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63 members have voted

  1. 1. Is porn good or bad?

    • It´s all good.
    • It is neutral.
    • It is legal, but not necessarily morally good
    • It is morally abhorrent
    • Porn should be banned and criminalized!
  2. 2. Is porn necessary?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • I don´t know.
    • I abstain
  3. 3. Have you ever watched porn?

    • Yes, I am a man
    • No, I am a man
    • Yes, I am a woman
    • No, I am a woman

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Yes, grannywils, that particular idea on imprinting is good for a laugh. However, I wonder how many of these debaters realize just how obnoxious and disgusting the pornography industry is, particularly those who think it harms no one and its OK so long as "no one gets hurt" and there are "consenting" adults.


I suppose its just a lark to some to watch a porn movie, but after the number of years I spent as an investigator its simply that there is no one who is not being hurt by pornography (except those who profit from it) and it isn't a problem in one or another part of the world but across the globe. Sure, its worse in some places than others, but that doesn't excuse the idea that its OK to watch a porn movie and support a wide system of human abuse that has enslaved literally thousands of men, women and children around the world.


Frankly, I cannot imagine anything so boring and wasteful of time as watching a porn movie. I'd just as soon watch paint dry.

I don't doubt that myself. It's part of the entertainment industry....Which I work in.. crossed with the sex industry, I lived above a brothel does that count for anything. My landlord was the pimp too. He was a f***ing a**hole. He wanted to bang my GF at the time really bad... anyway yeah. I believe that. (I believe I need to kick that guys teeth in too)


However by that logic, I don't think I can find very much of anything that isn't totally built on the exploitation of others. Like a burger at McD's is probably no more ethically sound as the delux gay chinese monkey porn flick I have open in the other tab...

Edited by Ghogiel
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I find that its quite unsurprising the majority of the ppl who have watch porn...is a guy. In my opinion i hate porn (i watch it b4 but stupid hormones -_-) and is not morally good for me, considering i hate the idea of commercializing sex or watever
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I find that its quite unsurprising the majority of the ppl who have watch porn...is a guy. In my opinion i hate porn (i watch it b4 but stupid hormones -_-) and is not morally good for me, considering i hate the idea of commercializing sex or watever


others earlier in the thread have pointed out that the definition of pornography doesn't necessarily explicitly imply the "porn" that would immediately come to mind. In fact, it could also include the romance novels that are so popular among women. With this in consideration, the difference margin is decreased significantly. I've known women who take those novels everywhere they go.


Anyway, after saying that you're not surprised that the defenders of pornography are men, you go on to say that you hate porn because of hormones? And that it's against your morality because it monetizes sex? I'm not sure where you were going with hormones, but can I ask if romance novels or illustrated pornography are equally morally wrong, because they both commercializes the of sex? And if so, what about commercials that use sex as a way to sell products? Or movies which contain sexually driven plot-lines, or hyper-sexual lead roles? Sex is commercialized heavily pretty much everywhere, where does your morality draw the line?

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Best laugh I've had all week - the "imprinting" of males to pornography. Better stop playing violent games like Oblivion and Skyrim as these might "imprint" you too, to violence and killing.


This pseudo-psychology has been around for a number of years and has been discredited by numerous agencies and doctors. Its not the violence or the pornography that causes "imprinting" of the individual and their problems with sex or violence, its the individual who is already "imprinted" who has the problem - regardless of the amount of pornography or violence they observe or use for stimulation. In reality, such individuals who are of this psyche will only use pornography or violence that stimulates them and reject all other types. Oh and by the way, females are as susceptible as men in this area as its a mental condition, not a pornography one. May as well identify that nymphomania is caused by porn too and that all those bodice rippers women read tend to lead them to become nymphomaniacs by "imprinting" them.


Like Ghogiel mentioned, one may as well also warn that pornography will lead to hairy palms, going blind, large feet, knuckles dragging on the ground and other physical ailments.


Really pseudo - psychology , funny the marketing and advertising industries don't seem to think so , the most influential individual as in the guy who literally gave it its 20th century form was Sigmund Freud's nephew Bernay's .Our corporations and governments have literally spent 10's and maybe 100's of billions on trying to understand and utilize this so called pseudo - psychology in the last 80 - 100 years. The science of behaviorism of which conditioning and its subsequent manifestation imprinting literally pervades every aspect of our lives . Here's a documentary that illustrates just how far this sort of science has been utilized in our society and the lengths some have gone to better make use of it. This is just the first of 9 , each roughly 14 min long. If you watch them all it really is startling.





