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Creation Kit release info and patch fix


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@Elder III makes a really good point. they're most likely going to to take a huge break after the patch to fix patch 1.2 comes out. (good thing i didn't update (^_^)


I doubt microsoft had anything to do with the delay of the creation kit, if anything it was the integration into steamworks. Most likely they were going to release as the last 3, but then decided to add steamworks into it and that has most likely been the reason for the delay.


honestly, January sucks. still at least a month until we start being able to do real mods, though the work that has been done so far is simply amazing.


luckily for me i have gears 3 and battlefield 3 dlc to spend my time on while waiting.

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Will the CK being tied to Steamworks limit the types of mods people can post? For example the Child Killing mod? Will that be allowed? Will there be a vetting process for each mod? Will Steam charge for these mods (They'd better not) And will SkyrimNexus continue to host mods? If they do, then I'll probably stay here. Though one click mod installation sounds tempting...
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Will the CK being tied to Steamworks limit the types of mods people can post? For example the Child Killing mod? Will that be allowed? Will there be a vetting process for each mod? Will Steam charge for these mods (They'd better not) And will SkyrimNexus continue to host mods? If they do, then I'll probably stay here. Though one click mod installation sounds tempting...


this is what bethesda said in their post:

Steam Workshop – We’re excited to share news that we’ve been working closely with Valve to integrate Steam Workshop into the Creation Kit. Using the Workshop, you’ll have free user content with the push of a button. The Creation Kit will bundle your mod and upload it to the Workshop, where everyone can browse, rate, and flag mods for download. You’ll be able to do this from any web device, including your smartphone. Like a live Netflix queue, when you fire up Skyrim, mods you flagged will be automatically downloaded and installed. Everyone here is really excited about the opportunities and possibilities this opens up for our entire community. Prefer to use existing modding sites? Not a problem. You’ll still be able to upload/share/access Skyrim mods on fan-created mod sites.


To me i see it as you'll have an option to save, and an option to upload to steamworks.


the nexus isn't going anywhere because it even says right there that you can upload your mods on other sites.


personally i see this as a benefit because now we'll have two 'mod shops' for lack of a better word. And i'm sure some people who update their mods a lot will use both that way users can just use steam to get the updates.

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I'd be shocked if Skyrim Nexus didn't continue to host mods, but that ultimately depends on the supply of mods posted here and the demand for them, which I think will stay strong... Steamworks or not.


I don't mind waiting until January myself. Other than aching to build my own personal mansion for my main character, I'm fairly happy with the vanilla game as is. Between making a couple new characters and taking some time off for Christmas (family and friends are more important afterall ... slightly at least... jk) I should be good until January.

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i dont mean to be insulting or somthing but seriously, early january. they better provide a detailed explanation as to why it took them a little less than 2 months to release it. and i swear if its a bribe by microsoft im deleting windows and making my own freaking operating system.


also i find it quite odd that thay seem to know exactly when it will be "done" its not like theyre waiting for a part to be shipped and know about when it will arrive, theyre either extremely lazy, accepting bribes from other companies, completly uncaring about pc gamers, or just being mean for no reason. no matter what their excuse is they still broke the promise of having it out at the games release and im having a hard time trusting that they will have it done by january.


at this rate i wouldnt be suprised if the modders said f you bethsda and either abandoned the game or made our own creation kit, personaly im probobly going to start working on one myself as this is just idiotic.


If I would have to guess it was, because they set themself that specific date, trying to keep that deadline no matter what and cut down on the "unnecesary" addons, like the Creation Kit.


And you are joking right? Making educated guesses about how long a specific software takes to produce/fix is a whole subcategory in IT, that is done every day (more or less successfully). And they haven't even said a specific day "beginning january" can be anything from 1 to 14 so they don't even have a specific deadline. So taking that as a prove that they are doing something fishy or "don't care about pc gamers" is pretty overhasty. They are a company and PC Gamers are not even 50% of their costumers if I have the right numbers in my head, so it is natural that they try to prioritize and the Creation kit is not their top priority.


And good luck with writing your own Creation kit, if you manage to do that before Bethesda manages to finish its you will most likely get job offers from several IT companies for being a genius.


The DLC Xbox360 exclusive, meh ... they are idiots they could have as well slapped a "Pirate me"-sticker on it and tried to sell it for 100€, should we make a bet on how long it takes to extract the esm/esp files etc from the Xbox and put it onto some pirate site? So in the end they are most likely just going to hurt their own sales on PS3 and PC ... but that is just my opinion, I might be wrong.


I am just happy(as in relieved), that they are going to bring it out somewhere in January and not even later.

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this is what bethesda said in their post:



To me i see it as you'll have an option to save, and an option to upload to steamworks.


the nexus isn't going anywhere because it even says right there that you can upload your mods on other sites.


personally i see this as a benefit because now we'll have two 'mod shops' for lack of a better word. And i'm sure some people who update their mods a lot will use both that way users can just use steam to get the updates.

Aye, now that I re read it it makes more sense, I guess that's what you get for speed reading and being over excited because you saw the words "Creation Kit" in the title... Thanks for pointing that out. Using Steam for updates does make sense. Though my original question still stands, will the Mods be moderated? Only Bethesda can answer that... Ah well

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this is what bethesda said in their post:

Steam Workshop – We're excited to share news that we've been working closely with Valve to integrate Steam Workshop into the Creation Kit. Using the Workshop, you'll have free user content with the push of a button. The Creation Kit will bundle your mod and upload it to the Workshop, where everyone can browse, rate, and flag mods for download. You'll be able to do this from any web device, including your smartphone. Like a live Netflix queue, when you fire up Skyrim, mods you flagged will be automatically downloaded and installed. Everyone here is really excited about the opportunities and possibilities this opens up for our entire community. Prefer to use existing modding sites? Not a problem. You'll still be able to upload/share/access Skyrim mods on fan-created mod sites.


To me i see it as you'll have an option to save, and an option to upload to steamworks.


the nexus isn't going anywhere because it even says right there that you can upload your mods on other sites.


personally i see this as a benefit because now we'll have two 'mod shops' for lack of a better word. And i'm sure some people who update their mods a lot will use both that way users can just use steam to get the updates.



Dude, now you have me really psyched for the construction set. Why'd you have to go and do that to me, I've got a whole month and maybe a few more weeks until it comes out...

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Thanks for sharing the info :)


About the construction kit on early january, definetly it's a long wait time.. but well.. the game as it is now (1.2) is far from perfect and definetly need some fix. So if that long waiting can give them enough time to release a crystal clean construction kit, i'm happy about that. Better to wait a little more, than to have something broken again. The bad thing though, i'm pretty sure 95% of the team are working on some xbox DLC right now, leaving the construction kit for "when they have time to work on it". The PC sales are pretty much already made right now, and that construction kit is nothing more than a "non-profit bonus" for those who already bought the game on PC.

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Call me gullible but I'm at least relieved to get a response from Bethesda after the 1.2 Patch fiasco. Thank Talos I have Steam set to offline mode! Once this Patch is fixed, I'll be in a more forgiving mood. I may even let Steam download it. Although you can be damn sure I've got my backups ready.
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