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Why does everybody hate console players?


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I look through these forums and I see a lot of negativity towardd console players because we "ruined the elder scrolls series" and "console players aren't like PC players"

and stuff like that, I mean what did we do?



I don't hate the players. I've never met them.


But I can't stand how consoles ruin great PC games. Skyrim is another example. Selling it's soul.


It's the user interface. It's terrible. Witcher 2 was ruined by consoles, too. Dragon Age 2, same deal. It's a second-rate way of playing a role-playing game.


That's why people hate consoles. They destroy great games.


You want a great role-playing game, the way a role-playing game should be played, go play Lord of the Rings online. It would be impossible to make that game for the console. Unless of course you handicapped it, completely overhauled it, and blasted it with a cloak of simplicity.


Age of Conan is better than this. Neverwinter Nights is better than this. Hell, I'd rather play Drakensang than Skyrim Consolized.


Okay, maybe that's going a bit to far. Forget Drakensang.


What really pisses me off is when developers say they are catering to the PC croud, when it's blatantly obvious they aren't. Just look at the interface for Christ sake. Another unshockingly poor console template.


*^#! damn console players.... :wallbash:






Blame the developers and publishers for the UI, they were the ones who didn't think the PC was worth making a proper UI for. Consoles don't make games and neither do console gamers, we should stop blaming them start blaming the people responsible. As for dumbing down, it's happening on the PC too, we made a big deal of 350,000 people playing Skyrim at the same time yet Farmville has an average of 11 million playing at any one time, when it comes to dumbed down crap the PC has more than its fair share.

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I look through these forums and I see a lot of negativity towardd console players because we "ruined the elder scrolls series" and "console players aren't like PC players"

and stuff like that, I mean what did we do?



I don't hate the players. I've never met them.


But I can't stand how consoles ruin great PC games. Skyrim is another example. Selling it's soul.


It's the user interface. It's terrible. Witcher 2 was ruined by consoles, too. Dragon Age 2, same deal. It's a second-rate way of playing a role-playing game.


That's why people hate consoles. They destroy great games.


You want a great role-playing game, the way a role-playing game should be played, go play Lord of the Rings online. It would be impossible to make that game for the console. Unless of course you handicapped it, completely overhauled it, and blasted it with a cloak of simplicity.


Age of Conan is better than this. Neverwinter Nights is better than this. Hell, I'd rather play Drakensang than Skyrim Consolized.


Okay, maybe that's going a bit to far. Forget Drakensang.


What really pisses me off is when developers say they are catering to the PC croud, when it's blatantly obvious they aren't. Just look at the interface for Christ sake. Another unshockingly poor console template.


*^#! damn console players.... :wallbash:






Blame the developers and publishers for the UI, they were the ones who didn't think the PC was worth making a proper UI for. Consoles don't make games and neither do console gamers, we should stop blaming them start blaming the people responsible. As for dumbing down, it's happening on the PC too, we made a big deal of 350,000 people playing Skyrim at the same time yet Farmville has an average of 11 million playing at any one time, when it comes to dumbed down crap the PC has more than its fair share.


There are two problems simultaneously at work here, though:


1) The devs aren't here, so there's really no way to "complain" to them.

2) The people who entirely reasonably want to claim their platform is the best. We all want our team to win, of course, the problem is that PC players are a bit sore with the platform. Sorta like "the friend of my enemy is my enemy," if you will.

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Get Skyrim for PC, and then try to click on Conversation items and you'll know why PC players hate Console players.


There's also the fact that the consoles are 6 years old pieces of hardware....imagine if Skyrim was designed for CURRENT hardware how fantastic it would be.

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I dropped out of the console scene around 1996...and nothing that has developed since then has made me regret it or wish to return to it. They just can't compete with a pc. And it's sad to see what should be marvellous games look and play like absolute garbage on the pc due to the fact they've been ported over from a hunk of out-dated junk.


Anyhow, I'm not a console-user-hater, per se. But consoles are second - if not third - rate, and those who think they aren't are - at the very least - a wee bit delusional.


Exactly that^ I haven't used consoles since the PS1/early PS2 days, or roughly 8 or 9 years. Once I learned how to build and upgrade PCs, I noticed something - Consoles suck ass by comparison. They are restrictive, cannot be upgraded, and Microsoft and Sony threaten lawsuits to those who would try to do so. I don't remember the last time AMD, Intel, or Nvidia threatened to sue me for upgrading my PC hardware.


As far as console players, I don't hate them. I agree with JimUK though in that the way the developers pander to consoles these days is getting pretty annoying. Developers also assume console players are, for lack of a better term, stupid. "Oh noes! We can't have attributes up in our Skyrim, that's far too complicated, and we know console players don't like math. We best remove a bunch of the skill types and armor slots too. We don't want to overload the primitive console player's brain with such things as variety and customization."