As for Ghogiel and his hairy palms and dragging knuckles , prove it ain't so . pictures please . lol

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Wow, nine 14 minute videos posted to YouTube by a conspiracy theorist about how there is a world-wide strategy led by the CIA and US government trying to make everyone dumb and control the population by mind control and behavioral conditioning to increase corporate profits. Now I'm convinced - imprinting by pornography must be a fact!
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@ Ghogiel ... hah, I've said what I've said and that from someone in the know ... take it or leave, to me it's irrelevant what you or anyone else thinks, I'm just repeating what they've said.

Also, I'm no psychologist and neither are you ... but that is the current thought out there ... so the moment you get your degree please feel free to stop by and inform me OK ... lol.

Well as for the hairy palm thing only you would know that right ... hehehehe.


@ ffa1mf and I quote, " ... Better stop playing violent games like Oblivion and Skyrim as these might "imprint" you too, to violence and killing." ...

So you don't think PC games have an influence in behavioral patterns ... I'm actually quite glad you said that because it made me do some checking ... here's a good article you just

might want to check out ... it seems pretty balanced, well thought out and not overly extreme (I hate extreme), here's the LINK

Google the topic, you'll be quite surprised.

P.s ... I play PC games for a t least 2 hours everyday and have done so for years ... I haven't killed anyone ... yet ! .... no just joking, for some it's nothing but for others it's a psychological problem beyond what we can fathom.


On a final note here, it is thought that the two guys who went on a killing spree at Columbine were very influenced by such games as DOOM and wolfenstain ... and can you believe one of the guys was a "modder" who actually created levels for DOOM (calling it his lifes work), and they're still out there called the "Harris levels".

So, what do you think ? ... personally, I reckon the families of the slain aren't laughing ... what say you ?




On a lighter note, I got this story from someone I know, I can't verify it but the person who told me worked with the guy in question ... there was a couple who got their kicks in another way ... other than porn ... they did their own "porn ?" type thing ...

On a friday afternoon the guy whom his wife nicknamed "kadoosie" and his wife whom he called "kadassie" I kid you not lol ... well anyways these two would chitter chatter over the phone just before he left work.

She would put on a pair of heels, fishnets, a mini mini, a tank top and wear really "loud" makeup and chew bubblegum faster than a British soccer manager, and go and wait out on the main street for ol "kadoosie" to come along.

When she saw his car approaching, she'd step out onto the sidewalk and strut her stuff ... he'd honk his horn, slow down and roll down his window ... she'd bend over and lean into the car and he'd make a proposal ... they'd haggle a bit over "price' and finally he'd "pick her up" and off they'd go to a motel and wreck the room ... not quite like Breaking Dawn but close.


These two had imagination, they were'nt boring ... I remember reading Lady Chatterlley's Lover by D H Lawrence and even Madam X by Xaviera Hollander and the kick I got out of that was far more than the same old boring rubbish churned out by the porn industry.

Give me a novel with a hero ravishing a nubile young maiden anyday ... and I'm not talking about Mills & Boons (if you don't know what that is don't worry, you aren't missing anything), now that's something for my mind to chew on ... stay away from me for a week, lol.


I've subscibed to Playgirl at one stage, got the calender ... very very disappointed ... I prefer a guy to have some hair on his chest, honestly now that's a turn on.

I've even joined an adult chatroom once just to see what goes on there ... and got out of there in a hurry ... what they were into wasn't intimacy or sex at all ... it was straight down the middle pure rubbish from a sick mind ... these guys clearly wouldn't have been able to raise the fluff off their ........... even if they had a stick of dynamite.

The days for a natural erection for them was OVER for good ... they had clearly wrecked their minds.

And when I tie this up (lol), with what the lecturer said I have no doubt that he's telling the truth.


Almost everyone has a "kink" somewhere, a predilection, a penchant for something sexually deviant from what is the norm ... of my inner circle of nine girlfriends, only 2 have what you would consider normal straight sex with no mental stimulus other than seeing there husbands naked ... I envy them.

Anyhow, this is my final word here, I'm not coming back to this topic.

PM me if you feel strongly enough about what I've said ... cheers.

