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What don't you want to see in the next Fallout?


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Since there's a thread about what you'd like the next Fallout game to be, it makes sense that this thread should exist too.


Right at the top of the list in gold paint for me would have to be


-No more all-purpose plot-cavity insulation use of the FEV. I thought this stuff was a high-grade military experiment that mutated and went awry. We're encroaching on the point of every wastelander and his pet having their own unique FEV special brew.


-No more Enclave. The Enclave were a rather nice addition as an antagonist faction in Fallout 2, giving the over-arching plot some twists and depth. Fallout 3 lacked the ability to really poke around the faction and really flesh them out. They felt more like a token 'bad guy' army than anything else, when there was potential for so much more. With New Vegas, it just felt like an excuse to constantly prod you with references to previous Fallout games and justification for adding the Advanced Power Armour. I'd have actually been happier if their Enclave reference was just an abandoned underground fortress with remnants of experiments and bits of broken equipment lying around.


And that leads me nicely to


-No more constantly referencing Fallout and Fallout 2. Random, occasional mentions are perfectly fine. Having characters there whose chief function, and sometimes only function is to say "Hi, I'm from the Boneyard", I'm from Klamath", whilst having the original Fallout game music playing in the background is irritating. It plays more like a 12 year old Fallout fan-boy on pixie-sticks (or whatever it is Americans call them), running around desperately saying, "hey, I've heard of the Hub and Junktown. Am I cool yet?


I suppose a more concise way of putting it is, it turns New Vegas into Millhouse Van Houten.


Character meshes with skeletons that aren't crooked, and female meshes that aren't simply male meshes with deformed boobs would be a bonus. :thumbsup:



Anyway, that's my little rant done. What don't you guys want to see in the next Fallout?

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One simple thing. Modern guns. Fallout 3 "fixed" the gun lore by moving away from the mess that took place in previous Fallout games, and then FNV went back and screwed this up again with guns like the Assault Carbine. Why can't people understand that anything happened in reality from 1950 to today didn't exactly happen, so certain things were in a design and technology freeze?


Seriously, let's just consider that most of what we experienced in all the other Fallouts was mostly myth and exaggeration, as well as some parts of New Vegas, and let Bethesda do right by letting them recreate the lore this time.

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you DONT wanna see that?


Nope, they should bring back turn based combat and isometric view.


then Black Isle can come back and do a little PC version if they want. but to put out a full fledged game like that would ruin the franchise and bankrupt them. face it, more ppl played FO3 then the other FallOuts, no doubt, so to go away from what they are doing now, would kill them.


that would be like Metal Gear Solid going back to a top down view. or Final Fantasy going back to tun based combat on the consoles (not counting the DS) or any game ever going back to their old graphics.


as i said, if Black Isle or whoever made those first fall outs, want to put out an homage to their work then so be it, i wont play it, but im sure some old fans will. but to think that FO4 would revert is just insane.....it wouldnt sell on console.

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Centars. I hate those things....I'm so glad they didn't have the floaters .


As for the "modern" weapons someone had mentioned they didn't want to see the assault carbine. Tactics had the .50 cal, and M249 Saw, and the M16. So that's probably why FNV had it as well.

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Also I do believe the FN P90 (was called the HK P90c) was in Fallout 2 along with the HK G11/HK G11E, FN FAL, Pancor Jackhammer Shotgun, M60. As for Fallout 1 that had the Desert Eagle .44 Magnum in it . Tactics Had the M92FS, DE .44 as well, SW M29 .44 Mag Revolver, Sig Saur P220, HK MP5, Uzi, Scoripio, M16A1, and others this does show that there are semi modern firearm with in the Lore of the Fallout Universe. So its likely the Deviation isn't that big and a lot of the designs for these mordern firearms started in the 50s and continued well into the 80s, so its likely that most of said items would be in the lore.


As for things I would love to see dual weilding Pistols, SMG/PDWs. Larger customization on weapons then in Fallout 3 New Vegas, customizable armor, Radiation suits that have a Radiation Thresshold so if I am in an area with very very low radiation say 2 or 3 rads per second and a suit that can protect from that but anything say higher then the resistance comes into play. More intelligent AI one that will use cover wisely instead of charging in all the time. Vehicles you can repair to working order and actually drive around and mount weapons to. Better bullet ballistics that can shot though certain materials that are thin enough. Also larger more expansive enviroments instead of being limited to "200" meter cells (said it that way as the 200 meters in game doesn't looks like it actually is 200 meters).

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