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I thought this game was improved Far Cry. Far Cry was good, this was better.


I find there are three types of SP FPS gamers. There's the linear storyline FPS'ers who like games like HL2. Essentially the fun comes from having your hand held through an often mediocre and predictable storyline. Then there's the competitive FPS'ers who like games like UT and Quake 3. Then there's the non-linear FPS'ers who like open ended (or illusionary open-ended) gameplay. That would be Crysis.


Personally I enjoyed the game. The nanosuit system was gimmicky but it sure is a lot of fun, especially if you tweak the config files a little bit to give it a little more juice. I thought some of the scripted scenes were awesome, especially the second chapter battle scene where you're dropped in and need to take out the 2 AA placements. The graphics and sounds are awesome, the gun modifications were a nice gimmicky touch and I never tire of cloaking behind a korean, grabbing him, switching to strength and throwing him against a wall, or over the edge of a cliff.


The game certainly wasn't revolutionary, just Far Cry 2.0. I thought the storyline was run-of-the-mill and the game took a turn for the worst about 3/4's in when you *SPOILER* enter the alien complex ... seriously, I was so disoriented in that place it just pissed me off *END SPOILER*. After that point the game loses it's non-linear appeal and tails off into gaming boredom. I was one of those people who uninstalled Far Cry when the Trident showed their ugly mutant faces, though. Seriously, why would I want to play a game that has ugly 1-hit-kill monsters that take a crap load of bullets to kill and jump 50ft at the speed of light? Screw that, uninstall!


Crysis was an enjoyable experience for me, so much so I reinstalled it again once I got back to my house in Exeter so I could play it with the 5.1 surround sound cranked up to ear-deafening levels without fear of my parents in Torquay going deaf as well in the process (they only have a few more years and old age will do that to them anyway). If you're into FPS's that hold your hand throughout the game, with no route diversity and unexciting combat (hello Half-Life 2!) with the same old puzzles (hello HL2 see-saw puzzle!) then I guess Crysis isn't for you. If you were looking for a competitive game then you'd have been better off with Unreal Tournament 3.

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I don't have Crysis, and don't plan on getting Crysis, but I will respond to this:

On a side note I think all games should avoid having modern peoples/country as the 'enemy' - this just creates division and polarizes an already racist world. To game produces - how hard is it to make up a race/country?

Not everyone wants to play a complete fantasy game. Many people like realism. Also, it wouldn't help anyways. The people who always claim racism on everything will still claim racism; they'll just simply say it's 'metaphorical racism'. If they can claim that King Kong is racist to blacks, then they can claim anything.

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Dark0ne - I think I will have to agree with most of your post - *SPOILER* I got to the end of the alien base and started the snow land part of the game before I had stopped playing, largely due to my frustration at the Alien complex.


I didn't play HL2 so I can't comment on it.


Ninja - I'm not sure if any of these games can claim a realism tag, but for me your 'metaphorical racism' is a better than real racism - unfortunately the people who act on racist beliefs - and you Americans cop a fair share of it - tend to be uneducated and poor. So looking at a shelf and seeing x number of games/movies made by Americans that aim at killing their people can't help, and provides a direct and easy example for the leaders of these movements to use.


Without basing this on any evidence, I think more academic arguments about subtle or metaphorical racism may be a phenomenon of the educated world.

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  • 1 year later...
what author trying to say that it has COOLEST graphic, awesome gameplay, awesome sounds, and awesome storyline and thats why its the VERY bad game.
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what author trying to say that it has COOLEST graphic, awesome gameplay, awesome sounds, and awesome storyline and thats why its the VERY bad game.

Not exactly. That would just be stupid. Your game could never be TOO good. It's just most computers that aren't over $1,500 have a really hard time running it.

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