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Real Trolls


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As Skyrim is set in a northern envroment it takes inspiration from scandinavia and i think it does good but there is one important miss. The trolls look like monkeys with three eyes they have no connection at all with scandinavian trolls as they ar imagined. So im wondering if its possible to bring John Bauers classical trolls to life in Skyrim?







Edited by Bernhardewers
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I second this, The Trolls of Skyrim and The Elder Schrolls are more like Three eyed Alien cannibalistic gorillas.


Something like a big haory smelly loinclothed brute to start you day with.

Yes exactly!




Yeah, but.. giants have loincloths right? I do love those trolls though^

i really like the giants though, they arent John Bauer but they are very well done anyway

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TES Trolls has always beeing some sort of Three-eyed Carnivorious Gorillas.


Check Oblivion...


Yeah, they aren't drawing everything from nordic/swedish/whatever, because otherwise, the game would be called "Viking" or "How to Train Your Dragon".

The Elder Scrolls DOES have it's own lore, you know.

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