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Which would you prefer?


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I mean, I would want my Steward.....who I'd probably make Ohdaving :tongue:....to take care of all the stuff anyway. I'd just be the guy that returned to him to check the status quo for whatever quests, or recurring events I have to take part in. I'd probably make Lydia my General, and it'd be pretty bad ass to have a Hall of Thanes with my Housecarl as its proprietor.


I also like the idea of adding sort of a "Kingmaker" type feel to the game. It'd be great if this were a quest after Liberation/Reuniting Skyrim that allowed you to eventually gain the favor of all the Jarls and become High King...at which point I'd have Ulfric beheaded since...while he's not the most racist guy, he's still an ass...


I can think of a lot of things Jarlhood would encompass, but would probably be too much work to do.

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Of the two, I want 'em both. Elestat looks like he's going to bring his Trade and Commerce shop mod (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39255) over, dunno if your idea was different than that. So since I know of a shop mod that's coming that I like, my vote is for the Jarl. Outside of the fact I've never learned to Mod, a Jarl-based mod was going to entice me to try to learn this time around ;-)
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My plan is to have the player and a group of NPCs shipwrecked on an island. With no salvation in sight you will have to delegate tasks to the npcs to ensure your survival. You will quickly discover a mine full of rare metals. At first you will be stranded on the island but you will eventually be able to build a dock and boathouse. Once you build a lighthouse, merchant ships will occasionally stop in to trade. Often times several crewmembers will desert the merchant ship to stay in your city, upping your population.

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I've been planning a Jarl of Whiterun mod as a fitting reward for finishing the Main Quest, and I'd like to see a gigantic collaboration of Jarl-Wannabes with suggestions. My idea included building stuff, wiping out the Thalmor, battles with other holds for new land... This could be expanded into becoming High King, even ordering executions of random subjects... And btw, Ohdaving as steward is the best idea I've heard in my life...



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