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Magical Vending Machine


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Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that isn't a random squid! It's Squiddy Widdy one of the dog's toys! What on earth was it doing in the MVM? And it appears to been in a battle with a bowl of custard... and lost... sigh...

Out: A bowl of soapy water and instructions on how to wash said Squiddy Widdy...

In: A reproduction  of a Greek coin of Pisistratus, in solid silver. It's quite heavy and it's been in the icebox so it's extremely cold. 

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Out: a witches familiar that's been a member here keeping an eye on me for you know who.

In: a permanently physically injured veteran whose friends all live in Cyberspace while he creates a better place instead of waiting for those freaky people's way of thinking that some day they will die and have a better life in the here after.   🤣

(Remembering this is just for fun.  Nothing serious ever happens in an asylum for the mentally ill. The nurses just trang everyone when there's a food fight caused by the guy that looks like John Belushi.  Or do bed counts to find out whose playing Dungeon's and Dragon's after hours in the frig bringing the temp up causing some of the stiffy's freezing in there to get dangerously close to thawing out.)

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Out: A small pond, complete with lily pads and the said frog (see above) hopping about in delight (as well as  in the pond).

In: The instructions for erecting a shed. You know the sort with multiple choices depending on which shed it is you're trying to build and with loadsacomponents that look nearly identical and some of which might be part of instruments of torture.

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Out: Someone pretending to be Tim: The Tool Man.

In: A leveling tool for people who want to mod for video games who believe the Earth is FLAT.

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Out: An original 45rpm record (vinyl for the younger ones) of Sweet Dream by Jethro Tull. Everyone old enough to remember JT and thus Anderson starts disco dancing... careful now JT was never particularly easy to dance to.

In: A Jethro Tull t-shirt. The one with Stand Up on the back. I must be missing a couple of components if I'm daft enough to part with that!

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