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I know we can only choose one mod but I have more ideas :P

1. Wolf-like race - similar to khajiit but with a natural-like wolf head (not a furry human) and "digitgrade legs" and also the ability to tame a wolf to be your companion


2. Customizable armor and weapons - color, mabe add/remove some parts - that would be nice


3. Kill animations for spells - why only melee weapon kills are shown?


4. NPC's recognizing my equipment and reacting for it - for example "Whoa nice set of Daedric armor mate" or "you look like a beggar in those rugs"


5. hotkeys for any two-spell combination like 1: right hand heal, left hand fireball 2: dual cast fireball caus it's extreemely booring to go to spell inventory in the middle of a fight to change spells usually on one hand only


6. shield dual wield and shield fighting - lots of armor, low damage but I guess it could be usefull in some situations


7. ability to combine spells efects when you get 100 points in a school - healing self and others with one spell (100 resto) or shocking fireball (100 destru)


8. armor that gets damage when someone hits me with a weapon (similar to oblivion) and ability to fix it which would also increase smithing


9. upper and lower armor separated cause maybe I want to have daedric top and steel bottom or any other choice :P


10. any kind of my companions to be immune for my weapons or damage spells because they have the bad tendency to get in the way and die of my hand :P

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Better follower scripts..the harvesters in C&C are smarter than the companions in skyrim -.-


They continously running into my attack and dying..or if i jump over a stone to another spot..they dont follow over the stone no..they walk through the entire world to find an even path to that spot..


Also i would wish that followers can keep up with increased charakterspeed from those amor perks...i do hate it to have waited several minutes sometimes till they arrive.

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I would like to see a mod where at the start of the game you create multiple characters.


You can then choose to play as any one of those characters at any time, you can switch between them freely.


you can also trade with each character and choose to have one as a follower


I suppose its sort of like having your own guild , but as you can trade between them you can have different characters fulfilling different needs and play styles.

help <charname(yours?)> 0

player.placeatme <yourcharIDhere>

Addtofaction 5C84D 1

setrelationshiprank player 4


^Sometimes glitchy, the faction commands. This'll make a clone of you, and hopefully make them be your follower. Note addtofac and setrelationship work on all chars. I use it and made farengar and all those guys my followers...




Edited by LordKross
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Copied and pasted from my reply to the survival/realism thread:


I'd like to see the inventory compartmentalized and reduce the maximum carry weight substantially. For example I'd like to see the inventory split up into something like this:


  • Apothacery's satchel - holds up to 40 weight's worth of ingredients
  • Soul puch - holds up to 30 soul gems
  • Belt pouch - holds up to 25 potions, 15 vials of poison and 40 lock-picks
  • Coin purse - holds up to 50,000 gold and 40 gems
  • Backpack - holds up to 120 weight of weapons, apparel, food and misc items
  • Water-skin - holds up to 10 units of drink


In an ideal world I'd also love for these to be displayed on the character but I imagine this would require a modification of every armor set in the game and probably isn't worth the time or effort. I feel that this combined with eating and sleeping requirements would result in much more realistic and immersive gameplay. You'd have to carry a lot less and so loot less and sell less. You'd have to buy food and drink and stay in inns a lot more so money would feel a lot more important than it currently does.

Edited by Darkweave
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