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Why does everybody hate console players?


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console players bug me a bit, but its my prejudice :P


what im really not impressed with is the nature of consoles themselves as fundamentally

limited and limiting. Mods.... wow. the free mods you get on pc are madness.


microsoft did a series of integration tests for their live service, the goal being to

open the doors to pc vs console gameing on live.


none of the console gamers stood a chance against the pc gamers,

and it had everything to do with keyboards and mice, and very little to do

with the superior graphic and a hell of a lot to do with the control mechanisms.


now as for skyrim forums rageing at consoles? makes PERFECT sense

why? cause bethsoft designed a skeleton that could be adapted to fit

into the PS3 or the 360 or the PC.


and among the things they did to simplify the process, is they basically

resused the control mechanism for the PS3 and 360 skeleton on the PC

version ROFFLE.


there are a great many things one will notice in game because of this,

for example try selecting a topic of conversation in any dialogue.....

thats cause of console engine not being adapted to pc....


the game does not properly know that there is a mouse controlling the cursor!!!!


during menu and dialog and inventory the game engine believes the mouse

is the gamepad directional controller. and on 360 one down press cycles

through a menu.....


we are literally using our MOUSE CURSOR to simulate clicking the down

arrow on a game pad. theres all sorts of bugs involved.


there are more places where there are ps3 inspired code and control

systems that were not at all properly adapted to pc.


in short, the above pisses us all off because TES started as a PC franchise

and now the PC version of the game is a developmental afterthought.


they wrote the game and tested it on pcs emulating the ps3 and 360 hardware

and operating systems, sorted it all out so it ran as good as they could get her

to run, then split development resources off onto porting it to the PC under windows.


we are pretty upset about the consequences.

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they are hypocrites, piracy is just as rampant on the consoles as it is on the PC yet they always claim that it does not exist or is insignificant.

the second hand market for console games costs more to game developers than piracy yet they claim that is is justified.

console gamers cause games to suck because they only play and buy crappy s*** and game developers to carter to that demo graphics put out crap games.

games that could have been a million times better if they were just on the PC are made to be a million times worse, be it because the developers refuse to use advanced technology because the consoles won't be able to use it (DX11, 64bit system support/use more than 2gb of Ram) or make totally crap UI so the consoles can play it.

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@ OP


other than skyrim, diablo2, and my mmo's i play, i play everything else on consol.


but to answer yur question, i believe it has to do with heirarchy like everything else. you need money to buil a nice computer to play these days games and consol is cheap. So simply, i think people hate consol gamers because pc gamers think they are better than consol gamers/look down on them because pc gamers have more money to build nice rigs.

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There's one thing I haven't read in this discussion yet, and that is that I think there's a positive side to consoles being limited as well.

It kind of forces developers to not only throw more processing power, memory, better gfx cards in in order to make a better game, but forces them to do better and more efficient programming as well in order to make a better game.

There is a clear difference in for example visual quality, but also better content between the first and the last 360 games, eventhough the hardware is still the same. And I think that both pc's and consoles take advantage of this effect.

Especially some pc based shooters suffer from their successors being basicly the same game, but with more pixels (I know that's simplified, but I think you get the point). And that's something you can't really get away with on a console by definition.


I fully agree that poor ports are really a downside, but with the way the market is currently devided I think it's at least better then the game not being ported at all.

Developing games for pc first and foremost, then porting the game to console would be best, but I guess money sometimes talks louder, which I agree is a shame.


Btw, I'm both a pc and console player, and the one thing that made me buy a console is the whole plug and play thing. At a certain time I had to upgrade drivers in order to play one game on pc, then revert back to older ones in order to get another game working again, then find the next game not working at all eventhough it met requirements etc. However when something works well on pc, it works so much better on pc (esp. graphics and mods are the best ofcourse), so I ended up using both. Hope the above makes any sense.

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We don't hate console players. We hate what consoles are doing to the industry as a whole. Every game now days is "dumbed down" so that any 10 yr old can pick up a game without having to use his head for more than holding hair. In addition games are limited to what consoles can handle. Graphics/content are both limited just so console players can have their cake & eat it too. Edited by benny00000
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I don´t hate console players either, before morrowind I was a console player and I own a ps3 for exclusives though I rarely touch it, now I prefer spend my money on a good computer that will last 2 console generations than buying new consoles all the time plus games have superior quality and are much cheaper than console versions.For what I see console players are the ones who hate something that it´s not their console because maybe the majority of them are kids and kids feel the need to show each other who´s the coolest -.-
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I look through these forums and I see a lot of negativity towardd console players because we "ruined the elder scrolls series" and "console players aren't like PC players"

and stuff like that, I mean what did we do?


Absolutely nothing, some PC gamers have a major hatred of console players due to the simplication of games over the years. For whatever reason they see games becoming simpler "dumbed down" and blame console players for this. It's unreasonable, unfair, unkind, and quite inappropriate for this forum space, but that doesn't stop people doing it.


