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Mod Organizer - Restarting from scratch


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Just some advice, I'm not migrating to MO, did that awhile ago, but had some questions.


I started a fresh Skyrim install and started modding up for a new playthrough. But it seems I've gone overboard on things and would like to wipe my current mods and start again. Is it completely necessary to do a fresh installation of Skyrim? Or can I simply remove all the mods in MO and start again?

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MO can be installed multiple time in a different directory, for the Same Game. If you used MO correctly your Steam ~ Skyrim.Data folder is Squeaky Clean, to uninstall Skyrim {then also delete Skyrim Folder cuz Steam doesn't :down:} so that you can reinstall a Clean Vanilla Skyrim, it is never a bad idea, personally I wait 22 Days. {ENB's, crap in TESV.exe folder poeple!!} (It beats Reading Guides on how to store Skyrim to Vanilla.) Since you have opportunity to do so.


Make another Profile.


I would recommend learning the capability of MO on STEP Guide. It a Powerful Tool. Most Guides(crap all of them, even Gopher MO Videos, "Go watch my NMM Videos First!") assume that your are Intermediate User, so it can be daunting, hard, but worth It. :cool:

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my Guide for MO user




How Many Steps ---> you count them I'm not.


My Way

  1. Use Steam to Uninstall the Game
  2. Delete Skyrim Folder cuz Steam doesn't :down:
  3. Reinstall the Game

Keep it simple, not long winded.


And you Don't have watch, have a Coffee & Biscuit. :devil:

Edited by PeterMartyr
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deleting your mods folder and downloads folder should be enough.


you dont even have to delete the entire folders you can just delete whats inside of them.


open your mods folder. Hit ctrl+A and right click and delete and say goodbye to all installed mods.


Keep in mind you would most likely have to reclean your vanilla ESMs and reinstall SKSE scripts.

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To do a 100% MO clean install first, make sure your Skyrim is 100% vanilla (Follow this guide: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again) after you have finished; copy the data folder into an archive and save it somewhere safe, after that open TES5Edit clean the master files and create another archive, copy it into a safe place and delete everything inside the data folder; Open Mod Organizer click Install a new mod from archive select the archive containing your cleaned Skyrim and install, it will take a while and when it has finished give some error don't worry is normal, put the mod on top of the mods tap and makes sure that on the archive tab every archive is selected and you are done. To clean MO delete all the profiles, mods, and download (do it before installing Skyrim inside MO).

Edited by Project579
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