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to me it's irrelevant what you or anyone else thinks, I'm just repeating what they've said.

Also, I'm no psychologist and neither are you ... but that is the current thought out there ... so the moment you get your degree please feel free to stop by and inform me OK ... lol.

Nah, when I get my degree I would be smart enough not to bother wasting time.

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@Nintii - Did you even read the article? More importantly, did you understand it?


You should also realize that the author and his partner (Bushman) were cited in 2007 by the APA for "improperly calculating data and producing fallacious results" and their research lost any recognition from the APA or other accredited bodies.


While I appreciate the link to an opinion paper from 2003, published by a discredited researcher, one should really try and gain research from respected and verified sources if they intend to debate a point. I am going to rely on the Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health, The Journal of Adolescent Health, and The British Medical Journal who concluded a worldwide study in 2009, of 130,000 individuals (both male and female gamers). Their conclusions of the study in a nutshell;


No conclusive link exists between video game usage and violent activity.

The studies focused specifically on serious aggressive behavior and concluded that video game violence is not related to serious aggressive behavior in real life. Yes, gamers did tend to be somewhat more aggressive after playing a video game, but the effects were short-term.


The study identified that children already predisposed to violence were affected by violent games.


The long-term outcome study of youth found no long-term relationship between playing violent video game and youth violence or bullying and that aggressive children tend to select more violent video games, not the inverse.


They did make an interesting note on your comment regarding school shootings and the blame placed on video games. I wrote it down so I could reproduce it here:


The moral panic over violent video games is doubly harmful as it has led adult authorities to be more suspicious and hostile to many kids who already feel cut off from the system. It also misdirects energy away from eliminating the actual causes of youth violence and allows problems to continue to fester. The strongest risk factors for school shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure.


What say I?


People shouldn't pull any old piece of opinion off the web and try and use it to debate a point, particularly when they do not understand it or know what it is.

Additionally, people who have no insight or concept of the specifics of an individual criminal incident should really learn to keep their thoughts to them self. My brother was one of the emergency room practitioners at the hospital that day BTW. Persons with no idea of what happened or why and who make absurd statements tend to be thought of as extremely rude and insensitive to human tragedy.

Lastly, while I appreciate your deep expertise in the area of human behaviour, I'll stick to my sources of information (a doctorate in psychology) rather than yours.

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Wow, nine 14 minute videos posted to YouTube by a conspiracy theorist about how there is a world-wide strategy led by the CIA and US government trying to make everyone dumb and control the population by mind control and behavioral conditioning to increase corporate profits. Now I'm convinced - imprinting by pornography must be a fact!


When the documents pertaining to these practices can be read ,when court cases pertaining to it can be reviewed ,when doctors actually write in peer reviewed medical journals on what their findings and aims were is not called conspiracy , its called history . I know about the McGill experiments in Montreal Canada because I'm from Canada and in High School 30 years ago it was part of the curriculum. Besides its not about the CIA or the US government , its about the nature of hierarchy and how something you deemed a pseudo psychology has been extensively pursued .Just so you know everything in the documentary was declassified a long time ago , just look it up on Wikipedia or the Library of Congress.


Now when it comes to this porn question there is a teaching in psychology called denial rationalization or denial self rationalization ,can't quite remember its been so long ,anyway it basically comes in 2 parts the first has to do with those things you personally find distasteful or offensive such as a male who may be disturbed by homosexuality and at first it may only exemplify itself in a few derogatory remarks but with time of engaging in this behavior and maybe social reinforcement of the circle of friends , he eventually begins to become desensitized to that individual , imprinting behaviorisms that 5 years ago he never would have done . So one night out on the town runs into a gay individual and beats the hell out of him , the denial part of this is his own sexual insecurity where in he simply does not wish to look at something like that.


The second part more directly attributable to something like porn which is those things upon which your society or family or friends may frown at . Now Nintii for the most part was the only one to raise any substantive negativity associated with it ,while the prevailing sentiment seems to be well as long as its consensual we're good to go ..Yet porn at its very core is about objectification of the sexual act and its participants and objectification is inherently dehumanising and artificial.Which is what Nintii was getting at , as in if the repetition of porn begins to loose its sweetness so to speak you can be left only with the artificial construct in your psyche.This is what conditioning and imprinting are all about in the science of behaviorism.


Anyway food for thought.

Edited by Harbringe
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