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I posted this in the requests earlier today, but still; a mod that allows you to repossess the home of somebody you've killed, preferably by taking their key. Man or woman living alone, walking the road at night...you kill them, steal their key, and have access to the items in their home, their bed, and their storage, just like it was your own house.

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I'd like a mod that allows the game world to change in intricate ways and not be so static all the time. For example, there could be small things like every once in a while a trader like Belethor will retire or something and someone else will buy his shop from him. Then major (but extremely rare things) like a random clan of vampires or a group of dragons come out of nowhere and burn down a village(or even a city). The people then work together to rebuild and make it better. Or maybe even an entirely new city or village or farm is built to accommodate a growing population.

I'd also like more permanent consequences for your actions and decisions. Like if you join the vampire clan in the Dawnguard DLC and decide to drain the life of everyone in a city. People will know who you are and forever attempt to hunt you down. Just things like that.

I just hate how the game world is so static...and relatively forgiving of your actions. But I'm sure a mod like this would surely be impossible for the current game engine :sleep:.


Maybe in the next game...maybe...

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I would like a two handed bound sword, with black flames effect, that can shoot black fire (the bloodskal sword effect, but black), it would also soul trap enemies when killed and that the only way to summon it would be consuming a filled black soul gem. It would be a good spell for a necromancer.

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my dream mod is a mod with 400+ armors 400+ weapons 400+ spells, though it couldn't never come out D:

why would you want so many? are you even going to use them all?


No, but i like to have so much things to try and look at, i'd test some spells... use some armors, then kill imperials with a giant scythe, :D

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My dream mods let's see

-An all in one body mod installer (contains CBBE, UNP,...) so no more topics about neck seams issues because this mod "fixes" that


-A quest mod "Dragonborn as highking" , kick thalmor ass , give skyrim back to the Nords but still befriend the Imperials as allies(show them that they actually won the war and not the other way around), This mod should include recruiting, buidign your own "town"(heart-fire needed ofc) ,... if you want a more specified explanaition you can always try to PM me


-A magic overhaul mod: make magic act like in Eragon first it drains magicka then stamina(rate *2 or more) and after that it drains health(rate *5 or more) this also make that magic get's buffed but magicka regen debuffed. Spell will now get a status(novicce, apprientice, advanced, expert, master)(fe firball -novice status(aka 0 -50 times used) basic cost -master status (aka 500+ times used) only 10% of it's of basic cost damage is sligtly buffed too). Possibilty to imbue amulets, rings,...with magicka so when i need of a massive pool of magicka you can always rely on those items to restore magicka. I do know tha PUMS slightly cover these part but as a standalone for all magic mods.

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I would like a two handed bound sword, with black flames effect, that can shoot black fire (the bloodskal sword effect, but black), it would also soul trap enemies when killed and that the only way to summon it would be consuming a filled black soul gem. It would be a good spell for a necromancer.


Something like that?

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My dream mod is a mod to unify the best survival mods out there. In my opinion, they are:


- Frostfall;

- Realistic Needs and Diseases;

- Hunterborn;

- Camping kit of the northern ranger.


If all of these could be put toghether under one mod (and one crafting menu), my skyrim survivalist experience would be perfect. Perhaps other mods could be included as well.

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My dream mod is a mod to unify the best survival mods out there. In my opinion, they are:


- Frostfall;

- Realistic Needs and Diseases;

- Hunterborn;

- Camping kit of the northern ranger.


If all of these could be put toghether under one mod (and one crafting menu), my skyrim survivalist experience would be perfect. Perhaps other mods could be included as well.

I really am annoyed that Hunterborn is not compatible with Frostfall. I want to use both together.

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