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Fallout 4 modding already in decline?


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On second thought, never mind. I have removed all my comments. You and @zanity are a pair worth folding.


If you want a serious evaluation of modding cycles, check out "modding dying?", as it has a nice set of statistics from Dark0ne.


Seriously. I honestly never thought I'd a see a video game complaint as hyperbolic as "It looks like an 8-year old game!! OMG!!" But then...


Here's a simple undeniable fact: Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 in number of mods in the next two months. To put it another way: In less than 1 year, Fallout 4 will have more mods than Fallout 3's gotten in almost 8. It already has more downloads. And that's only counting nexus mods.


On a (slightly!) more speculative note, I suspect it will go on to surpass FNV and become the most modded Fallout game ever. If you think that counts as "dying," this might be helpful: https://www.amazon.com/Merriam-Webster-Dictionary/dp/087779930X

Edited by RS13
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Fallout 4 is going to make it or die - depending on the Mod Community. But it will also depend on if Beth can keep their hands off the Mod Community and let it do what it does best.




But if Beth, decides to screw it up, .... then I'm not sure what will happen to FO-4.

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On second thought, never mind. I have removed all my comments. You and @zanity are a pair worth folding.


If you want a serious evaluation of modding cycles, check out "modding dying?", as it has a nice set of statistics from Dark0ne.


Seriously. I honestly never thought I'd a see a video game complaint as hyperbolic as "It looks like an 8-year old game!! OMG!!" But then...


Here's a simple undeniable fact: Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 in number of mods in the next two months. To put it another way: In less than 1 year, Fallout 4 will have more mods than Fallout 3's gotten in almost 8. It already has more downloads. And that's only counting nexus mods.


On a (slightly!) more speculative note, I suspect it will go on to surpass FNV and become the most modded Fallout game ever. If you think that counts as "dying," this might be helpful: https://www.amazon.com/Merriam-Webster-Dictionary/dp/087779930X



WTF are you on about? I have read this post thrice and can not figure out what it has to do with my post. Maybe you could explain in some greater detail.


And your link is to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, so I am not getting what ever it is you are trying to say.

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On second thought, never mind. I have removed all my comments. You and @zanity are a pair worth folding.


If you want a serious evaluation of modding cycles, check out "modding dying?", as it has a nice set of statistics from Dark0ne.


Seriously. I honestly never thought I'd a see a video game complaint as hyperbolic as "It looks like an 8-year old game!! OMG!!" But then...


Here's a simple undeniable fact: Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 in number of mods in the next two months. To put it another way: In less than 1 year, Fallout 4 will have more mods than Fallout 3's gotten in almost 8. It already has more downloads. And that's only counting nexus mods.


On a (slightly!) more speculative note, I suspect it will go on to surpass FNV and become the most modded Fallout game ever. If you think that counts as "dying," this might be helpful: https://www.amazon.com/Merriam-Webster-Dictionary/dp/087779930X


Yeah....about that. Most of these mods are weapons mods (to be expected) settlement mode mods and "slooty" clothing. That's not what this game needs. Fallout 4 doesn't need small fixes, it needs HUGE fixes. Fallout 3 only needs six mods to be awesome: FWE, Iron Sights, Fallout Classic Weapons, Vurt's Floral Overhaul and a mod that lets you kill Dr. Braun in Vault 112 and a real animals mod (which we didn't get.) Fallout 4 needs: a green mod, an animals mod, vehicle/mount mod a Fallout Classic Weapons mod, skillchecks, Five more settlements with NPCs and about three to five side quests a piece, a total conversion mod for East City Downs and the Combat Zone, an overhaul of both the Triggermen and Gunners to be interesting, not always hostile factions


his isn't even going into what I want, which is Boston as a New Vegas type rebuilt city, a quest to reform the raiders of Libertalia back into a peaceful settlement, a continuation of Cabot House where the character can wear the helmet and create serum to save Shaun and possibly others, way to get Curie to start manufacturing her panacea and of course a genuine horror Innsmouth mod that isn't only about shooting fish people in the face, at least not till the end.

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his isn't even going into what I want, which is Boston as a New Vegas type rebuilt city, a quest to reform the raiders of Libertalia back into a peaceful settlement, a continuation of Cabot House where the character can wear the helmet and create serum to save Shaun and possibly others, way to get Curie to start manufacturing her panacea and of course a genuine horror Innsmouth mod that isn't only about shooting fish people in the face, at least not till the end.


... well you better quit whining and whinging and get out the CK and start modding quick pronto then, Mr Zero Mods.

Edited by steve40
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LOL. Harsh but it drives the point that people need to step up instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Same thing for the wiki. I've been the only one so far editing it and frankly that's too much for a single person.


It's more of things being slow than a decline.

Edit: Most of those things charwo wants, sounds only possible with the help of F4SE, and that's still in the early stages. I have a nice idea that I can't begin working on unless I can do a deep search into the player inventory. Almost all the mods currently available were made without the CK.

Edited by TummaSuklaa
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On second thought, never mind. I have removed all my comments. You and @zanity are a pair worth folding.


