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How many mods to use?


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I've been reading about modding and what not and I got in the habit if thinking I want to play Skyrim and other games "fully modded". I didn't realize that for some people, fully modded means having like 8 followers and 200 plus mods. I don't know how to determine how modded I want to go and how that relates to what GPU and other parts to upgrade. Let me know if I should have posted this in a different forum.
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Playing the game isn't really about modding. It can be enjoyed perfectly fine in it's vanilla state. That being said I think that a good rule of thumb might be to pick the mods that you would have made for yourself. The ones that change the game to something more personal.


As to where to post a question like this you might try the Skyrim 'General Discussion' forum found here:




You will find much more knowledgeable people there than me.



The Rabbit

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There's no hard and fast rule, about "how many." Still, there are certain mods that can affect performance. These include:


ENBs and other graphics mods: Mo effects, mo demanding

Retextures or mods with non-replacer high-quality textures (e.g. armor or weapon mods)

NPC additions: Mo stuff on screen, mo demanding

Script Heavy Mods: These tend to hit your CPU and moreover, can cause crashes if you have too many of them.


That's not to say that such mods are bad, just that you need to be careful about how many you use.

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Thanks to both for answering. I've kind of been keeping a log of things I don't like and would like to change. I guess my concern is upgrading parts for my PC and then finding I need more power but I guess that's just the nature of the game. I'll go that forum and post the log of things I want to mod. I can't handle playing the Vanilla game anymore due to knowing things that ruin the game experience could be relieved with modding.
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Yeah, I don't want a whole platoon of Xmen running around with me, castles in the sky and s#*!. No adult mods. Basically just some immersion stuff, graphics, restored content, and things that resolve tedium like darnified ui, bookshelves, etc...
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You might want to take a look at the Top Files to give you an idea of what may interest you.

If I may suggest a few immersive mods I really like and would recommend for Skyrim:

Winter is coming - cloaks. Adds a nice selection of things to wear in the colder areas.

Wet and cold. You will see character's breath in freezing climates, etc.

Horses Gone Wild. About 11 horse herds scattered around Skyrim.

Sounds of Skyrim. Adds to the sounds of dungeons, wilds, towns.

Footprints. A nice touch to see where you and others have walked recently.

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Look for what you like most and start there. You can get mods for weapons, armor, pretty scenery, more intense combat, different leveling schemes, more quests, larger map, modified perk system, different weather or just about anything you might want. Don't be afraid to experiment and try a lot of different mods; I went though eight different weapons mods before I found one I liked.


I won't give you specific mods. You may not like the same things I do and I do not want to predispose your choices. I give you the thrill of discovery.

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Modding a game is more about personalizing the game than really anything else. If you find something lacking, say graphics are to dull, look for a colorful ENB to fit your needs. Not enough spells? Plenty of spell mods out there. One really great place I always go to when I come back to TES:V is Skyrim GEMS.


URL: http://skyrimgems.com/


Skyrim GEMS is a database-ish of all the best mods separated by categories. I hope you find what you need to improve your experience!


Edit: mobile typing sucks

Edited by Agriasbloodmoon
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Yeah, I got a whole list of mods for Skyrim, most are pretty similar for Oblivion. I wish you could cook in Oblivion like in Skyrim for instance. I don't like miscellaneous items either that have no use. Be cool to find a mod that lets you use things and cook food, grow and sell your own crops
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