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CBBE Manual install question(s)


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Anyone got a step by step by step guide to manually installing CBBE? Reading the posts on the mod page and the various links on youtube nothing is telling me what I want to know. I have the mod and says to extract the files not the folders but upon extraction everything goes into the Data folder. Reading the posts the mod author says meshes go with meshes and textures go with textures. That doesn't tell me what I want to know etc. Are the mesh and texture folders already there? I look and they are not. So am I suppose to make them or what? Do I have to open every folder find the mesh and texture then what? Am I suppose to copy and or drag all nifs tifs etc into the Data folder? This is the kind of stuff that should be explained instead of thinking that everyone is a genius. And auto-dl with NMM is messed up to me like it is for other ppl.

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As I said when I explained things to you, go into each folder and extract whatever folders you find (meshes/textures/tools/whatever) to /Data. That is all you have to do.


You don't need to create folders. I never said you had to, because you don't need to.

You don't have to manually look for and install individual files. I never said you had to, because you don't need to.

All you have to do is extract the contents of those first folders you find to /Data, depending on which options you want.


You're pretty much overthinking a rather simple procedure. =P

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Don't feel bad at all, this is the clearest explanation i could find and I'm still totally lost..

You didn't think to look in the CBBE mod description, where it has manual installation instructions written up?

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Don't feel bad at all, this is the clearest explanation i could find and I'm still totally lost..

You didn't think to look in the CBBE mod description, where it has manual installation instructions written up?


i have a feeling you are having one of these, Jeir:



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Don't feel bad at all, this is the clearest explanation i could find and I'm still totally lost..

You didn't think to look in the CBBE mod description, where it has manual installation instructions written up?


i have a feeling you are having one of these, Jeir:





Seriously, look at the comments on the mods I'm co-author of. I'm pretty sure about 80% of my posts consist of "FAQ#", "Read the mod description." etc.

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