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while I wait for mods....


While I wait for mods  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which game should I play while waiting for Skyrim mods?

    • Dragon Age Origins + all expansions
    • The Witcher 1
    • Skip "The Witcher 1" and go straight to "the Witcher 2"

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so.... Im *quote* done *un-quote* with my first playthrough of skyrim. before I re-roll and play an in-depth playthrough i am going to wait a few months for some bad ass mods that streamline the game and just give it the overall tweeking it needs. in the meentime I am trying to decide if I should start playing

Dragon Age origins


The witcher 1


I also purchased the witcher 2.... should I just skip 1 and start playing 2? Soooo many good game series demand knowing back story to fully enjoy the mythos is this the case with the witcher series?


Thanx in advance guys! love the community here... ive been a ghost for so long.

~ John

Edited by Gennoslo
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i have the Witcher 1, but ive only gotten maybe 2 hours into it.


so my vote goes to DAO. it took me 60 hours per play through x 3 play throughs. plus a 40 hour modded play through and then some partial play throughs. loved the game and its DLC. never played awakenings, and have yet to start DA2 even though i have it....thinking about going back to a modded DAO soon though for another play through. was a rogue class last time, might try warrior this time. (don care for mage)

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I'd play both The Witcher 1 and The Witcher 2. TW2 is better in some sorts, but TW1 has that charm about it :) Plus, you get a feeling for the story and the characters before going on to the sequel. Both fantastic games. Edited by Illiad86
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Thanks guys. I think i will be going with the witcher 1. only because I want to get to the witcher 2.

DAO can wait for a while because its stand alone and I have no real desire to play DA2.

So the Witcher 1 it is... thanks guys! Nexus does have one of the best and welcoming communities out there.


~ J

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witcher 1 and 2 suck and 2 is way easy and boring for it. I didnt finish either game because they sucked so bad and were so boring or easy.


Dragon Age Origins is really good but the expansion is broken for gameplay balance, your way OP. Maybe if you start a new character for awakenings it would be ok. DO NOT buy Dragon Age 2 for it is utter s***.

Edited by ploppytheman
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