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Magical Vending Machine


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Out: A camping kit, complete with bedroll and sweetroll. There's space for a companion dog. There's also a cosy nightshirt for any gender with the slogan: Someone stole my sweetroll and now they're limping!

In: A  Morrowind crossbow* - oh how I hate that thing! It never shoots straight. Have some bolts too.

*I'd rather bash someone with that crossbow than try to hit anything... sigh... 

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Out: A regular Morrowind bow, and change from the crossbow's leftover scrap value.

In: Angi's Bow from Skyrim -- possibly using the model from Unique Uniques (LE, SE).

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Out: Angi herself wondering why you put her bow in the vending machine. However, while she's here, she offers you some extra training.

In: Half a dozen practice arrows left over from practising with Angi.

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Out: A voucher for some archery skill points.

In: A Dwemer centurion dynamo core.

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Out: I've got it!  Takes the Dwemer Centurion core and puts in the special slot.  Twisted it counter clockwise and then a quarter turn clockwise, and stopped.  Suddenly a holographic map appeared of the universe showing were the Dwemer went.  Followed by the floor around the stand to collapse into a spiral stair case to the Dwemer's hidden lab.  Opened  the lab door where a Star ships parts and manual for assembly awaited.  Too much trouble to build.   So I...

In: Elon Musks latest Star Ship I used Despicable Me's shrinking raygun to steal.

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Out: A muskrat with a parachute singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

In:  A detailed model of Enterprise NX-01; complete with a tiny figurine of Jonathan Archer. 

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Out: The same NX-01 model, followed by similarly-detailed Andorian, Vulcan, and Tellarite ships of the same era (one each), and a Federation flag.

In: A voucher good for one drink at Quark's Bar on Deep Space Nine.

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Out: A message on the back of the voucher good for one drink at Quark's Bar that says, Order a Coffee made from Octo Ink and Cirilian Sap.

In: Captain's log.  Where did I park the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 -  D?

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Posted (edited)

Out: An automated parking ticket from a long-extinct, long-forgotten civilization that used to inhabit Veridian III.*  Forwarded by the current civilization of Veridian IV around the 30th century or so, after it's gone into space and started vising its system's other planets.**

In: The first dollar Bill Gates ever spent after he collected his first pay from starting Microsoft.


* where the 1701-D crashed in Generations.

** It was still preindustrial (in 2371) during Generations.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
smaller footnote text
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Out:  The Hydra carrying a plate of pancakes if you know your Bill Gates history. Luckily I was standing away from the vending machine and had a fireball  or two at the ready. Good job I was in Skyrim! Slightly singed pancakes anyone?

In: A laptop, complete with Kali Linux. 

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