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What don't you want to see in the next Fallout?


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you DONT wanna see that?


Nope, they should bring back turn based combat and isometric view.


whole-heartedly aggree


i am still saddened that i wont be playing any more isometric fallout...*


whenever a rare time i re-play fallout tactics that also makes me sad, cus its an example of what one could expect graphics-wise, from such a game..


*apart from going back to the old games, which i still do, by now countless times

Edited by zegh8578
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then Black Isle can come back and do a little PC version if they want. but to put out a full fledged game like that would ruin the franchise and bankrupt them. face it, more ppl played FO3 then the other FallOuts, no doubt, so to go away from what they are doing now, would kill them.


that would be like Metal Gear Solid going back to a top down view. or Final Fantasy going back to tun based combat on the consoles (not counting the DS) or any game ever going back to their old graphics.


as i said, if Black Isle or whoever made those first fall outs, want to put out an homage to their work then so be it, i wont play it, but im sure some old fans will. but to think that FO4 would revert is just insane.....it wouldnt sell on console.


Maybe, but that's all irrelevant since my post was about what I don't want to see in the next Fallout game, not what a bunch of console players want.

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One simple thing. Modern guns. Fallout 3 "fixed" the gun lore by moving away from the mess that took place in previous Fallout games, and then FNV went back and screwed this up again with guns like the Assault Carbine. Why can't people understand that anything happened in reality from 1950 to today didn't exactly happen, so certain things were in a design and technology freeze?


Seriously, let's just consider that most of what we experienced in all the other Fallouts was mostly myth and exaggeration, as well as some parts of New Vegas, and let Bethesda do right by letting them recreate the lore this time.



you are aware that pretty much the majority of black isle ( fallout 2 ) as well as one of the main designers ( avellone ) were the ones who worked on nv under obsidian

so if anybody knows about fallout lore its them

if anything fallout 3 is the aberration by trying to fix it

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you DONT wanna see that?


Nope, they should bring back turn based combat and isometric view.


then Black Isle can come back and do a little PC version if they want. but to put out a full fledged game like that would ruin the franchise and bankrupt them. face it, more ppl played FO3 then the other FallOuts, no doubt, so to go away from what they are doing now, would kill them.


that would be like Metal Gear Solid going back to a top down view. or Final Fantasy going back to tun based combat on the consoles (not counting the DS) or any game ever going back to their old graphics.


as i said, if Black Isle or whoever made those first fall outs, want to put out an homage to their work then so be it, i wont play it, but im sure some old fans will. but to think that FO4 would revert is just insane.....it wouldnt sell on console.


that would be obsidian these days

black isle was responsible for fallout 2

fallout 1 was done by an internal interplay team and black isle was disbanded in 2003 after van buren was cancelled

most of the people from black isle are now working for obsidian including senior designer chris avellone which is why nv has more of an old school fallout vibe


fallout 4 will most likley run on skyrims engine and include vats i for one like vats


anyway on topic what i dont want to see

ghouls but i doubt that will happen


an mid western american back drop personally id like to see the fallout version of the likes of florida

it was virginia in 3

nevada in nv

california in 1 and 2

let go to florida next ( or possibly see what happend to europe )


this is turning in to what i do want to see


no more bloody 50's music cant stand it and i usually turn it off

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fallout 4 will most likley run on skyrims engine and include vats i for one like vats


anyway on topic what i dont want to see

ghouls but i doubt that will happen


an mid western american back drop personally id like to see the fallout version of the likes of florida

it was virginia in 3

nevada in nv

california in 1 and 2

let go to florida next ( or possibly see what happend to europe )


this is turning in to what i do want to see


no more bloody 50's music cant stand it and i usually turn it off

FO4 NEEDS to look like Skyrim. if it doesnt, i will be completely disappointed. no more rehashing something old.


why no Ghouls?

i like Ghouls. ez kills ez loot. and usually its something useful like caps or medicine of some sort....


