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Operation anchorage like dlc?


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I feel like fallout 4 for all its issues in regards to not enough content, probably has created the best framework for modding new quests or something, just saying - cause I'm hoping its true~

Voiced protagonist and 4-list dialogue. Yes, amazing questing. I wasn't counting the precombined meshes and all the stuff that makes changing existing environment a pain.

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I feel like fallout 4 for all its issues in regards to not enough content, probably has created the best framework for modding new quests or something, just saying - cause I'm hoping its true~

Voiced protagonist and 4-list dialogue. Yes, amazing questing. I wasn't counting the precombined meshes and all the stuff that makes changing existing environment a pain.


And I agree with this. When I found out that there are only 4 speech slots available, I pretty much lost any interest in trying to create quest mods. Beth knew that part of the allure of their games was their modability, yet they seemed to do everything in their power to handicap the ability to change things. Makes no damn sense.

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one way to get around it might be to just put ... and a quick shrug animation or something or stare for options, or the alternative options as a sort of "say the same thing but possibly get some exp" red and orange and yellow text
like, you say exactly the same thing, fail or succeed just yields some exp and the difference is just that you get exp or not
that hardcode IS pretty annoying
are people sure there's absolutely no way to get around it?
it's frustrating I must admit
I would honestly consider the asking for it to be changed up, it's a really bad system indeed, it's only there for consoles, and it's pretty nasty anyways
ohhhh... OH. OH!

you could do it so that there's a primary node with an option to go into another list of options, and you can backtrack etc, this is standard procedure for choose your own adventure books from back in the day where they routinely used like 2-4 options anyways
it's an old method of organization but basically, if I have 5 options, then I could setup 3 to carry things forwards, with the 4th option being the ability to sidetrack to another node that in of itself doesn't go anywhere further except as an extension of dialogue options

where 8 is a dialogue list of 3 options that go somewhere (or 2, if you also need a "leave convo" hardcoded button I can't remember if you do I never remember that sorta thing)
point is, you'd have 2-3 options to finish a convo a certain way and/or exit convo per node (or move to the next stage of one) and you'd have one that leads to a side-node with its own options (and the side node would have a reserved option to go to the original node again)
but I heavily suggest anyone using this method maps out, on paper no less, their dialogue tree

if primary node has 3 options that all INEVITABLY lead into a fight, and the optional node had a persuasion check thingy (whatever it's called I forgot) that if you failed went into a fight, or succeeded went into further discourse, then you get something that looks a bit crisscross
note that the example here is just to show the various ways of going about stuff
start convo
| | \
V V \
default in fight \
or failed persuasion VERSUS more discussion on success of persuasion check

| / \

| / \

| pick fight anyways VERSUS some more quest stuff - perhaps a default into more quest stuff and another persuasion check to see if you get something even more interesting

| | (think like getting extra caps when you take a mission on that you'd get caps for anyways)






Edited by tartarsauce2
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