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Nuka World "Let's Play" already up on Youtube


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I don't know how (though I suspect it's because Steam is already pre-installing NW in some countries to avoid server traffic jams) But there is already a Let's Play /Walkthrough of Nuka World on Youtube. Judging from the length of the videos I'm hoping it's juts the "main" story and not the whole DLC.


Link removed , because the video was taken down - Sorry if you missed it

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If you signed up for beta testing and you received an invitation, you can already play the pre-release version of Nuka World.

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From what I saw, the "main quest" is not much different from what"The Pit" DLC. was, which is VERY disappointing.


Some random "wastelander" asks you to go to an off - map location, you take a short <groan> loadscreen trip to another map, and a "conspirator" asks you/ helps you to fix all the bad stuffz, you get to make a choice between killing one bunch of people and taking command, or killing a different bunch and leaving the original people in charge.


From what I could also infer from the brief amount we saw, it's also not that much different to Automatron, in that once the 1 hour or so "main quest" is done, it's just another workshop DLC. If you choose one path, you get to kick Presto Gravy and his friends out of Settlements, and turn them into "slave camps" - in other words, the "settlers" probably get renamed as "slaves" but everything else is pretty much the same. Or if you choose the other path, You will maybe get some cool new signs to put up and "Nuka World" just becomes another load screen "Hub" like Diamond City.


I really hope I'm wrong, but ...

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From what I saw, the "main quest" is not much different from what"The Pit" DLC. was, which is VERY disappointing.


Some random "wastelander" asks you to go to an off - map location, you take a short <groan> loadscreen trip to another map, and a "conspirator" asks you/ helps you to fix all the bad stuffz, you get to make a choice between killing one bunch of people and taking command, or killing a different bunch and leaving the original people in charge.


From what I could also infer from the brief amount we saw, it's also not that much different to Automatron, in that once the 1 hour or so "main quest" is done, it's just another workshop DLC. If you choose one path, you get to kick Presto Gravy and his friends out of Settlements, and turn them into "slave camps" - in other words, the "settlers" probably get renamed as "slaves" but everything else is pretty much the same. Or if you choose the other path, You will maybe get some cool new signs to put up and "Nuka World" just becomes another load screen "Hub" like Diamond City.


I really hope I'm wrong, but ...

no you're right

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