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Which companion do you have acompany you and why?


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If you were outside when you parted ways and didn't leave that cell it's possible she was killed.

Actually I dismissed her inside the Breezehome because I wanted to take Lydia along with me.

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Does a horse counts as a companion? I got this buggy horse which I got it outside from a cave (kinda forgot where since this game has so many caves), his master died and somehow I was able to ride on it, not stealing though~ Now he follows me like almost anywhere and is able to defend himself from a troll?!

But if you're talking about human companion than now I have this guy from Morthal? or was it the other M city? anywhere after I was done punching him, I ask him to follow me, main reason is that both my character and him looks identical and both are two handed warrior~

Edited by New_man
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I use followers mostly for the company really. I haven't found anyone that actually does something well when it comes to fighting. But they do make me feel less lonely when I'm exploring deep dungeons!


I used Lydia at first, but I got bored of her. Then I used Cicero for quite some time. He's funny with his comments, especially the ones he does about the towns I visit. "Cicero doesn't understand the Thieves Guild! Take someone's stuff BEFORE you kill them?" etc, quite funny!


But I got tired of him and his rants about the night mother, so I changed him once again. I get a bit weary when I'm inside a dungeon filled with undeads and he start with his schizophrenic rambles, it's creepy! So I changed him to a brutish orc from one of the orc camps, he uses 2h axes and such. He isn't very entertaining, but I'm still considering him a candidate for marriage. (I'm playing an orc female.) I'm looking for more orc males to marry atm, as I want my orc girl to marry either an orc male or a khajit male!

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I haven't tried a non-four legged companion yet, but I do have a brace of wolfhounds following me around: Meeko and Barbas. Barbas is well nigh indestructible (I guess being a Daedric dog has its advantages), so I can take him into situations I don't dare take Meeko into because he seems to get killed a lot. When going into tough places, I usually leave Meeko outside with the horse and take Barbas, although if you're into sneaking Barbas almost makes that an exercise of futility. One annoying thing, while Meeko usually keeps a nice distance, Barbas stays right on top of you and shoves you around--he almost pushed my PC off a cliff.
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I haven't tried a non-four legged companion yet, but I do have a brace of wolfhounds following me around: Meeko and Barbas. Barbas is well nigh indestructible (I guess being a Daedric dog has its advantages), so I can take him into situations I don't dare take Meeko into because he seems to get killed a lot. When going into tough places, I usually leave Meeko outside with the horse and take Barbas, although if you're into sneaking Barbas almost makes that an exercise of futility. One annoying thing, while Meeko usually keeps a nice distance, Barbas stays right on top of you and shoves you around--he almost pushed my PC off a cliff.



I had Vigilence. he DID push me off a cliff! I died, dog lived.



for now :devil:

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