I'm picking on Bethesda at the moment, but they're not the only company that does this. I think what's at the heart of it all is that game developers think console players are dumb, so by and large they make stupid games that your average monkey could figure out and enjoy. And then they figure "Well, we better make a craptacular PC port of this to shut those guys up and take their moneyz."


It's half-assed and lazy, and all about the bottom line $$$. Game companies need to make a profit, sure. But when the PC players are just an afterthought and we get some BS, dumbed-down port of whatever, it does tend to piss us off after awhile.

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For me, it boils down to capabilities. There is no Console on the market which can compete with the PC. Period. From a technical standpoint, PC's are superior in every way, and the customizability means you can keep up with a PC, while a console stagnates. This is becomming increasingly apparent as consoles fall more and more behind the curve. Current estimates say there won't be any nex-gen consoles until at least 2015 (The Wii-U is more Nintendo playing catchup than actually pushing into the next generation) with a more reasonable estimate between 2017-2020.


Don't get me wrong, i remain a console friendly gamer. I don't liek FPS's on PC, and some games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect just feel more natural when i play them on console. However, RTS's will always be crap on console...


Anyway, I don't fault companies for their console focus, as it increases the player base and community, and generates more revenue for the company in question. What i'd like to see, however, is companies trying to push gamers of particular genres away from consoles and into PC gaming. Something along the lines of 'You enjoyed it on Xbox, now play Skyrim as it was meant to be played!". Kinda force the playerbase to grow up, and capitalise on the resurgent superiority of the PC in the gaming world.

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I'm picking on Bethesda at the moment, but they're not the only company that does this. I think what's at the heart of it all is that game developers think console players are dumb, so by and large they make stupid games that your average monkey could figure out and enjoy. And then they figure "Well, we better make a craptacular PC port of this to shut those guys up and take their moneyz."



The sad thing about it, they don't "think" console players are dumb. There's probably a lot of research behind that assumption and they choose to cater to "Joe below average". The second assumption is, that most players won't mind one way or the other. Maybe that's even true. Nobody knows how many casual players are fully satisfied with what is served. The only way to get a hint if a game is successful or not are the sales figures.

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Half of me is like "Good thing it was developed with consoles in mind, otherwise my computer couldn't handle it!" and the other half of me it like "THESE MENUS SUUUUUCK!"


I don't blame console players. I just get annoyed when they think they are cool for getting it on a PS3 and then whine when it lags. :/ I don't care, so don't whine to me about it, you know?

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One thing: about everyone complaining about poor texture quality, don't buy the game then. Nobody has an obligation to make you happy: there are plenty of other so-called 'hated' console players who would be serviced instead. Stop looking at yourself only, and be happy that you even have a computer which is, what, $2000? Nobody told you to buy such an expensive computer, nobody told you to buy x game, NOBODY.


Also, another reason why people don't play on the PC? It's expensive. Not everyone can dish out $1500+ for a computer which can only run better than other computers on a handful of games. Everytime I hear people whine about 'my computer being stronger than the consoles', I just bang at my head on the absurdity of their argument. Hence, why you never buy a computer over $1500!


people are getting dumber


No, not really. Just that the development of video games has slowed since the last decade (the 90-2000's jump in terms of computer games was just massive).


I'm picking on Bethesda at the moment, but they're not the only company that does this. I think what's at the heart of it all is that game developers think console players are dumb, so by and large they make stupid games that your average monkey could figure out and enjoy. And then they figure "Well, we better make a craptacular PC port of this to shut those guys up and take their moneyz."


1. Name me 5 companies which aren't doing what Bethesda's doing.

2. Speculation does not equate to facts in real life: if you allow me to speculate, console players are, quite on the contrary, smarter than PC gamers. Why?

a). PC gamers invest considerable amounts of money to there computer (usually). The more they invest, the more they will actually play it (logic dictates that, why would you want to spend $5000 for 10 minutes a day?).

b). By playing more, their emotional and social skills do not develop as much as console gamers. What's more prevalent in the field of 'hardcore gaming', PC or consoles? I think we know what the answer is.

3. I'm on a 3 year old computer which costed $1000, and the game's fine on my end.

4. Excluding RTS', name me 5 games which are more complex than Skyrim.


There's also the fact that the consoles are 6 years old pieces of hardware....imagine if Skyrim was designed for CURRENT hardware how fantastic it would be.


Yeah, if it was like that, most people wouldn't even be able to play it then.


If I offended anybody, that was not my intention. My intention is to reveal the fallacy, incongruity and hypocritical nature of (I am being frank here) quite a lot of people here.

Edited by dazzerfong
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4. Excluding RTS', name me 5 games which are more complex than Skyrim.



Define complex. In Skyrim's case there's a lot of quantity. But quantity doesn't equal quality or complexity. Bethesda alone has published quite a few games within the past three years being more complex than their latest baby.


And that's what's happening throughout the gaming industry. They call it streamlining and its not a phenomenon introduced between the 90ies and now, but a fairly recent development.

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