If you want a serious evaluation of modding cycles, check out "modding dying?", as it has a nice set of statistics from Dark0ne.


Seriously. I honestly never thought I'd a see a video game complaint as hyperbolic as "It looks like an 8-year old game!! OMG!!" But then...


Here's a simple undeniable fact: Fallout 4 will surpass Fallout 3 in number of mods in the next two months. To put it another way: In less than 1 year, Fallout 4 will have more mods than Fallout 3's gotten in almost 8. It already has more downloads. And that's only counting nexus mods.


On a (slightly!) more speculative note, I suspect it will go on to surpass FNV and become the most modded Fallout game ever. If you think that counts as "dying," this might be helpful: https://www.amazon.com/Merriam-Webster-Dictionary/dp/087779930X



WTF are you on about? I have read this post thrice and can not figure out what it has to do with my post. Maybe you could explain in some greater detail.


And your link is to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, so I am not getting what ever it is you are trying to say.



It's not directed at you.


The only part that references you is the first paragraph in which I say "seriously" (as in: seriously, people should read what Dark One has to say about his own site's stats) and add that the inzane members of this forum are every bit as hyperbolic as those who thought FO4 looked like FO3.


The next two paragraphs are directed at the inzane, who could desperately use a dictionary so they understand what "dying" means.

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Yeah....about that. Most of these mods are weapons mods (to be expected) settlement mode mods and "slooty" clothing. That's not what this game needs. Fallout 4 doesn't need small fixes, it needs HUGE fixes. Fallout 3 only needs six mods to be awesome: FWE, Iron Sights, Fallout Classic Weapons, Vurt's Floral Overhaul and a mod that lets you kill Dr. Braun in Vault 112 and a real animals mod (which we didn't get.) Fallout 4 needs: a green mod, an animals mod, vehicle/mount mod a Fallout Classic Weapons mod, skillchecks, Five more settlements with NPCs and about three to five side quests a piece, a total conversion mod for East City Downs and the Combat Zone, an overhaul of both the Triggermen and Gunners to be interesting, not always hostile factions


his isn't even going into what I want, which is Boston as a New Vegas type rebuilt city, a quest to reform the raiders of Libertalia back into a peaceful settlement, a continuation of Cabot House where the character can wear the helmet and create serum to save Shaun and possibly others, way to get Curie to start manufacturing her panacea and of course a genuine horror Innsmouth mod that isn't only about shooting fish people in the face, at least not till the end.


This is your list of requirements for FO3 and your list of requirements for FO4. You don't speak for all players and I disagree with most of your ideas about what needs to be done to make the games playable (my games are both enjoyable and modded and my mod lists (actual mods and wished for mods) are almost entirely different from yours. None of my "can't play without mods" are on your list. I use zero from yours. I likewise wouldn't want most of the mods you claim to be necessary to make FO4 playable.


I'm not the only player or mod author that would disagree with or is uninspired by your lists. Those disagreements are important because mod authors create what they are interested in. If we don't care about something it's likely that we will do nothing about it. I'd encourage you to take up modding so that you can do what the rest of us do: identify what you don't like or want to see and build for that.

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Yeah....about that. Most of these mods are weapons mods (to be expected) settlement mode mods and "slooty" clothing. That's not what this game needs. Fallout 4 doesn't need small fixes, it needs HUGE fixes. Fallout 3 only needs six mods to be awesome: FWE, Iron Sights, Fallout Classic Weapons, Vurt's Floral Overhaul and a mod that lets you kill Dr. Braun in Vault 112 and a real animals mod (which we didn't get.) Fallout 4 needs: a green mod, an animals mod, vehicle/mount mod a Fallout Classic Weapons mod, skillchecks, Five more settlements with NPCs and about three to five side quests a piece, a total conversion mod for East City Downs and the Combat Zone, an overhaul of both the Triggermen and Gunners to be interesting, not always hostile factions


his isn't even going into what I want, which is Boston as a New Vegas type rebuilt city, a quest to reform the raiders of Libertalia back into a peaceful settlement, a continuation of Cabot House where the character can wear the helmet and create serum to save Shaun and possibly others, way to get Curie to start manufacturing her panacea and of course a genuine horror Innsmouth mod that isn't only about shooting fish people in the face, at least not till the end.



This isn't an argument. This is a rationalization. Aside from the fact--as llama points out--that those are *your* demands, many of the things you say the FO4 "needs" aren't available in FO3 (Mounts, skill checks, interesting not-always-hostile raider factions) and many of the mods you mods you say FO3 needed are already baked into vanilla FO4 (Iron SIghts, and many features from FWE). You're raising and lowering the bar depending on which game you're talking about.


Moreover, you're shifting the target. When you started this you were ostensibly talking about the numbers. Now, however, you've completely changed your tune. "OK, sure, it's got a ton of mods and will be the most modded fallout game ever--but they're all baaaaad! None of them are the 15 must-have mods I've mentioned. And look at all that sluttiness!" Look, if you want to say the mods scene's dying then argue that. If you want to argue that it's been taken over by greasy perverts then argue that... just admit you were completely wrong about it dying out first.

Edited by RS13
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