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There have been a toolset for: Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Why are people afraid we'd not get it now? The reason these games are at the top, is because of what they give us. They give us a great stand-alone game, and a superb base to perfect it. Why take away the latter?

They've told us it would not be out this week, and that alone should be a reason that it would come out. There is also an official post at the Bethesda site about the CK, why would it be there if they would not release it?


Y'all should chul out a little ;) We got time.

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this seems to be true, assuming this account is real: http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeecon

i have a hard time believing that bethesda allows someone so rude to publicly represent them, though.


Wow, this guy really is rude. If it's true what he is saying, I think I'll pass on the next bethesda game.


no i fell for it sorry, it's a troll. DCDeacon is the real account. bethesda are still awesome, don't hate <3

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