to reinstall it right now.

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considering ive mainly a Ps3 gamer, my choices for PC are limited.


idk if i could narrow it down to one favorite game. Dragon Age Origins ive spend easily 250+ hours on. Starcraft Brood War ive spent easily just as much on (and now SC2) and the Command and Conquer series ive also spent tons of hours on (mostly Generals/Zero Hour) and have enjoyed every minute of them.



if you wanna include my main platform. ive beaten Fallout 3, three times, gotten 100% trophies, DLC and everything. loved the game. might even go back. Resistance series, but especially Resistance 2 (Which i spent months on) also a favorite of mine.


but Metal Gear Solid 4, while not even close to the game i spent the most time on, of both systems, is my favorite game ever. Best Story, graphics, gameplay, just simply an amazing perfect game imo and the best game ive ever played on any platform.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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<br />mine is definitely skyrim. i played the game for hours the day it came out. My second favorite game is probly Mw2 that game is hella beast.<br /><br />what is your favorite game i am eager to find out.<br />
<br /><br /><br />



My Favorite game of all time is Halo yes halo just can,t put it down why.? god nos its just one them games that makes me buzz and what more more ov it,

Like a drug i need my fix a.s.p.

I have played that game 150 times on the old xbox from strat to finish and about 100 times on the p.c.

I will admite tho all the new halo games just don,t cut it for me halo 3/ halo o.d.s.t / rech just dont have that same story i need keep me hooked on it,

still love my R.P.G games tho the way i look at gameing now days is if i can pull 100,s hours out of it hell sine me up ;)

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