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Dual wielding daedric swords of 327 damage each...


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I can see the OP point. I believe what he is saying is that regardless of what you do in the game, how you attain something and using skills/items/devices as long as you did not cheat there should be no reason why a game should not stay within a certain range of difficulty to your character.


That being said @OP, others have stated that the game levels with your character when it does maybe it does not take into account your current armor/weapons?

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This is whats great about skyrim, and TES in general. Its player choice, if you want to go god mode there is a "legitimate" method in game to do so without messing about in console. And if you can't bring yourself to turn god mode off...well, its your choice.


Also, hilariously enough you could "beat" Morrowind and Oblivion almost immediately. I'm hoping the same thing can happen in skyrim just for the lulz XD

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God, don't behave like fanboys. He just used what the game offered him. He shouldn't have to do research first to find out that crafting is ridiculous overpowered in this game and will break the balance. I only put 2 perks into Smithing and even my light armor character is slowly becoming an indestrucible tank on Master.
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Warrior or Archer > Mage ??


Not so my friend... I played an Orc in Beyond Legendary Ebony Armor with an Deadric Battle Axe double enchanted, and I was 3 hit killing ice dragons with Fortify 2H enchantments, but that ice breath jacks you up. And the briar mages f-ed me up. And the azuras star quest had dremora that killed me 3x before I narrowly survived. Do some quests. You'll get jacked up... and if you want to be reminded of your mortality try and attack clavicus's dog before you reach the shrine...


When I was a mage on my second character, I easily killed other mages (restore health and shock + atronach) and I easily dispatched warriors (frenzy, fire, and frost) and it was the smoothest playthrough I had. Wards, healing, manipulations, conjurations... it was easy, and I never needed armor.


Stealth gameplay might be just about equal too...


For a truely OP player, be a mage in light armor... sneak attack, frenzy, block arrows with a shield while summoning something to pursue, when in melee use a cloak and bound a weapon or simply craft your own (but that is needless weight), poison the weapon, then if a mage comes by, be able to block the spells and cast your own. Sounds fun and OP eh?

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You don't min/max TES games... have you ever played the previous games? You NEVER min/max TES games!

Many RPG Min/Maxing is cool, like Dragon Age. In MMOs Min/Maxing is awesome and will get you friends! In TES games, min/maxing is awefull and will break your game so hardcore thngs die as you look at them.


I know it is tempting. Heck, my first playthrough I took the 3 crafting proffesions myself, since I had the indset of min/maxing. That is because the last kind of rpg I played was an MMO. No, I havn't played Oblivion for 4 years, just modded it. So I was right into min/maxing. How nice beng level 30 and oneshotting everything, with barely any quets done >.<


But you can NOT blame the game for breaking it.

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personally, i've reached the 100 hours of gaming 7 hours ago, im level 51


yet im not bored, here's my equip:


- dragon armor (complete, legendary, not magic)

- 2 ebony swords (legendary, not magic)

- daedric bow (legendary, not magic)

- lots of spells, specially to heal my self


i play master mode


real bad asses are ancient dragons, which can eat me istantly if im not quick; or high level mages

but even a dumb bandit can kill me if i don't avoid his hits, and i love this; in oblivion reached lvl 50 it was impossible for me to get "in danger" so i found my self playing with dolls instead of rambling on for adventures


yeah sometimes i die, but im proud of walking on my enemies bones

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