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Elder Scrolls 6, when and where you want it?


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Summerset isle is probably the most promising of the unexplored provinces. It's the least bizarre option.


Black marsh has all kinds of diseases, odd customs and is all around a very strange and dangerous place. Elsewyr would be nice, but there's the many many kinds of khajiit... Valenwood... I don't know. Impossible with current tech I think.

Akavir would be viable, or atleast one 'province'. One game would not be able to fit all of Akavir.

Edited by Ultimatepurge
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However, given the smaller size of some of the provinces, I'd love to see Valenwood and Elsweyr and possibly even the Summerset Isles used in one game. Give or take a bit, the three combined amount to a land mass on par with Cyrodiil.


I like this idea.

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It will be on next gen devices, with all new tech....and looking at the way things are going, creating the world itself wouldn't take as long, so perhaps Elswyr AND Valenwood, both are really cool settings.

But if it's gimped even more for consoles, I will not be a happy panda.

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I'd settle for anywhere that isn't cold or gloomy :tongue:


However, given the smaller size of some of the provinces, I'd love to see Valenwood and Elsweyr and possibly even the Summerset Isles used in one game. Give or take a bit, the three combined amount to a land mass on par with Cyrodiil.


Would make for a nice combination of desert, jungle, and forest.


I don't think it's unreasonable for the next game in the series to be a bit more ambitious in that regard...in both geography and plot.



I second this!


What does everyone else think is so difficult about tree-cities and sand particle effects? They've been done before and will be done again much better in the future. I'm disappointed with the current patching troubles of Bethesda but I have faith that they will learn from it as they've learned little by little, piece by piece all sorts of tricks that have lead them to create morrowind, fallout, and now skyrim. The evolution has slowed down and is in the process of fine-tuning but that's the stage where all video games currently are because we're in between big leaps in technology and the slow spread of that technology due to the common man's pocketbook in bad economies. Better ways to take advantage of multicore cpus and sli/crossfire+other advanced graphics setups are still being figured out. Developers will have an easier time pushing out better functioning software once it is widely acknowledged that there are many gamers out there with this new hardware and the expectation that people have it and aren't working with 512mb graphics cards with single core cpus.

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Either Argonia or Elsweyr.

Mostly because I just love the beast races, and I love deserts and jungles.

And I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of Khajiit in Skyrim. The "No Khajiit in our towns" rule is just stupid, Morrowind had more Khajiit then Skyrim and the Dunmer hate everyone besides themselves, especially the Argonians and Khajiit.

Because of that, I'm also hoping for a more beast race oriented expansion or DLC.


I also like the idea of combined provinces, but I think that every province should be a separate game.

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I actually like the cold, bleak rugged world of Skyrim. However I do miss the whole alien weirdness of Morrowind. So I'd like to see something different in the future like Elswyr or Black Marsh it would be really interesting to adventure in those realms due to them being beast race cultures.
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Elyswer is what I would want. I love detailed game deserts. Jungles would also seem pretty cool.


That and if I am correct, Elyswer is mainly made up of smaller villages with few cities. That would be a nice change.


Sadly my only issue with it is the khajiit. Not sure I could stand a game with so many khajiit. It would get a bit annoying to hear the accent over and over again. Then again it worked for Nords so who knows.


I would say black marsh because I always play argonoian, but I don't like the idea of a entire game in a marsh region.



I think the Aldmeri Dominion will be done with a Skyrim DLC.


Dude that is exactly what I thought. People are getting bored of the over-used European Medieval theme, so I think we need something exotic like Morrowind again. I thought about Elsweyr; deserts, jungles and tribal warriors would be awesome, but like you, I'd get tired of Khajiits. Plus, I think the general public would ridicule a game full of furries. ALSO it would attract a fur-fag community, and that's the last thing we want.


So then I pondered Black Marsh, and like you, came to the conclusion that dark, bleak marshes would just get old. Plus there'd be too many Argonians. Don't get me wrong, I love Argonians, but like with the Khajiits I'd get sick of them.


We've already been to High Rock (it's too similar to Skyrim anyway) and Hammerfell seems quite interesting, but I don't know.


So where could we go that's exotic, mysterious and fits with the storyline and would be a huge opportunity for Lore?


...Summerset Isle.


That and maybe Valenwood in one game. We literally know nothing of Summerset Isle and with the Thalmor and everything, it'd fit in well.


In Elder Scrolls VII, if the series is still alive, they should spend a good 5-7 years (like they did with Morrowind) to make a game in Akavir. They'd have a helluva lot of time to write Lore and create the races of Akavir; the Kamal, Tsaesci, Tang Mo and Ka Po' Tun. They'd also have plenty of time to create the cities and backstories, and a plotline. And within that time they'd possible be able to revolutionise like they did with Morrowind again :)

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