Secondly, a lot of the newer guys to the Nexus aren't really used to the community yet and seem to have brought in an enormous amount of hostility, this will likely go down as the number of people who bought Skyrim because it was fasionable leave to play more recent, trendier things.


It's also important to remember where a lot of the dumbest dumbed down game started-PC. WoW was not a console game in the begining, neither were many others culpable for the trend away from hyper complicated early-days gaming. And anyway expectations have changed-if you go for gameplay complexity and a huge worldspace it'll be ZOMG TEH PHAT LOADTIMES!(Two Worlds) or ZOMG TEH LEARNING CURVEZ(EVE Onlin, Demon Souls) ZOMG DIS NOT FAIR(EVE Online, Demon Souls) if you go for player choice it'll be ZOMG IT HAZ NO CLEAR PLOT FOCUS(Dragon Age, The Witcher, most really good RPGs of that ilk) if you go for freedom of choice it'll be ZOMG AMORAL(Saint's Row The Third) and if you go for graphics it'll be ZOMG NO STORYLINE(Crysis, Crysis 2). People ALWAYS have something to complain about-if they can't find some ready excuse to complain, hate rage scream and treat their fellow gamers like crap, then they'll dig into the very core of the game's code to find one or more often just make one up.


There's always whiners, and a lot of the whiners complain about how "games aren't as good as in the old days" back then expectations of graphics were much lower and gameplay expectations much higher, you had longer devtimes, less rigid deadlines, and you could generaly have a much easier time deving it. And the code was much easier to work with aswell, wheras now, you simply couldn't practicaly remake Daggerfell on the Skyrim engine, it just. Doesnt. Work. You could try sure, but the result would be bloated, woefully impractical, and take up a truly laughable amount of disc space.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Well, I don't have the best machine, but I have a good one so i'm not one of those thousands of dollars into a rig kind of PC gamer. Most are NOT elitists, and are very fine folks. They just have their feathers ruffled, and if you don't have a PC, you don't understand why this is such a frustration.


For example, Tales of Vesperia was designed and firstly shipped over to be on the 360 for American players... the same company, using the 360 as a prototype to see if their game would work well... decided to design a PS3 verision not a six months later with better technology put into it, more quests, more items, more features, basically a far superior game, ported ONLY to the PS3 AND with only Japanese players being able to use it... no north american port.


This severely pissed off a lot of people in the states, because they felt cheated.


Something was designe to work on their system first, then, suddenly, the developers dcided to spit in their face and give ANOTHER BRAND a BETTER game designed BETTER for them.


This is the same concept here. The series was designed first for PC users, all the content, graphics, etc... were for PC quality... then, suddenly, PC is now the one with lackluster this and that... Consoles got more attention for a series that was FOR PC INITIALLY so that is kinda like spitting in the PC user's face.


I will admit I was a console player until Morrowind, I played both console and PC until recently, and must say I see now why PC users play on PC. I didn't get why they thought Mice and Keyboards was so superior, or why they thought their graphics were better, or why Mods were so important... With Morrowind, I saw the light... I finally got why PC users thought they way the did, BECAUSE I BECAME ONE.


You really can't see what we are complaining about until you experience what we do with our games, likewise, a PC only gamer can't understand why Console gamers think Xbox Live, PSN, and the like are very nice things along with the other benefits of having a console (ease of use, guarenteed to play, patched quick, and the support from huge companies like Microsoft and Sony that for the most part have your back and will pressure developers to fix problems in game... at least for a little while after release... PC gamers don't have that... we only have steam and no huge PC game company like Microsoft or Sony equivalent).

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don't hate some console users...devs and the rest of the consolers, as well as some pc users are more in the hated catagory.

as has been said repeatedly, consoles are ancient technology holding back games that could be made if they weren't a factor.

limitations of console controllers transfers to mediocre or downright horrible UI's for pc ports.

autoaim...not needed on pc but required for consoles...tends to always get ported to pc with the rest of the junk.

dx9 needs to die, consoles keep it alive.

then there's instant gratification, something devs and a large number of consolers/pc users buy into...'i beat the game' all they care about...but if it's too hard, requires skill, planning, logical thought, foresight....'oh this game sucks' so instead of devs ignoring that group, they'll design games that seem difficult...but are only intended to give players that instant fix. seriously...how hard is skyrim? get the picture?

complexity...also catering to that same group...games have reduced complexity, reduced options...a game that will make players think? how horrible :O


it's not just consoles, it's also a cadre of pseudo gamers looking for that big brag, instant fix of 'i'm a winner!' and devs, producers, publishers playing right to them...since the spoiled types like that tend to have quite a bit of disposable income>spoiled...never needed nor most likely never will have to do anything difficult in RL, they don't want complex, difficult, or challenging in their entertainment...they don't want to work for anything, even in a game. and yes, they tend to gravitate towards consoles because they're easy. no OS to worry about, simple connections, something goes wrong you take it in. simple controls, no drivers to update, hardware to upgrade, etc. simple, easy to use.

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