yea, Florida was something i had mentioned. i think it would be something along the lines of Point Lookout, in the Everglades, with maybe a section devoted in going to Disney World or something (though i doubt Disney would give up the rights to put their game in something like Fall Out)


and it would be cool if we knew what happened outside the US, but i wouldnt wanna see the game set outside it. one of the biggest factors in why im drawn to Fall Out is the alternate US history/future. which is why i liked FO3 so much more then NV, cause what better place for an alternate timeline then where all the US's history is stored.



and i gotta say, i loved the old music. it really puts you in the world. not only cause a lot of the songs feel very post apocalyptic (setting the world on fire, butcher pete, atom bomb, etc) but 50s songs with the 50s feel of fall out.....much better then the songs in NV. i dont even have the radio on at all in NV.

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  • 8 months later...

I would like to see a Vault that still has sane people in it or a town based around a Vault. Bethesda has taken "The Vaults weren't made to save anyone" idea too literal. There are other ways to scar people without making them mouth foaming cannibals or any other assorted lunacy. Or have both in the same game.


Then can also give up on the West Coast Brotherhood branches. I can live with the Midwestern or Capitol branches expanding because they aren't surrounded by the NCR.


Also lets make the Enclave a minor faction, not the plot driver. An outpost that you can help or get to become an ally of a major faction is fine.


Set the game in Wyoming (Great Khans can flee there) or the Pacific Northwest. These areas are undefined in the existing cannon and Bethesda can do almost anything they want there.


Maybe bring back the Shi from fallout 2. They can be the super advanced competitor of the NCR that the Brotherhood never was. This can also make the NCR the antagonist instead of the protagonist or the lesser of x evils. Could also make a DLC where Northern CA revolts against the NCR. Marcus in Jacobstown said revolution would happen eventually.


I would like to bring the Elder scrolls level up system into Fallout. I want the skills I use to increase, not having to assign a finite number of skill points into various skills. I don't want to sacrifice proficiency for a balanced character.


Also one thing I've wanted to some day due in a mod is to create a town and create your own nation to serve as a faction. This town would unite which ever region you are in and you would have some say in the future of that nation. This would be good in a game that the developers don't chose the "good" and "bad" side in the story.

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I don't want to see skills removed, Skyrims Mr Potato Head character generator or any more dumbing down of any sort. I'd love to see "Developed by Obsidian" on the box. :thumbsup:
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I don't want to skills removed, the NV skills system was the only good change from F3 to NV. I also don't want the NV team to develop the next game, NV was INFERIOR to it predecessor; F3 sold better than NV. NV was over hyped like Skyrim and at least Skyrim presented itself well for all of its faults. I want my skills to increase as I kill things and win challenges. Also in Skyrim I haven't hit the level cap, I hit the cap in fallout 3 before the game ended (Pre Broken Steel). I'd rather have a natural skill system and never hit the level cap versus one where I can hit it before the game ends. Edited by trob1000
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I don't want glitches and constant patches that ruin the modding community, and i don't want it to be made on the Creation engine. Either Bethesda is comprised of retarded monkeys, or the creation engine is the buggiest engine in the world.
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Don't want:


- Crappy identi-kit followers with zero personality (Skyrim I'm looking at you).


The followers and their respective storylines and how they developed were one of the best bits of NV. I'd rather have fewer available followers and them actually be interesting, and developed as characters in their own right.



- The Skyrim skills system, at least not as it stands.


Or, if it's going to be based on skills only increasing through use, don't allow "training" to circumvent that. In Skyrim you can gain 5 levels in training for a pitiful sum of gold, compared to the effort you need to put in to level them manually.



- Pickable perks to vanish.


I LIKE pickable perks. Another thing sadly lacking in Skyrim.



- Any NPCs marked as essential unless absolutely unavoidable.


If they're in front of me, and I have a weapon, I should be able to kill them. End of story.

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