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Nexus Mods site background images and structure not loading properly


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It's like this for me as well, and I'm in Australia haha and from the sounds of it you guys are not. Everything else loads properly, youtube etc. This only happened to me today, worked fine before that. Guess I'll try this proxy thing for the time being.


Edit: Switched to Opera after it didn't work on Chrome or Firefox and low and behold.... It worked!

Edited by AtomicRapier
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Same for me - and I'm in Australia as well. I've tried, Chrome, Firefox and Opera so far, no dice with any of them.

Not just a local problem as far as I can tell, if I try to open the site using mobile data on my phone it also doesn't work. Hmm.


Edit: these are the traceroutes for staticdelivery.nexusmods.com and nexusmods.com

Edited by Balty5
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Hi guys, I'm from South East Asia. Philippines to be exact. And so are some of the first ones to reply on this thread. I just checked the site and it seems to be working now. I don't know if it's because some have reported it to the ISP or some sort of fix was done to the site but hopefully it stays fixed.

In case the fix was done by the people behind Nexusmods, if you're reading this, I thank you guys. You people rock!

and hopefully, the site would get fixed for users from Australia soon. I'd like to help but I honestly don't know what happened or how it got fixed or what caused it, even. If you need a temporary fix, I have a working one using kproxy (I quote the steps below) if that's even legal or allowed. If it's not, then please ignore what I said or quoted. haha.

when you download manually, open it on a new tab, the download should start immediately.

If it opens on a requirement page (like on some mods that require NVSE or the like), you do the following steps:

• Right click on the page and click on 'View page source' (if you're on Chrome) or something along those lines that lets you view the page source.

• Find or search (using CTRL+F) the words 'www.nexusmods.com/download/'

• Copy this URL (including the 6 digit number after 'download') and paste on your browser. This will result in a broken page but that's alright. What you need is the main download link.

• Once the page has loaded, view the page source again.

• Find or search for words again but this time, search for 'Continue with my Download'

• You will then be redirected to a string of codes. Locate the string that looks like: 'http://www.nexusmods.com/[game title]/ajax/downloadfile/ '

• Paste that again on your browser and your download will commence.


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I just want to lend my "It happens to me" as well I'm in Australia and for the last 24 hours have not been able to access the site properly at all its the ame as the screen shots posted in the original thread


Also there is a Reddit thread about it from other Australian people too https://www.reddit.com/r/nexusmods/comments/5262f8/nexusmods_site_not_loading_properly/

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Another Australian here, having the same problem with the site for the last day or so.

After reading this thread I gave it a shot through a US VPN and it loads fine, was able to download through NMM without issue etc.

Now that the VPN is off, the front page, background, and everything I've visited loads properly from cache, but new images fail to load as before.

Let me know if there's any details I can provide.

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