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Are there any side effects to using ShowRaceMenu?

Gaius Octavian

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I've been playing around with the console for a little while (originally to try and fix the broken Blood on the Ice quest and the broken house that goes with it) and just discovered ShowRaceMenu works.


I was wondering if there are any known side effects to this yet? I remember in either Morrowind or Oblivion it'd reset you to level 1 or something that. I just want to know if it'll break my character or the game.

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It only messes up your stats if you actually change your race.


You can re-adjust whatever you like as long as you stay the same race. No harm done.

Be warned though, I've had a LOT of bugs all over this game and I believe some of them are related to using this command.

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OK I changed my haircut and my face a little. All my stats are the same. Looks like you're right.


In that case I'd guess the bug happens when you change race because all the races have different starting stats, so it has to change them.


I'm going to see if I can change my sex without problems.


Yep you can change sex. My character is now a tranny. Don't judge me!

Edited by Gaius Octavian
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OK I changed my haircut and my face a little. All my stats are the same. Looks like you're right.


In that case I'd guess the bug happens when you change race because all the races have different starting stats, so it has to change them.


I'm going to see if I can change my sex without problems.


Yep you can change sex. My character is now a tranny. Don't judge me!

From the Skyrim Wiki:


showracemenu - Bring up character customization menu.


* NOTE: Your health Magicka, Stamina, and Health levels will be spread evenly on using this depending on your character's level. It will remove any point distributions that were custom.

* NOTE2: Make sure you are in the third person view before editing your character, otherwise you will be invisible, and unable to see the changes made on your character

* NOTE3: can be Used as Vampire to fix Odd Skin/Facecolor Matchings and will not Spread your Stamina/Magica/Health Levels while you use it as Vampire, if you changed something while be Vampire and Cure yourself with lycanthropy the light Skin will stay...but also here you can use Showracemenu and alter it back to normal again without merging Stam/Magic/Health (can only confirm this as Argonian)

* NOTE4: will NOT modify your attributes/skills/points/etc. unless you change the race, sex, or select a preset from the list. Modifying purely cosmetic things like skin color/warpaint/hair/face shape/etc. will leave your points unchanged. TIP: if the character moves it's hands in front like they were tied, it's a clear indication that the skills will be messed up; if the hands remain parallel to the body it's fine.

* NOTE5: A way to fix the modified attributes error is to simply re-equip your gear. It may not be the best fix but it is better than nothing.

* NOTE6: will remove racial resistances when used until you re-load from the main menu.

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